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  1. boxofrain

    ISO section Orchidioides

    since having collected the section Iperua, I am now looking to collect the section Orchidioides. I have a few, but missing many. Looking for; U. Praetermissa U. Buntingiana U. Unifolia U. Asplundii U. Jamesoniana U. Campbelliana Any help or information on any of these would be greatly...
  2. RL7836

    Utricularia, section Orchidioides - info sharing & discussion

    I've been growing some of these Utrics for approximately 1.5 years (yup - a noob) and have already gone through multiple trials & tribulations. Following some discussions with a grower on another forum (& a few on Terra), we thought it would be a good idea to start a discussion thread on the...
  3. aaddaam

    looking for some epiphytic utricularia

    iam looking for some epiphytic utricularia. if you have forms, locations, or just regular plants of Utricularia buntingiana Utricularia campbelliana Utricularia endresii Utricularia geminiloba Utricularia humboldtii Utricularia jamesoniana Utricularia nephrophylla Utricularia praetermissa...
  4. Pyro

    All you ever wanted to know

    So I recall a while back someone somewhere made a comment that there was not a lot of information on these guys and that that was the reason no one grew them or took up offers for them. I was drafting up something for a friend and decided to go whole hog so here you go. And please remember...
  5. rattler

    Who is growing rarer utrics and genliseas?

    im already doing my planning for this next summer. im looking to expand my Utric collection even more, they take up much less room than Neps. i have found most of the common species that have caught my eye and will be getting more but those are fairly easy to find. i have scanned growlists of...
  6. Pyro

    U. campbelliana and buntingiana

    I figure I have the proverbial snowball's chance but I might as well check. I am searching for U. campbelliana and U. buntingiana. If anyone has either of these please contact me. Also, I have heard rumor of U. buntingiana being discovered in Costa Rica. If anyone can confirm this Please email...
  7. R

    Introducing the missing epiphytes

    Is anyone in the process of introducing the "missing" epiphytes into cultivation? Or finding out the trick to successful growing? buntingiana campbelliana jamesoniana praetermissa unifolia I think a couple of people might have a couple of these plants, but I am more wondering if there's any...