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  1. dustin

    Seed Swap

    Hey everyone, just updated my SEED BANK let me know if you see anything you like. I'm interested in... yellow summer squash bell peppers carnivorous plant seeds whatever you think id be interested in :D SEED BANK: ALL SEED AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST =seed origin is from all different...
  2. jimscott

    Cool Ping Cultivar Chart

    I was googling the parentage of P. weser & P. sethos and stumbled across this in Wikipedia: Hybrid cultivars involving Pinguicula moranensis cultivar name parentage description Pinguicula 'George Sargent' Hort. Slack P. moranensis × gypsicola Lilac flowers, strap-shaped leaves, large winter...
  3. kayaker78

    Kayaker78's grow list

    About to rebuild my collection, gave my plants away during move from Seattle to Utah My Plants Drosera Drosera Aliciae Drosera brevifolia (seed sown) Drosera capensis 'Albino' Drosera capensis - red leaf Drosera finlaysoniana - pink flower Drosera spathulata Ivan's 3-way Drosera 'Tamlin'...
  4. Exo

    Exo's grow list.

    Plants I grow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nepenthes N.rajah N.edwardsiana -AW- N.northiana (seedgrown) N.peltata -BE- N.villosa -BE- N.dubia (seedgrown) N.rigidfolia (seedgrown) N.tentaculata...
  5. A

    Looking for B52 VFT plant, seeds or pullings

    Looking for B52 VFT plant If anyone is willing to trade me a B52 VFT, I have VFT Crimson Sawtooth
  6. Raven01000

    My Growlist

    Grow List Cephalotus follicularis Hummer’s Giant Typical Dionaea muscipula Typical FTS Crimson Sawtooth Detante Pink Venus Drosera D. capensis ‘alba’ Drosera (Pygmies) D. omissa D. scorpiodes ‘white flower’ Heliamphora H. heterodoxa H. minor H. nutans Nepenthes N. argentii BE N...
  7. A

    Hi from North Carolina

    I got today my first Venus Traps and I am so happy with those small fellas. Looking forward to seeing them grow. My new two pets are Crimson Sawtooth and Big Jaws.
  8. mmlr38

    FTS Crimson Sawtooth

    There was some good lighting in Ashland today, so I snapped a few photos of the new clone that I raised from seed in vitro. It is very similar in appearance to 'Bohemian Garnet', but I believe that it gets a bit larger, though I've only had it out of tissue culture for a couple of months so...
  9. P

    Plantae777's Grow List

    Currently Cultivating: Cephalotus follicularis Hummers Giant Cephalotus follicularis Hummers Giant Cephalotus follicularis LG Typical Drosera aliciae Drosera prolifera Drosera regia (SNW) Drosera regia (germinated seedlings 8/10 Dec-09) Drosera falconeri Drosera schizandra Drosophyllum...
  10. uphwiz

    jimmy conners grow list

    Drosera manni x omissa. intermedia capensis regular broad leaf. ..... giant ..... .... tomentosa. felix. spathulata frasier island red. . . Pinguicula debbertiana. wesser . apasionata. gypsicola. . moranensis. . . Nepenthes albomarginata red. . talengensis...
  11. M

    Mikey3288's Growlist

    Soooper out of date as of 6/2/14. Cephalotus Typical "Vigorous clumping" "Phil Mann" "German Giant" Darlingtonia californica : Coastal Variety Dionaea "Big Mouth" "Bristle Tooth" "Clayton's Red Sunset" "Cross Teeth" "Dente" "Low Giant" "Fine Tooth x Red" "FTS Crimson Sawtooth" Drosera...
  12. SirKristoff

    Darlingtonia Mountain Variety

    This plant is insanely vigorous for me here.... See this thread, from last year when i received it for a bit more info those of you who have received divisions/stolons from me of Darlingtonia, it has come from this plant http://terraforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114814 In dormancy, the...
  13. dustin

    Anyone interested in non-cp seeds?

    hey everyone i think im going to clear out some seeds in my seed bank so here's what i got to offer, everything will be shipped in a bubble mailer... SEED BANK: ALL SEED AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST =seed origin is from all different forums/stores/etc= Non-cp seeds: Annual: canna lily cosmos cosmos...
  14. Houstonherp

    Nepenthes 'Miranda' - mature 8-inch hanging basket Lexman $27

    Up for bid from PetFlyTrap.com is a mature, multi-vined 8-inch hanging basket of Nepenthes 'Miranda'. Laef span on each vine is about two feet! This cultivar makes beautiful pitchers up to ten or so inches tall, with a highly contrasting green and crimson pattern; and the hanging basket which...
  15. Adam

    My Grow/Trade List

    Cephalotus follicularis 'Hummer's Giant' Dionaea: Typical Drosera: Binata Capensis Capensis 'Alba' Capensis 'All Red' Hamiltonii Ericksoniae x Pulchella 'Lake Badgerup' (Nitidula ssp. Ommisa x Occidentalis ssp. Occidentalis) Paleacea ssp. Roseana Scorpioides Filiformis var. Filiformis x...
  16. turkeypig

    D. nidiformis propagation

    Which is easier for this plant (want to mass produce it)seed, leaf, or root cuttings?:help: Does it create underground shoots easily/ at all? I keep snipping the flower stalks off. I won't (obviously) if seed turns out to be the easiest form of propagation. I only have one plant, and have very...
  17. dustin

    Dustin's grow list

    Dustin's grow/trade/wanted list I just started back up here's a quick Grow list :) * Willing to Trade, for the right offers i may be more flexible. Nepenthes *(1) N. Ventricosa (1) N. Truncata (d) red flush EP *(10+) N. Ventrata (1) N. splendiana x veitchii (1) N. ventricosa 'black lips x...
  18. BigBella

    Heliamphora from seed . . .

    Well, it has taken about three years from the point of germination (at about six weeks), but two Heliamphora tatei var. tatei grown from seed (obtained from a college classmate living in Chuspa, Venezuela), are finally producing adult-type pitchers. This particular "red variant" could eventually...
  19. alec

    Alec's grow/want list

    Cephalotus Cephalotus follicularis Cephalotus follicularis "hummer's giant" -coming Drosera D. adelae D. admirabilis D. aliciae D. binata D. binata multifida 'extrema' D. capensis D. capensis red form D. fiiformis D. filiformis "all red" D. hamiltonii D. hilaris D. Ivan's Paddle D. regia D...
  20. S

    2 new CP books and Conservation Update

    Dear members of the forum, Andrew very kindly gave me permission to post an update. As many of you may well be aware, I have been selling copies of my books to raise money for conservation and specifically, to support Meadowview Biological Station in their efforts of conserving Sarracenia...