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  1. L

    Lima Grow List

    My Grow List: Drosera: Drosera aliciae Drosera burmannii (Giant) Drosera burmannii (Sarawak Malaisia) Drosera capensis Drosera capensis "alba" Drosera capensis "Red Form" Drosera capensis "Wide Leaf" Drosera natalensis (pink, Tsitsikamma National Park, RSA) Drosera nidiformis Drosera...
  2. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  3. E

    My own little shop of horrors

    After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble. Darlingtonia - D. californica Dionaea - D. muscipula typical form Seeds - D. muscipula (sprouted)...
  4. S

    Squidfengshui's Growlist

    Drosera: Aliciae Binata Burmanii Capensis Narrow Leaf Capensis Alba Falconeri Filiformis seedlings Petiolaris Spatulata Venusta Assorted rosetted mystery seedlings and plants Pygmies Barbigera Dichrosepala ssp. dichrosepala "Dork’s Pink" Helodes Leucoblasta “brookton” Mannii Nitidula x...
  5. Not a Number

    The Name Game - Part 2

    Australian Drosera in Cultivation Allen Lowrie's Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnum Opus at time of publication Dec. 16, 2013 listed some 241 species. Many of these were new species or reassignment of ranks (subspecies or varieties). A few had been in cultivation before even having been...
  6. Sashoke

    D. dichrosepala gemmae

    My D. dichrosepala gemmae are about ready to harvest, there will likely be 10-20 gemmae. D. dichrosepala is a very easy species of pygmy dew to grow, Ive been growing mine for about a year now inside of my bedroom with no supplemental humidity (thats probably around 20% humidity), they have...
  7. Not a Number

    Pygmy Drosera Aestivation

    Aestivation - dormancy or hibernation in response to high temperatures and conditions. Thanks to the recent hot weather some of the pygmy Drosera in my collection have started to form stipule buds or aestivaculae (singular: aestivacula). Here are a few examples in various stages: Drosera...
  8. R

    rjhaway's growlist

    VFT / Dionea Muscipula: Typical 2 small Drosera: Nepenthes: Non-Carnivorous: Bog companions: Cacti: Epiphyllum oxypetalum “orchid cactus" 2 Orchids: Looking for: I know some of these are unlikely, but hey, .. it doesn't hurt to try, right? Byblis – anything Cephalotus – Seeds...
  9. Sashoke

    Sashoke's Growlist!

    Not very big yet, but its getting there! -Nepenthes- N. ventricosa "red" N. ventricosa "black peristome" N. ventricosa seed grown (Paul) N. burkei N. sibuyanesis N. ventricosa(aristolochioides x thorelli) x 2 N. "Red Leopard" N. spathulata x robcantleyi N. burkei "Madjah as" x2 N. tiveyi "Pink...
  10. theplantman

    Gemmae available for trade

    Have: D. dichrosepala ssp. dichrosepala "Fish Track Rd." D. allantostigma Slight chance that D. scorpioides and D. roseana may be available soon--have to see how much they produce. Would like to trade for any pygmies or pygmy hybrids not on my growlist. Please get in touch via email, NOT PM...
  11. NatchGreyes

    D. scorpioides gemmae trades

    I've just collected ~3 packets worth of D. scorpioides gemmae (10-15 gemmae per packet). I don't really collect pygmy Drosera, so I'm pretty open to any offers. As far as pygmy Drosera, besides scorpioides, I have pulchella growing very well for me. I've tried grievi and dichrosepala ssp. enodes...
  12. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Gemmae Production Times

    What is your experience with the gemmae production times? D. allantostigma D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba D...
  13. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Flowering Times

    What is your experience with the flowering times? D. allantostigma (April & May) D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba...
  14. Brie

    Pygmy drosera 4 pack - dichrosepala, allantostigma, pygmea and helodes (Tacks $15)

    You are bidding on a set of 4 potted pygmy drosera - dichrosepala, allantostigma, pygmea and helodes. Bidding starting at $5. They have been grown in peat pots to make for easy shipping/potting on the recipient's end. Just pot into a large/deep pot when you get them. I will pick you out a pot of...
  15. Tacks

    Tack's growlist

    Dionaea muscipula • typical Drosera • adelae • allantostigma • aliciae • anglica, CA x HI • binata var. dichotoma T-form • binata 'Marston Dragon' • binata var. multifida f. extrema • brevifolia (Kountze, TX) • burmanii (Humpty Doo, NT, Australia) • capensis, typical • capensis 'Albino' •...
  16. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking to trade Gemmae

    It's that time of year again. I'm looking for any Pygmy Drosera I don't grow. I lost my Drosera gibsonii colony this year and would love to get a replacement. My current grow list. Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma...
  17. jonnyq

    Drosera androsacea & Drosera omissa gemmae packets for trade

    Greetings, I've got one packet of ~10 Drosera androsacea gemmae and one of ~10 Drosera omissa (pink flower) gemmae for trade... Looking for Drosera gemmae from species other than: Drosera dichrosepala Drosera occidentalis Drosera palacea ssp. palacea Drosera pulchella Drosera pygmaea Drosera...
  18. Jeremiah Harris

    Pygmy Drosera 2013

    Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera dichrosepala (Fish Road Track form) Drosera echinoblastus Drosera eneabba A (red) Drosera...
  19. olive84

    olive84 Grow list

    Dionaea muscipula : Regular (type) Akai Ryu Big trap red pirhanna Sawtooth all green Red line South west giant G10 Dingley giant Clone H13 "Blood red arced traps" Clone Z05 "All red", traps and petoles all dark purple (MK) "UK Sawtooth 2" Dentate Shark Tooth Clayton's Volcanic...
  20. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking for Gemmae

    Hello, I'm looking for any gemmae not on this list. Please email me at jeremiah@leilaninepenthes.com My Grow List... Drosera allantostigma Drosera androsacea Drosera callistos Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera...