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Has anyone ever tried....


I've got a magic window!
I have 2 Byblis liniflora that are looking rather sad because of their age. They have gotten so top heavy some time ago that they have fallen over and growing horizontal for a few months now.
Since I have seed from them I was thinking of throwing out the plants and starting more from seed soon. When I was looking at the plant trying to decide if I was going to toss it, I noticed that from the horizontal growth that new plants, not just leaves have started to grow from the stem. So a thought came to me and wondered if anyone has tried this or not. Cutting the new growth off the stem and seeing if they will root, instead of starting new plants from seed.
Or I might see how flexible the stem is and wrap the main plant back into the pot and bury the stem allowing the new growth to continue to grow.
I have cut off the tops of the plants about 1 inch above the media, then where I cut them, they regrew... I didn't try anything with the top parts that I cut off though. Good luck,
I frequently top the plants when they get leggey. The tops can be planted and root easily. The bottoms will frequently sprout multiple new shoots and continue to grow.

Your idea sounds quite feasible.
I just got some seed, but have not grown this in a millineum. Isn't it historically ...an annual, or has that opinion changed?


I believe it is only an annual because its native habitat causes it to behave like one. I've grown them for as long as 4 years without much difficulty.
Thanks for the info.
I guess I will spare the plant from the trash and try cutting it and see how it responds.