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  1. Shadowtski

    Deflasking Drosera hartmeyerorum, 2nd attempt

    Today I deflasked a new Drosera hartmeyerorum. This is my second attempt at getting this species out of Tissue Culture. I bought this one from a different source. It has definite root nubs on the bottom, not just a callus. This time I sterilized my growing medium. I cooked a 2:1 Sand:Peat mix...
  2. J

    New to Nepenthes

    Hi i bought this Nepenthes yesterday, and would like some tips and tricks on how to grow it well.http://i.imgur.com/zUUZn97.jpg I currently grow Darlingtonia, Dionaea, Drosera, and Sarracenia but this is my first Nepenthes. I Got it from a Big box home improvement store. I know they need bright...
  3. Dalton

    Miltassia Shelob Repotted, Bulb Shrivelling

    Hey everyone, I have a Miltassia Shelob 'The Weed'. It's the first orchid I ever bought and I've had it for several years. I've previously had it in straight orchid bark and watered it about once a weak. It would put out one or two new bulbs a year and spike once from each bulb. Of course...
  4. F

    Coming out of refrigerator dormancy

    Hi all, I've got a few bags of sundews, sarricenia, and pings that are about ready to come out of the fridge. I put them in bare root, and seemed to have not had any fungal problems. Any advice on bring them out? Do I need to acclimate them gradually to outside temperature or full sun? They...
  5. Morke

    N. aristo and other highlanders from seed?

    Hi guys! I recieved a couple of N. aristo and other highlands seeds like 4 months ago and now they are starting to germinate. So long some few aristo, dubia and jacquelineae have sprouted but i'm quite excited. I'm from Argentina. Winters are almost perfect for highlanders (lol) but the middle...
  6. thez_yo

    They told me not to grow it this way...

    Well, apropos of a recent thread, I decided to start a new one here that is on-topic, of that off-topic discussion :jester: When I was first starting out, in all the instructions I found, the proverbial 'they' described a certain potting medium, certain humidity, a grow setup, which plants...
  7. S

    N. maxima -Ok for windowsill?

    I've mostly run out of space in my grow tent and heated lowland tank. I've seen some very nice maxima varieties available recently (Gunung Lumut-the false Eymae, and wavy leaf). I was wondering if these would be hardy enough as windowsill plants. My apartment conditions are pretty bad for most...
  8. J

    My first terrarium project and grow shelf renovation (sorry, long read)

    This is part of my larger project to renovate my grow shelf once I move into my new apartment in a few weeks. I've been wanting to put together a highland terrarium for awhile now. With the Wistuba group order at flytrapcare forums coming up and me being worried about the few highland plants...
  9. V

    N. mirabilis Giveaway

    First, a big thak you to every other forum member who has been so generous recently, be it with giveaways, helping out with growing questions, or just making this forum awesome. I can't just sit back and not contribute myself. So, 2 lucky winners will either receive one of the larger N...
  10. K

    cephs with non carnivorous leaves but no pitchers..help?

    I have this all green ceph and a normal colored ceph that produces tons on non carnivorous leaves but has a hard time pitchering, it used to have nice big pitcher about 2inch big but it hasnt pitchered since i can see small ones in the mass of leaves popping up but thats the only sign i have...
  11. G

    Help a beginner with Drosera Filiformis (Florida All Red)

    I purchased this plant almost exactly a month ago and have yet to successfully acclimate my plant to its new environment. The plant arrived in great condition, but has slowly declined since. At first it was kept indoors in a south facing window and watered from the top (6-8 hours of direct...
  12. V

    First Byblis Seedlings

    So I sowed some seed from ICPS and after about a month I now have around 15 Byblis liniflora seedlings with a few more to come I'm sure. I've never grown Byblis before so am looking for some pretty basic advice, although I've done plenty of reading already. A few questions: 1) Some of them...
  13. S

    Humidity too low in grow tent

    A couple weeks ago I set up a large (2.5ft wide x 5ft long x 7.5ft tall) grow tent in my apartment for lowland Nepenthes and picked up my exotica plants preorder (~20 plants) from a local nursery here in the northeast. I use an 8-tub, 4ft. long T5 HO fixture, and my light levels and temperature...
  14. Ras

    Sarracenia psittacina submerged?

    I know that most the plants I cultivate for my aquarium also only grow fully submerged for part of the year, the rest of the year they grow immersed(halfway out of the water) on the side of a source of water or even in bone dry riverbeds. BUT they can be kept submerged for as long as they have...
  15. Axelrod12

    Axelrod's CP adventures

    Axelrod's CPs Ok new thread, and I'm going to try to confine my questions and stuff to here now that I feel like I might be starting to get the hang of things...a little. Previous threads: http://www.terraforums.com/forums/showthread.php/135461-How-am-I-doing-so-far...
  16. V

    Cephalotus Looking Ok?

    A quick forward: I received 3 leaf pullings from a very generous user about 6 months ago now, 2 of which took (HG and Phil Mann) they were started in LFS and I let them sit until tonight. The Phil Mann was starting to brown a little bit in its bag, having gone untouched. So I finally manned up...
  17. Bonnie

    New Heliamphoras

    I just my first large carnivorous plant shipment in the mail and potted everyone up. The Heli's are potted in a soil mix containing peat, silica sand, and perlite, and the dome is now closed up with the whole thing sitting on my greenhouse floor so they can slowly acclimate. Unfortunately I...
  18. S

    planting a bog garden in late summer/fall

    I'm moving this Saturday from Atlanta, Georgia to Ithaca, New York for grad school. If I have the time, I would like to set up a mini-bog planter a week or two after the move (either on an apartment balcony, or at the Cornell horticulture complex, where I will be working). I haven't set up a bog...
  19. Nepenthesis

    Jamban Cutting Rooted... Now What? o_o

    I checked my N. jamban cutting/basal thingy and it had a 1/2cm root exactly a week ago. I haven't checked it again because I don't want the new roots to break if I pull it out of its medium too hard. When can I unbag it? And do I have to acclimate it to lower humidity? Do I need to repot it or...
  20. A

    New Terrarium

    Hi everyone, I just built this terrarium out of a sheet of acrylic that I had lying around. I know it’s small, but it was a fun project to do, and it will work for the plants I’m growing at the moment. It’s in an east facing window, so it will get morning light from 6:30ish til noon (in the...