TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I had purchased some horticulturaly produced edwardsiana seeds and sowed them about 6 weeks ago or so. Some have started to sprout and im very excited 😊
And a few still popping out of their seed casings.
So far I've counted seven total. Hoping for at least one to be a female! Well heres to a...
Anyone know which clones are female and male? Also any BE Hamata clones that have know genders would be helpful.
(Just realized I had caps lock on, oops😅)
Hi Everyone,
I have recently started a mini nepenthes collection in a small greenhouse I have converted to house tropical plants.
This thread will just be a running album of some hand-picked photos from my Flickr page.
I am really interested to see if you are growing some of the same species...
For trade are 10 fresh Nepenthes edwardsiana seeds which I just received today.
Reason I am getting rid of, is I don't have any more room in my setup to grow any more of this species.
The seeds are not wild collected. I bought them. They were harvested 2nd July 2017, so...
Hi all,
I wanted to share photos of a few of my plants.
N. maxima wavy leaf
<a href="http://imgur.com/5HztNzO"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/5HztNzO.jpg?1" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
<a href="http://imgur.com/smHPdzO"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/smHPdzO.jpg?1" title="source: imgur.com"...
Hi there!
please check my long wish list. I look for many other plants if you have any interesting species please let me know. Seeds and plants welcome!
# Drosera "Nova"
# Drosera "Shibata"
# Drosera "Zambiana"
# Drosera amazonica
# Drosera arenicola
# Drosera brevicornis
# Drosera browniana
Short list so far:
Growing above ground -
Nepenthes x Miranda
Nepenthes x Suki
Nepenthes Lowe's (BBP, labeled ventrata, 9/2017)
D. Binata x Marston Dragon
D. Binata x Marston Dragon (red)
D. Binata x Multifida Extrema
D. Capensis alba
D. Capensis
D. Capensis giant (under testing)...
Hey guys! So I recently purchased a Burb X eddy and did a little research concerning the Legitimacy of this hybrid. So there is debate in another forum saying that this hybrid may not even have edwardsiana in it and possibly villosa or an even more complex hybrid. I wanted to know if this is...
S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
I wanted to share my new ultra highland setup. I don't post much, but I got a ton of info from this forum during this build, so thank you all.
First, I somewhat suddenly found myself in possession of a few ultra highlanders via a trade, but didn't have the proper setup for them. The plants...
Hey folks -
There are a few plants that I am looking to trade with. I have:
Seed-grown N. attenboroughii (multiple)
Seed-grown N. cecilae (last one I am going to trade)
Rooted basal of N. glandulifera (small)
A few small typical Cephalotus rooted divisions
I will consider any...
So as some of you may know Native Exotics has released their own clone of Edwardsiana and pre orders were taken a while back.(I pre ordered some)
Does any one know if their clone is new in cultivation or if they have released them in the past. Because I've never seen any Eddys labeled NE CLONE...
Hi all!
I have been growing nepenthes species and hybrids for a few years now. I bought a teeny tiny edwardsiana seedling a few years ago about the size of a dime and seed grown. It survived being removed from its pot by a squirrel when outdoors for the summer and dropped a few feet away. It is...
WolframOmega's Highland Terrarium
Hi all,
I suppose it's probably time I started a photo thread. Here are some of the more presentable plants in my collection. Enjoy!
Drosera graomogolensis
<a data-flickr-embed="true"...
Hey all,
Just wanted to post some new photos of my edardsiana! It looks great I think its going to do really well :). I put extra sphagnum to make sure it is humid enough too haha :). I will post updates as it gets bigger!
Wish me luck! :-D
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
Hey all,
I'm really really interested in growing Edwardsiana. I have a cage on my windowsill with my fusca and my alata in it. I want to grow Eddy but I know it needs cold nights. I want to dunk it in ice water briefly before bed and then have the AC blowing on it all night. Other forum...
I have the following for trade:
Nepenthes dubia SG (producing uppers)
Nepenthes rajah x mira
Nepenthes ventricosa x dubia
I am looking for:
Nepenthes burbidgeae x edwardsiana
Nepenthes ramispina
Other Nepenthes that may be of interest to me
Nepenthes attenboroughii SG JH
Nepenthes attenboroughii SG AS
Nepenthes hamata MT
Nepenthes edwardsiana NE
Nepenthes fusca (flared peristome) BE
Nepenthes glabrata BE
Nepenthes inermis AW
Nepenthes jamban x2
Nepenthes jamban x dubia SG
Nepenthes lamii AW S
Nepenthes palawanensis...
The MT clone, of course. I bought this from Tony Paroubek 3.5 years ago for $120 and its grown quite a lot since then: currently about 15" across - make me an offer. This is its current pitcher:
The whole plant:
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