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  1. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  2. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Gemmae Production Times

    What is your experience with the gemmae production times? D. allantostigma D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba D...
  3. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Flowering Times

    What is your experience with the flowering times? D. allantostigma (April & May) D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba...
  4. S

    Seige Grow List

    Venus Flytraps Alien(FTS) D. muscipula “G 35” A2 B52 Big Mouth Bohemian Garnet Bristletooth young. BZ Razorback (ironjaws) DCXL Dutch Delight (FTR) Fine Tooth x Red (9)Flaming lips(FTS) FTS Maroon Monster (FTR) possible dying FTS Purple Ambush(FTS) G16 Green Dragon Ginormous Jaws(FTR)...
  5. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking to trade Gemmae

    It's that time of year again. I'm looking for any Pygmy Drosera I don't grow. I lost my Drosera gibsonii colony this year and would love to get a replacement. My current grow list. Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma...
  6. Jeremiah Harris

    Pygmy Drosera 2013

    Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera dichrosepala (Fish Road Track form) Drosera echinoblastus Drosera eneabba A (red) Drosera...
  7. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking for Gemmae

    Hello, I'm looking for any gemmae not on this list. Please email me at jeremiah@leilaninepenthes.com My Grow List... Drosera allantostigma Drosera androsacea Drosera callistos Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera...
  8. Lil Stinkpot

    FT: Aldrovanda, DArlingtonia, Drosophyllum

    FT: Aldrovanda, Darlingtonia, Drosophyllum, Pinguicula I have two six inch long Aldrovanda strands (plus a couple little 1-inchers), a six inch high coastal Darlingtonia, two 2 inch Pinguicula "weser", six 1/4 inch P. "sethos" and a dozen Drosophyllum seeds available for trade. I will trade...
  9. Lil Stinkpot

    Sarracenia and orchids for trade

    I have these available for trade: Sarracenia alata green; 1S, 1Lg S. purpurea x flava ornata; 1Lg S. rubra x oreophila; Med S. alata 'black tube' x flava 'red tube'; 1 Lg, 1 Med Nepenthes x ventrata; up to 1 yard cutting (yes, YARD) Orchids: Cirrhopetalum makoyanum; 2 2-bulb divisions...
  10. oen13

    13's grow list

    Drosera regia (mature 09/2010 and seedlings 01/2011) prolifera (10/2010) schizandra (03/2011) spatulata (09/2010 pink and white flower) capensis 'all red' (09/2010) binata 'ME' (10/2010) binata 'giant' (10/2010) adelae (10/2010) capensis 'alba' (gift 10/2010) scorpioides (11/2010...
  11. GemStateC

    GemStateCarnivore's GrowList

    My Plant List: Nepenthes: ampularia "melvino" sanguinea sanguina Ulu Kali x gentle x ventrata ventricosa maxima x trusmadiensis ventricosa x ephipiata Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid Caesar NN1250251 Aeonium truncata Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana Predator HCEP112 robcantleyi...
  12. Wire Man

    Wire Man's grow list

    Cephalotus -follicularis -'Brewer's Red' Dionaea -typical -Onslow County, NC rescues -'Big Mouth' x ? -'Bristle Tooth' -'Czech Giant' -'Dentate' -'FTS Crimson Sawtooth' -'FTS Maroon Monster' -'Jaws' x '1955' -'Royal Red' Drosera -capillaris Onslow County, NC -capillaris Escambia County, FL...
  13. jimscott

    Cultivation of pygmy Drosera, by Jan Flísek and Kamil Pásek

    Cultivation of pygmy Drosera Jan Flísek and Kamil Pásek Pygmy Drosera comprise up a peculiar group that include the smallest sundews - small growth is a typical characteristic of this group. Most pygmy Drosera are found in southwestern areas of Western Australia. Only D. pygmaea is found in...
  14. E

    trading pygmies

    I'm looking for these 4 species -- Drosera barbigera, D. gibsonii, D. silvicola, and D. stelliflora. Can trade for gemmae of following species: Drosera x badgerupii "Carbarup" dichrosepala echinoblastus lasiantha occidentalis ssp. australis pulchella pulchella x ericksoniae...
  15. DrWurm

    How To Take *Good* Macro Photos On A Budget

    I've posted about this before, but never with photos and in such detail. I hope it helps somebody out there. I figure I'll share my technique with the world here. What you'll need: 1 Digital Camera (compact or DSLR) 1 50mm fixed focal length lens -It's best to use a lens made for an old...
  16. DrWurm

    Pygmy Macros

    I got bored, so I took a few photos. First is not a pygmy, but Drosera multifida "Extrema" <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/drwurm/3676735553/" title="Drosera Multifida "Extrema" by DrWurm, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2428/3676735553_ab85cd2641.jpg" width="500"...
  17. DrWurm

    Spring is Almost Here! (pics: couple IDs needed)

    So I figured it'd be a good time to post some pics of my plants that are starting to get back to their normal growing speed. I've also got a couple drosera that need ID with an interesting backstory. Way back during the last NASC auction, I won an auction for heat loving dewy plant seeds. If...
  18. P

    Piscesilim's growlist

    Nepenthes N. gracilis N. ampullaria N. rafflesiana N. rafflesiana var. alata N. mirabilis N. albomarginata N. benstonei N. northiana N. ventricosa N. sanguinea N. bicalcarata N. truncata N. reinwardtiana N. stenophylla N. macfarlanei N. veitchii N. maxima N. sibuyanensis N. beccariana N...
  19. jimscott

    A Few Macro and Closeups

    D. paradoxa (Bomford) D. echinoblastus D. stelliflora D. lasanthiana D. leioblastus VFT Gemmae Sprouts Various Sundews Human Sprout Still learning this camera!
  20. DrWurm

    DrWurm's Grow list and graveyard :'(

    Dionaea muscipula ---------------------- typical Akai Ryu Cupped Traps Dente/Dentate Sarracenia ---------------------- S. flava 'mixed varieties' S. flava var. rubricorpora S. 'Judith Hindle' S. leucophylla 'Cronus' (aka S. leucophylla 'Titan') S. minor 'Okee Giant' S. moorei x 'Royal Ruby'...