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  1. Z

    Looking for two Nep species - will trade for hard-to-find drosera

    Hi I have the following to trade for established plants of N. gracilis (any form) and/or N. ampullaria (any form). Drosera menziesii subsp. menziesii (dormant tubers) Drosera abberans 'Pyrete Ranges, Victoria, Aust.' (dormant tubers) Drosera cistiflora pink flower (as summer dormant roots)...
  2. Gigantea

    My Growlist

    Kill list coming soon. Carnivores Drosera: Filiformis 'red' Filiformis 'california sunset' Filiformis 'tracyi' Spatulata - mixed clusters Trinervia Graomogolensis Mixed Capensis. Two are known Giant varieties, two could be Alba, 3-4 unknown Adelae Giant Regia Binata Multifida Extrema...
  3. GemStateC

    Looking for Sarracenia seeds

    I'm feeling very patient and want to massively expand the sarracenia collection so i'm looking for all your seeds. I'm particularly interested in purpurea or leucophylla parentage/hybrids but anything is fine. For trade, i have various pings (small p. gigantea, moctezume x gracilis, potosiensis...
  4. C

    WTT SG Nigro Gracilis w/basal

    After much deliberation I have decided to replace this particular nepenthes in my limited collection. If I had more room available I would keep it but there are so many other neps I would rather have also I have a nigro gracilis x mirabilis that will pretty much look like this gracilis except...
  5. mcmcnair

    Adventure Time Nepenthes Series! (Ongoing Thread)

    So myself and Wireman are fans of the television show adventure time and we are working on creating a series of cultivars based off of the characters from the show. So far we have Princess Bubblegum, the Lich, Cinnamon Bun, and Lumpy Space Princess. N. x'Princess Bubblegum' N. x 'Princess...
  6. BrassLeaves

    Looking for Oxygen-III or LP filter

    Hey all, I'm looking for somebody who is willing to trade an Oxygen-III or a Light Pollution filter for telescope optics. Take a look at my growlist if you have one, and we can work something out. My list is out of date and I was having internet problems and could not update it; so here is...
  7. C

    n. x winged grabilis basal?

    This may be my first nepenthes basal. at first I thought it was a weed but then noticed it's location in proximity to the other plant's root system and after a gentle tug am pretty much sure this is my first basal shoot......thought it was a ampullaria thing but I guess this winged mirabilis x...
  8. MurphysLaw

    MurphysLaw Grow List

    Here is what I have cooking here in New Mexico! Most of my plants are Nepenthes, but I do have a few Sarracenia and Ceph's. N. hamata (BE clone) N. hamata (Wistuba clone)(Gunung Lumut) N. hamata (unidentified location) N. hamata (Katopassa) N. singalana (Beilarang) N. sibuyanensis N...
  9. C

    WTT N. nigro gracilis, speckled mirabilis, miranda, king tiger, mirabilis x tiger

    will trade for sarracenia, d. oblanceolata and lowland nepenthes(1 stipulation for this trade is I will trade for 1 plant if the other person agrees to accept 2 or more of mine). Time to trim some of the fat from my collection to make way for nepenthes I have been wanting for a while. Other...
  10. C

    WTT N. nigro gracilis, speckled mirabilis, miranda, king tiger, mirabilis x tiger

    will trade for sarracenia, d. oblanceolata and lowland nepenthes(1 stipulation for this trade is I will trade for 1 plant if the other person agrees to accept 2 or more of mine). Time to trim some of the fat from my collection to make way for nepenthes I have been wanting for a while. Other...
  11. S

    Spooky's Growlist

    I don't think I did this already but if I'm wrong please update me! I am participating in a discussion string about species threatened with extinction and eBay sellers poaching so consider me spanked:-( and no need to bring that up here . Everything I have or are in transit were acquired prior...
  12. FloridaCP

    FloridaCP's growlist

    Hey everyone. I finally got around to typing up a list for you all. I'm pretty sure I got everything but not 100% sure. Also keep in mind I work in a greenhouse where we've got over 300 species of plants ranging from orchids, ferns, tropical fruits, cactus, ethnobotanicals and more. So if you're...
  13. divaskid

    Divaskid's Grow List

    Last Updated: 4/13/14 A speacial thanks to everyone that contributed to my grow list. You guys are awesome! :D Byblis B. liniflora Drosera D. binata 'multifida extrema' D. capensis 'alba' D. indica Nepenthes N. alata 'Speckled' (female) N. albomarginata N. albomarginata 'Penang' N...
  14. S

    Seeds germinating

    It took four+ weeks but the first 4 planted of the 14 subspecies are germinating now, it will be some time before I can tell if they sent what they advertised but I can say that the seeds all looked different. Now I have to order in a lens adapter for my Fujifilm S2950 so I can do some...
  15. Keith

    Shortbus' growlist (I'm new at this...can you tell?)

    Keiths' growlist Growlist Key "[]"numbers in brackets indicate quantity of plants available for trade, "+"indicates more plantlets started and/or sprouts "*"indicates seed pack/s available for SASE, limit 1 per request while supply lasts, PM for details No brackets = No trade Byblis-Rainbow...
  16. C

    One of my more interesting Lowland devils(winged tendril 'Grabilis')

    It isn't very cute but this 'Grabilis' is interesting. *On a side note this one seems to have the title for the most vigorous of my lowlanders but a gracilis x mirabilis hybrid.....not really that shocking though. It is finally starting to get used to my higher light intensity and as a result I...
  17. jwbates26

    jwbates26 Grow List

    Cephalotus: Cephalotus follicularis typical x2 Darlingtonia: Darlingtonia californica Dionaea: D. muscipula 'B52' x2 D. muscipula "Crimson Sawtooth" D. muscipula 'Cupped Trap' x2 D. muscipula "Czech Giant" D. muscipula 'Dentate Trap' x2 D. muscipula "Maroon Monster" D. muscipula 'Sawtooth' x3...
  18. JRFxtreme

    Giveaway: who wants to grow some lowland Nepenthes?

    Hello terraforumers, I have a tray full of rooted Nepenthes gracilis cuttings and I'm looking to give some away. These were taken from plants I grew from seed several years ago. One is an all green form, another is heavily red speckled and the third has fuzzy, yellowish pitchers. Two males...
  19. C

    Latest/last nepenthes arrival for a while

    Just received a purple gracilis....looks great. that's the good news. The bad news is unless i trade away one of my lowlanders I am out of space.....It isn't cramped in the chamber persea but the plants will start expanding soon I predict. enjoy:
  20. C

    nepenthes for trade

    I have the following neps for trade: alata x maxima x emmarene x khaslessi x effalgent koto Far as I can tell these are all intermediates...will have pic and measurement soon but they are all rooted cutting if memory serves. I am looking for either lowland nepenthes or some nice/beautiful...