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  1. afrodisa

    Tuber photos

    Anyone for tuber photos? Drosera aberrans "Anglesea,Victoria" photo - Iggy ( Ignace Janssens ) photos at pbase.com
  2. Cthulhu138

    Tuberous Drosera

    After speaking with several members here among other growers, I have realized that there are more misconceptions about successfully growing these plants than I had thought. I wrote the care sheet below last year for the NECPS members to use as a guide for their cultivation and I hope that it can...
  3. mass

    Cephalotus "Vigorous Clumping" for trade.

    I took two leaf cuttings upon my plant's arrival, both are now showing top growth. One is already gone, the other is up for grabs. Looking for things on my want list. ;) ~WANTS~ Cephalotus Giants (Czech, German, Munich) Cephalotus 'Eden Black' D. 'Wacky Traps' D. aberrans D. alba D. ascendens...
  4. mass

    For Trade: N. 'Whisper' (Striped)

    I've got an unrooted cutting of N. 'Whisper' (Striped) for trade. If it roots before it trades, I'll have to reconsider what I'm looking for.. or if I even want to let it go. It's been in the rooting tank for 2 days and is still looking good. Cutting was taken by me from my own plant. It is...
  5. ch00ka

    Wild D. aberrans and D. macrantha

    It was was a beautiful, sunny winter day so I made a quick visit to a nearby nature preserve to see some wild tuberous Drosera. (Click on the photos to see larger versions.) There was plenty of D. aberrans colonies, some being very densely crowded. These were located at the edges of wet heath...
  6. chibae

    Chibae's Grow List, a work in progress

    Grow List Tropical CPS Drosera: binata capensis Pinguicula: species essriana gigantea moctozuma moranesis [/LIST] [/LIST] Nepenthes: species ampullaria dubia diatas glabrata hamata truncata, LL ventricosa Nepenthes: hybrids aristolochioides x spectabilis aristolochioides x...
  7. klasac

    new pics from my collection

    So I got home after a month of absence and unfortunatelly I missed drosera whittakerii ssp. aberrans flowering. My mum took a pic with cell phone and it is very blurry She said the flower was very fragrant and it only opened for one day and died. Hopefully next season I get to see it too. When...
  8. klasac

    tuberous drosera break through:-)

    So after some months of waiting I have finally some tubers growing. After d. aberrans which will flower soon D. menziesii ssp. menziesii will form some leaves and also D. whittakerii ssp. whittakerii and D. modesta. Besides peltata and auriculata these are my first tuberous drosera growing so I...
  9. S

    Grampians N.P., south eastern Australia

    Firstly, an apology to those using dial-up. The following fieldtrip occurred over the past weekend and of the 400+ photos that were taken, I was only able to knock the total down to around 80. It may take awhile to get through these if you have a slow connection. This is by far the longest post...
  10. J

    Various Drosera pictures

    In January I got a new camera: A Canon A610. The built in macro modus is great. Here some nearly unmodified (just resized) snapshots: Drosera auriculata: Drosera paradoxa: Drosera macrophylla: Drosera rosulata: Drosera rupicola (or: D. stolonifera ssp. rupicola) Drosera whittakeri...
  11. S

    Sam_cph grow lists

    Pygmy Sundews D. citrina D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala D. echinoblasta D. enneaba {white flower} D. enodes D. ericksonae {pink flower} D. helodes D. lasiantha D. leucoblasta D. mannii D. nitidula ssp. allantostigma D. nitidula ssp. leucostigma D. nitidula ssp. omissa D. oreopodion D...
  12. R

    Rob-rah - uk - growlist

    (Updated April 2005) Some (as marked) is seed awaiting germination... <span style='color:green'>Aldrovanda</span> Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Lake Dlugie, Eastern Poland - Bestcarnivorousplants) <span style='color:green'>Byblis</span> Byblis gigantea (Bibbulman Track, robust - Allen Lowrie) (seed)...
  13. S

    Seans growlist-

    Here is my latest growlist- South African Drosera Drosera admirabilis Drosera admirabilis 'Ceres, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'Palmiet River, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'seed from holotype' Drosera affinis 'Namibia' Drosera aliciae Drosera burkeana Drosera capensis 'Mini Red' Drosera capensis...
  14. J

    D. whittakeri / D. auriculata flowers

    Hi, my "easier" tuberous Drosera are in flower right now. Drosera whittakeri ssp. aberrans: Drosera auriculata (sown October 2002): Jan
  15. S

    Fieldtrip Photos 2

    Hi again everyone, Following on from my previous post in the Utricularia section, this is the second and final post from my trip to the Grampians National Park. On the previous post I covered the Utricularia dichotoma forms that I saw. On this thread I'll deal with the rest of what I saw. I...
  16. S

    Australian Utricularia Photos

    G'Day everyone, I went on a fieldtrip today in the hope of finding some native Australian Utricularias in flower. Ended up finding huge colonies of U. dichotoma and U. tenella both in full flower. It was quite a windy day but the flowers managed to stay still long enough to get a few good...