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  1. gill_za

    Sarracenia pitcher lid drying

    Hi there, A few Sarrs in my recirculating mini bog had this issue for a while. The tip of the lid begins drying. The plants push out new pitchers regularly and seem to be doing fine overall. Plans were inoculated with beneficial mites and some time after that when the issue persisted were...
  2. N

    My grow list

    This is what I'm growing out at the moment: Nepenthis: "Lady Luck" from Borneo Exotics (I used to grow more Nep's but they grew way too large for my setup so I found a grower friend to adopt them) Heliamphora's: H. minor var. minor (FTS) H. minor var. minor "Big Orange" H. heterodoxa x...
  3. C

    Cory' grow list

    Sarracenia S rubra ssp alabamensis S. Danas delight S. Hummers hammerhead S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog S alata red lid S oreophylla sand MT al. S alata "maroon throat" S flava var cupurea S leuco x flava var ornata S flava var ornata S minor S minor "Okie giant" S catesbaei x...
  4. Cactusdan

    Cactusdan's Growlist

    -- Carnivores -- -Cephalotus (Australian Pitcher)- Cephalotus follicularis var. Typical -Dionaea (Venus Fly Trap)- Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu' Dionaea muscipula 'Red Sawtooth' -Drosera (Sundew)- Drosera anglica x tracyi 'Southern Cross' Drosera binata var. dichotoma 'T-form' Drosera bindoon...
  5. Not a Number

    *PAID* Sarracenia 'Hummer's Okee Classic' (DJ57 $20)

    Sarracenia 'Hummer's Okee Classic' - one of John Hummer's hybrids S. alabamensis × S. minor 'Okee Giant' I divided this plant last year and the divisions are just beginning to grow this season. Small/medium divison International Carnivorous Plant Society Winner pays shipping USPS Priority...
  6. Ozzy

    NASC's 2016 Spring Auction Rules

    Welcome to the 2016 Terraforums NASC Benefit Auction! In order to participate in the 2016 NASC auction, you are REQUIRED to read the Rules below for both listing and bidding. By making any posts in the Auction Forum, for either donations of items or bids on items, you acknowledge that you have...
  7. S

    Squidfengshui's Growlist

    Drosera: Aliciae Binata Burmanii Capensis Narrow Leaf Capensis Alba Falconeri Filiformis seedlings Petiolaris Spatulata Venusta Assorted rosetted mystery seedlings and plants Pygmies Barbigera Dichrosepala ssp. dichrosepala "Dork’s Pink" Helodes Leucoblasta “brookton” Mannii Nitidula x...
  8. nimbulan

    Nimbulan's grow list

    Last update: 3/7/18 If you have any suggestions for ways to improve the organization of my growlist, please let me know! Byblis: Byblis gigantea Byblis guehoi, West Kimberley Byblis lamellata, Eneabba, WA, BCP S064 Cephalotus: Cephalotus follicularis Darlingtonia: Darlingtonia californica...
  9. marcus_r

    Marcus's Growing Growlist

    Marcus's Growlist Cephalotus C. follicularis Dionea D. muscipula typical Drosera D. anglica Kanaele Bog, Kauai, HI D. anglica near Lake Constance, Germany D. "burkeana" (most likely not!) D. capensis albino D. capensis broad leaf [pictures] D. capensis typical D. capillaris D. filiformis D...
  10. theplantman

    Upcoming CP Class, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Sept 5th!

    Hi guys! I just wanted to spread the word that the Birmingham Botanical Gardens in Birmingham, AL will be having an upcoming workshop on carnivorous plants. The workshop, which falls on Sept. 5th, is a 4-hour introduction to CPs. The instructor will be yours truly, and for the most part it's...
  11. Not a Number

    Munch. Munch. Munch a bunch of...

    Sarracenia leucophylla S. alabamensis that I had crossed with S. leucophylla Hurricane Creek, AL Not sure, probably S. alabamensis open pollinated. Was knocked off (either by wind mostly likely by birds) and found on ground. The culprit found in the S. leucophylla flower - larva and pupa -...
  12. Not a Number

    Sarracenia leucophylla Hurricane Creek, AL × alabamensis (ca. 25 seeds)(JayAustin $5)

    Sarracenia leucophylla Hurricane Creek, AL × alabamensis (ca. 25 seeds) Some of last years crosses. Flowers were bagged before opening and until a few weeks after petal drop. I haven't the time, patience or space to grow hybrids in search of a few outstanding plants so I'll leave up to others...
  13. NatchGreyes

    Auction Rules - REQUIRED Reading for Participation in 2015 NASC Auction

    Welcome to the 2015 Terraforums NASC Benefit Auction! To learn more about the NASC, click here. In order to participate in the 2015 NASC auction, you are REQUIRED to read the Rules below for both listing and bidding. By making any posts in the Auction Forum, for either donations of items or...
  14. DJ57

    DJ57's Grow List

    Grow List as of 2017 – All growing outside year-round in the bog and in pots unless otherwise specified Sarracenia S. minor var okefenokeensis S. minor typical S. ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic’ - Thank you Warren S. "Red Minor" [S. minor x (purpurea x psittacina)] S. 'Saxapahaw' - Thank you Phil...
  15. M

    Meadowview December offerings

    Hi everyone, we are having a Winter Sale here at Meadowview with anywhere between 20% and 50% off select Sarracenia and all books (prices for members reduced as well! ) ! This sale will only last through the end of December, so take advantage. Also, S. oreophila is up for sale again, and part of...
  16. theplantman

    S. alabamensis cold hardiness

    Hello, I have some S. alabamensis F1 plants that are very special to me. I received them from a friend at a botanical garden and would eventually like to produce seeds from them. It's important for me to get them through the winter. Since they aren't as commonly cultivated as the other Sarrs...
  17. Zachf92

    Zachf92's Grow List

    Sarracenia flava var. maxima flava var. ornata flava var. rubricorpora alata 'Heavy Veins' alabamensis wherryi minor minor var. okefenokeensis 'Ware Co. Clone C' rubra rubra gulfensis 'Anthocyanin-Free' purpurea venosa purpurea venosa var. montana leucophylla 'AJ01' leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek...
  18. jlechtm

    Two hybrids in the fall

    Although spring is my favorite time of the year, I do like the fall pitchers of many of my Sarracenia. My leucophylla and alabamensis clones are at their peak right now (although their gluttony is rapidly spoiling their good looks) and I'm seeing a new flush of growth in a number of hybrids...
  19. B

    Free Sars for pickup

    I have a few gallon size pots (and 1 smaller) Sarracenia divisions from last Spring that I am looking to find good local homes for. I am in Westminster Colorado and request that you pick the plants up so I don't have to disturb the root system by shipping them. I have the fallowing: Rubra...
  20. B

    Looking to trade Sarracenia

    I have a few gallon size pots (and 1 smaller) Sarracenia divisions from last Spring that I am looking to trade to diversify my collection. As such, I am looking for established seedling hybrids (or bigger) to trade for my plants. I have the following to trade: Rubra gulfensis x Flava (gallon...