TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I am looking for an easy to grow, more or less, Genlisea. I prefer the perennial kind. I really don't have anything worth trading so I'm buying. The Genlisea has priority but if you have an easy to grow Drosera, too, that can handle low humidity then let me know. I might be interested in...
I have had a lot of time one my hands :-))
Genus Brocchinia
- Brocchinia reducta
- B. guehoi
- B. liniflora
- B. filifolia x guehoi
- C. follicularis (a beautiful plant from Nauz)
- D. californica
- D. californica seed grown...
I've recently harvested quite a few P. chilensis seeds. These are pretty darn fresh, the last batch I harvested 7 days ago, and the most recent batch I harvested about 2 days ago. In my experience, these are a very easy species to germinate, much like lusitanica. If you're interested in trading...
I have the following plants for trade:
N. cecliae
N. glandulifera
N. attenboroughii
Cephalotus typical
I will entertain any reasonable offer.
Please do not seek to own the highland Nepenthes if you can't provide consistent conditions for them.
Looking for:
Hey folks -
There are a few plants that I am looking to trade with. I have:
Seed-grown N. attenboroughii (multiple)
Seed-grown N. cecilae (last one I am going to trade)
Rooted basal of N. glandulifera (small)
A few small typical Cephalotus rooted divisions
I will consider any...
Up for trade is one seed grown N. cecilae
I'll entertain any reasonable offer but I am especially interested in:
Heliamphora sp.
Orchioides Utricularia
D. capensis cultivars "giant" "baines kloof"
Genlisea sp.
Nepenthes species:
Hey plant friends, long time no see. I've got too many sarrs and am looking for trades. I'm open to offers of anything but I've got way too many neps and sarrs, so unless it's something really cool I'm mainly looking for VFTS, sundews, pings, genlisea, or stylidium.
Here's what I've got:
8x S...
As of 1/6/16 I've been growing carnivores for a little over a year. I have a modest collection still, but it is ever growing. I figured it was time to finally start a grow list. I want to thank the members of this forum, as they have helped me grow my collection with giveaways and trades...
VFT / Dionea Muscipula:
Typical 2 small
Bog companions:
Epiphyllum oxypetalum “orchid cactus" 2
Looking for: I know some of these are unlikely, but hey, .. it doesn't hurt to try, right?
Byblis – anything
Cephalotus – Seeds...
I've got some tubers of D.menziesii and D.modesta available for trade. These are not fresh imports and are fully acclimated to the Northern Hemisphere. Looking for Drosera, Utricularia, Pinguicula, Cephalotus, Nepenthes (HL only), Heliamphora and Genlisea that are not on my growlist. No hybrids...
I am looking for Utricularia nephrophylla. I have the following plants available for trade:
Utricularia asplundii
Utricularia biloba
Utricularia reniformis
Genlisea hispidula
I would also potentially be willing to trade other plants on my growlist for Utricularia nephrophylla.
Hi, does anyone have a P. emarginata up for trade? I've been looking for a while but no luck.
For trade, I have plantlets of U. calycifida 'Yog-Sothoth', a division of U. praelonga and U. longifolia, D. adelae, D. binata var. dichotoma, and if for some reason anyone wants it, a 2 ft section of...
Genlisea hispidula
Genlisea hispidula is beautiful plant with unique corkscrew roots. It sets itself apart in any collection. A must have for any collection. Flowers are breathtaking!
Buyer will receive a plug(division) of this plant. Very easy to get started and grow.
Free shipping and fees...
Hello you all.
I am a brazilian biologist and I am running my doctoral research on the floristics, ecology and conservation of the Paraná State (southern Brazil) carnivorous plants.
During my fieldwork , I found a new aquatic Utricularia species. The closest species is Utricularia striata, and...
Hello there!
I'm beginning to get into growing epiphytic Utricularia, and I was wondering if anybody out there had any plants they would be willing to offer. I'm also looking to start growing Byblis and Genlisea, but I realize these are often harder to find.
Any tips on where to look for these...
Hello everyone!
I'm a CP fan/grower who lives in Brooklyn, NY, and I was wondering if there were any other enthusiasts living in Brooklyn or Metropolitan New York who would like to meet up at some point and perhaps start a small meeting group. We could share plants, or organize trips, and...
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