TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hello everyone, I decided to post my grow list. As you can see I am mostly into Nepenthes and tropical Pinguicula. I will add some pictures soon!
Cephalotus follicularis
Typical (seed grown)
Hummer's Giant
Vigorous Clumping
adelea 'Giant'
burmannii 'Green'
burmannii 'Humpty Doo'...
I have come across threads in other forums and one old thread in this one with people claiming they use osmocote pellets for their pinguicula plants. Has anyone else had any experience with this?
I went ahead and put some with my Pinguicula Moranensis var. Caudata plant since it was once...
Just recently upsized my grow area so decided to take a bunch of pullings. I should mention in reality it is much brighter than the photos show.
Left to right: moranensis 'Caudata', moranensis 'A', "John Rizzi", potosiensis, moranensis 'alba', Sumidero 2, gigantea, jaumavensis and gracilis...
When I reduce the photoperiod for my pings in the autumn I always get a flurry of flowers. Perhaps the plants are trying to sow seed before the long, dry winter? I have P. laueana, 'Weser', 'Aphrodite', agnata, moranensis 'A', moranensis 'Caudata', 'Pirouette, Sumidero 1 and 'Sethos' in flower...
includes some plants belonging to my son and daughter....sort of a family hobbyCephalotus follicularis
Drosera aliciae
D. capensis (regular)
D. spatulata 'Ruby Slippers'
Heliamphora minor
Nepenthes <Deroose Alata> (alata x (alata x ventricosa))
N. "Miranda"
N. "St. Galla"
I have spent the last few hours going through my greenhouses to see what I have for trade this summer. The plants I have for trade very widely in size from very small seedlings to large plants.
Please do not PM me send emails to jeremiahsplants@comcast.net
My grow-list is very...
Hi , My grow list is :
D. Binata
D. Binata Dichotoma Giant
D. Binata Multifida Extrema
D. filiformis
D. capensis green, red form, Wide leaves,Alba
D. paradoxa
D. Adelae
D. Intermedia
D. Aliciae
D. Rotundifolia
D. Nidiformis
D. Anglica
D. Closterostigma(gemmae)
D. Scorpioides Large form
Same as the other, but this one is for a pack of ICPS seed back seeds Pinguicula moranensis var. caudata
I'm paying for the postage and will even ship out of the US IF there is no required doc's for shipping seeds to your country and the postage is under/around $1.
Who knows how I'll decide...
Yeah... My old grow list is well, extremely old, and I thought I'd just start anew for the New Year. Amidst my accident in 2007 and several other inconvienences, I've pretty much stopped growing CP's, since I cannot afford to grow these demanding plants [with a few exceptions] indefinitely...
updated 2/4/10
‘Marbled dragon’ maxima dark x truncata EP
‘Black dragon’ izumae x truncata EP
‘Sabre’ ventricosa x trusmadiensis EP
‘Gothica’ sibuyanensis x maxima EP
truncata x veitchii Batu Buli EP
maxima dk x veitchii seed grown Tristans
veitchii x maxima xx veitchii...
Nothing interesting. No flowers, though, the P. esseriana picture is really cute!
P. laueana I got from Adnedarn a few months ago with a couple of small ants on it:
Cute P. esseriana:
P. moranensis var. caudata:
Nothin' but perlite this plant is snacking on! Still awaiting a flower...
Haha, I found this picture I took with my baby Cephalotus cutting I got from Andrew in the forefront, and my big Cephalotus in the back, with P. moranensis var. caudata in the lower right.
plants to trade
I have a few items to offer for trade, as i am running out of room and until i get the green house finished need to minimize my collection to 1-2 plants of each.
D. regia, i have a couple plants from root cuttings that i do not have room for.
D. rotundifolia
D. binata
Ahh crap. I'm really sad.
My beautiful little N. ventricosa 'red' just had a terrible accident.
On occasion, a few morons manage to knock over some CPs on my windowsill or the wind does it, and, I stand them back up. Now was no different. I reached over to lift my P. moranensis var. caudata...
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