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Hi, I just bout a new sundew (dionaea muscipula) 2 days ago. It hasn't shown any signs or dormancy up till now. Does it actually need a dormancy period and if so do i have to force it to go into dormancy or let itgradually slow up on its own?
Dionae muscipula??? ? That is a venus flytrap, DROSERA is a sundew
but if it is a VFT then yes it does need a dormancy(refer to VFT forum)

Oops my mistake sorry, i was looking at the wrong name, ive got both in front of me! lol. Its called Drosera aliciae heheh oopsie. Same questions go for that!
That one is a tropical sundew, and it does not need a dormancy so Keep it growing year round.hope this helps
Thanks for the advice, ive got one plant that doesnt need to go into dormancy woohoo!! lol.
Drosera alicaie is nice South African drosera that is pretty easy to grow. It can do well on the windowsill or terrarium. If grown properly, it will produce alot of smaller plants within a few months. good luck-Zach
thanks for the info, hopefully it'll do ok, ive not killed any of my other CPs yet so there's a bit of hope! its called spike btw if anyones interested hehehehe