TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have updated my growlist, so I thought i'd do a new list with everything that I currently have. :)
In the Greenhouse (I have most of my plants)
-King Henry
-Red sawtooth
-NOID possibly Dente
This is what I'm growing out at the moment:
"Lady Luck" from Borneo Exotics
(I used to grow more Nep's but they grew way too large for my setup so I found a grower friend to adopt them)
H. minor var. minor (FTS)
H. minor var. minor "Big Orange"
H. heterodoxa x...
This is what I currently have in my collection. Looking for trades for my minor divisions.
Venus Fly Trap
S. Minor
- 15-20 divisions to trade
S. Purpurea or Rosea (not sure which)
S. Leuco
-All green Leuco as well.
S. Alata Purple Helmet
S. Flava Coppertop
-1 Division to trade...
I've had a couple "shots in the arm" with pygmy sundew gemmae and other assorted things, but what was once a thriving collection of butterworts is down to just a few. I am also missing a few basic sundews, like D. adelae, anglica, and aliciae. Here's my current grow list. Those with asterisks I...
You are bidding on three Sarracenia flava coppertop plants each growing in a 3 inch pot. The plants are currently growing in three inch nursery pot. They are seedings grown from seeds obtained from the ICPS Seed Bank. So, how it will grow up will be uncertain. Plant will be selected at...
S. Yellow Cat x Yellow Cat
S. Flava Big Boy
S. Oreophila x Royal Ruby
S. Flava Rubricorpora
S. White Sparkler
S. (Rubra x Oreo) x (Oreo x Flava)
S. Flava x Alata Red Black
S. Leucophylla x Stevensii
S. (Leucophylla x Flava) x Leucophylla
S. Excellens with Purple Hood
S. Flava...
I am wanting to genetically branch out with my Darlingtonia collection and am looking for any mountain form plants you might have.
For trade I have various Sarracenia species and hybrids including
S. flava Coppertop
S. alata Maroon Thoat
S. rubra ssp. rubra
S. oreo Sand Mountain x minor...
I have a medium sized division of S. Excellens with Purple Hood and a medium-large sized division of S. Oreophila x Willisii that I would like to trade. I am looking for colorful, interesting sarracenia (species or hybrids) that I do not have. I am willing to trade for seedlings if they are...
This is a list I'm working on:
From Oren Segrest
S. moorei 1
S. moorei 2
S. leucophylla Perdido
S. alata bulbous red lid Stone County
S. Flamemouth
S. Diamond Head
S. Yellow River
S. readii 2
S. flava var rugelii tall Apalachicola
S. Wilkerson OP
S. rubra gulfensis dar form
I have some extra seeds of S. (purpurea venosa x purpurea purpurea) x flava coppertop. Have about 3 packets of seeds. They will be given away by random drawing conducted on November 2, 2013. Winners will be selected by random number generation. Winners upon being selected will contact...
I have some new plants I would like to trade. I have:
Flava Maxima,
(Leuco X purpurea) X leuco,
Oreophila Sand Mountain X Minor coppertop,
Leucophylla X Purpurea,
Leucophylla (typical),
Rubra gulfensis,
Leucophylla anthomycin free,
Rubra gulfensis X Flava,
Purpurea venosa, Psittacina...
I have a pretty good list of Sarracenia to trade. Just let me know what you have and we will work something out. Thanks for looking! Here's the list:
Hi Marc, I would be interested in the following: Flava Maxima, Flava Rugellii, Alata, Purp Venosa, and the Minor Okee if you have an extra...
Haven't been around in a while and I figured I'd see if I could trade some stuff.
Here's what I've got. I've misplaced my notes for my sarracenia so I'm not 100% certain what some of the species are.
S. Brunswick beauty x something else?
Various mixture of S. flava coppertop (please...
Hey guys. I took these a few evenings ago. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
S. 'Judith Hindle'
S. leucophylla
S. leucophylla hybrds (these are yours NaN)
More S. leuco hybrids
And again, S. leuco hybrids
S. leuco hybrid flowers
S. minor
Complex hybrid, I forget what...
Up for auction is a quartette of S.flava
cupera or coppertop
Sorry, no pic still haven't learned how to post pictures
Winner of this auction will pay shipping
Thanx for bidding on my plants
Let the bidding...
i have a couple different xcat divisions, a small flava coppertop, a couple wrigleyana and maybe a venosa. please check my grow list, will entertain offers.
I still have a lot of Sarracenia that I need to find a home for!!! I am looking for Sarracenia and VFTs. Just send me offers of species, hybrids it doesn't matter! Looking for nice examples of Flava, Purp, Rosea, and Leucos and of course hybrids and cultivars! I really need to give these homes...
S. rubra ssp. gulfensis
S. rubra ssp. gulfensis ancestral form Crawford Co, GA
S. rubra- gulfensis maroon
S. leucophylla 'red tube' From Santa Rosa, Fl
S. leucophylla 'Drummonds Giant'
S. alta
S. alta 'Maroon Throat'
S. flava 'Veined'
S. flava 'Ruguelli'
S. flava 'Coppertop'
On the hunt for Nepenthes edwardsiana, if you have any for trade please let me know
I am always interested in trades, hit me up with an offer
I have currently:
Fly trap
D. "B52"
S. flava
S. flava "Coppertop"
S. alata x rubra
S. leucophylla
S. minor
S. oreophila ~sg~
S. purpurea
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