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  1. Grey Moss

    Grey Moss' Growlist

    Nepenthes Species -boschiana -bongso -burbidgeae -glandlifera -lowii -maxima BE 3607 -nigra -palanensis -platychila -sanguinae 'Red' -sanguinae E -spathulata -spectabilis -singalana Belirang -robcantleyi -veitchii -vogelii -zakariana 'Flared Peristome' Nepenthes Hybrids -bongso x inermis...
  2. raycer491

    raycer491's Growlist

    Things I've got Drosera: admirabilis affinis “Namibia” allantostigma alicea "silvermine (?)", strap-leaf form anglica “Alakai Swamp” x "Andromeda (BCP cross of D. prolifera x schizandra) binata "Waihohonu Desert" burmannii: Humpty-Doo, Hann River, Hong Kong Red capensis "big pink", red...
  3. S

    Mixed terrestrial Utricularia in a single container?

    Does anybody grow multiple species of terrestrial Utricularia in a single container, intentionally or unintentionally? I'm not tied to the one species per pot paradigm. I'm envisioning something with mixed flowerscapes, but don't know if that's possible. Would one of them eventually outcompete...
  4. Grey Moss

    U. Bisquamata

    Hey, I've got a small pot of U. Bisquamata that has just been sitting around for the past month with no real progress. There hasn't been much apparent growth on the surface. It did well initially when i first got it and continued to grow for another month or two before coming to a standstill. It...
  5. N

    My grow list

    This is what I'm growing out at the moment: Nepenthis: "Lady Luck" from Borneo Exotics (I used to grow more Nep's but they grew way too large for my setup so I found a grower friend to adopt them) Heliamphora's: H. minor var. minor (FTS) H. minor var. minor "Big Orange" H. heterodoxa x...
  6. Cactusdan

    Cactusdan's Growlist

    -- Carnivores -- -Cephalotus (Australian Pitcher)- Cephalotus follicularis var. Typical -Dionaea (Venus Fly Trap)- Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu' Dionaea muscipula 'Red Sawtooth' -Drosera (Sundew)- Drosera anglica x tracyi 'Southern Cross' Drosera binata var. dichotoma 'T-form' Drosera bindoon...
  7. fredg

    Utricularia bisquamata

    This is the species Utricularia bisquamata, it should have the distinction of the epithet "The Thug". Although looking like a little cutie and I mean tiny, it is only that if it's kept confined to its own pot by regular dead heading before any seed is produced. Just don't turn your back for too...
  8. jack

    U.bisquamata winter temps

    I have Drosera angelica that came with U. bisquamata that I would like to keep. What are the lows that U. bisquamata can survive? Thanks, Jack
  9. Cactusdan

    More Portland Presence!

    Hey all, I noticed there's a few of you in here from around the Portland, OR area, so I'll be one more to the party! Scatterpants and I are good friends and have been feeding each others plant addictions the last few months, particularly in the CP/orchid area. While he tends to focus more on...
  10. Swagalotus

    Utricularia starter pack giveaway

    I will be giving a plug of each of the following utricularia species to one person: longifolia, livida, and what I think is bisquamata ( it's a weedy species but has never flowered for me). All I ask is that you have at least 30 posts, and that they are not all in giveaways. Shipping is on me...
  11. Shadowtski

    Shadowtski's Grow List

    Mike's Grow List and Wish List 06/03/2017 Extra 2016 Seed for Trade or Giveaway Byblis liniflora (Limited Quantity) Drosera aliciae (Limited Quantity) Drosera binata "Coromandel NZ" (Small Red T Form) Drosera burmannii "Green" Drosera capensis "Alba" Drosera capensis "Giant" x Self Drosera...
  12. bluemax

    *PAID* Utricularia bisquamata 'Betty's Bay' (Nauz $15)

    For bid is a roughly one-half inch plug of Utricularia bisquamata 'Bettys' Bay'. This cultivar is the famous "tame" version of the species that does not invade other pots by producing unwanted seed and, in addition, it has larger flowers. Nice stuff. Sorry I don't have any photos but it is just...
  13. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  14. summit

    Summit's Picture Thread

    Overview of the indoor setup, light is a 6 bulb t5ho with two 3500k bulbs and 4 6500k bulbs. Sorry for the focus issues in some photos, still learning with the new DSLR. I would love some tips... D. Aliciae D. Venusta (shipper folded the plant :rant:) D. Spatulata, I don't think I've...
  15. E

    My own little shop of horrors

    After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble. Darlingtonia - D. californica Dionaea - D. muscipula typical form Seeds - D. muscipula (sprouted)...
  16. S

    Squidfengshui's Growlist

    Drosera: Aliciae Binata Burmanii Capensis Narrow Leaf Capensis Alba Falconeri Filiformis seedlings Petiolaris Spatulata Venusta Assorted rosetted mystery seedlings and plants Pygmies Barbigera Dichrosepala ssp. dichrosepala "Dork’s Pink" Helodes Leucoblasta “brookton” Mannii Nitidula x...
  17. AnIsleAteHer

    An Isle Ate Her's Grow List

    As of 1/6/16 I've been growing carnivores for a little over a year. I have a modest collection still, but it is ever growing. I figured it was time to finally start a grow list. I want to thank the members of this forum, as they have helped me grow my collection with giveaways and trades...
  18. apoplast

    seeking U. bisquamata 'Betty's Bay'

    Hi TF - I'm hoping there is someone is the States who is growing Utricularia bisquamata 'Betty's Bay', and might be willing to trade for a plug. I love this species, but want can only seem to find small and cleistogamous flowered clones in the States. Please PM me if you if you are growing...
  19. T

    Theplantman's Grow List

    Drosera Filiformis var. Tracyii Spathulata spathulata "Frasier Island" Capensis Capillaris Giant Binata Binata "Marstons Dragon" Scorpiodes Nitidula x Pulchella Sarracenia Flava Flava 'Burlesque' x copper top Leucophylla Leucophylla red Alata Psitticinia x Minor Kilimanjaro x Alata 'Black'...
  20. thez_yo

    Oops, I added edibles this year!

    Well, I told myself when I moved to SoCal that I needed to choose among Edibles, CPs, or Succulents. Well, this year I added... well, I guess I failed and have them all, oops! I just gotta grow. I've still got more seeds that I'm waiting on, not that I need more plants, but here's the ones...