TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I'll get straight to the point; has anyone ever seen a Nepenthes F2 hybrid? For example n. (lowii x truncata) x (lowii x truncata).
Now I am no biologist (although I did take advanced bio in high school), but I have a hypothesis on how the traits of each parent would show through. I'm assuming...
Black Friday is the time of year to add new plants to the collection. I was lucky enough to get a few good deals this year.
N. talangensis x maxima
The N. talangensis x robcantleyi came in at a nice, large size.
N. glandulifera x robcantleyi has been steadily getting larger in...
Work in progress...
Tropical/Mexican Pinguicula Species and Specific Localities
P. agnata red leaf November 2016, Feb. 2017, March 2017
P. cyclosecta November 2016, March 2017
P. ehlersiae - Victoria November 2016, March 2017
P. 'El Mirador' November 2016, March 2017
It has been awhile since I posted pics of my sarracenia, so here goes the photo dump. Most of these were taken this month, a few end of August.
S. x umlauftiana
S. Tapestry
S. Tapestry
Black hybrid
[Judith Hindle x (oreophila x minor)] x Judith Hindle
Hello! I am looking for any N. aristolochioides hybrids, or preferably Nepenthes bicalcarata cuttings/plants for trade.
What I have to offer is:
Sarracenia rosea
Amorphophallus konjac bulbs
Aerisaema bulbs
I also have many many orchids that would take a long time to list but here are a few...
I have had a lot of time one my hands :-))
Genus Brocchinia
- Brocchinia reducta
- B. guehoi
- B. liniflora
- B. filifolia x guehoi
- C. follicularis (a beautiful plant from Nauz)
- D. californica
- D. californica seed grown...
Wow, it has been a long time since I have been on these forums. My life got pretty crazy for a while, but I still actively grow my carnivorous plants.
So, I experimented with cuttings since I have last been on here, and way more of them survived than I was expecting. So, now I have 8 rooted...
I'm sorry for the incredible bad images, my hobby isn't really photography. I just wanted to post pictures of my neps, instead of always asking everyone to show of theirs, thought i could grab my chance as I was watering. Also, I guess I'll use this thread to update on my plants as well as the...
Want D. Spatulata "Kanto" seed, D. Adelae "cream flower", terrestrial Utrics, and S. Rubra "Wherryi". Have Sarracenia species and hybrids, U. livida, D. Spatulata "Hong Kong" to trade.
Deltatango 301 Growlist 138 plants in Greenhouse 10' X 6'
WANTED Drosera Derbyensis D. Adelae D. Ultramafica X Spatulata D. Purpurascens
My Plants
x phalaenopsis X 2 (Dobbies)
bromeliad (Dobbies)
Sun Pitcher
nutans x heterodoxa (HV011Hants)
Cobra Lily
Smooter80's grow list updated 11/25/15
New arrivals
5-23 Nepenthes
burbidgeae x trusmadiensis EP SG
ephippiata SG
inermis SG
jamban SG
lowii x veitchii (k) EP SG
lowii x Sabre Dark Cherry EP SG
talangensis x mira
chimantensis Chimanta Tepui AW
elongata Ilu Tepui AW...
I have the following plants available for trade:
Drosera communis
Drosera flexicaulis
Drosera riparia
Drosera roraimae
Drosera spiralis
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia amethystina
Utricularia appendiculata
Utricularia bifida
Utricularia biloba
Utricularia chrysantha
Utricularia cornuta...
A packet of sarracenia species. No hybrids here, 99% sure of that. Definitely some minor and rubra, maybe some leucophylla and flava. Dunno about purp and pssitciana. Maybe there are some. These were unplanted seeds from last year. You must be able to send a sase to enter, and have 25 posts...
I lied... :jester:
If there is anything that I don't have for trade, but you are dying to have, send me a pm and I'll see if I see what I can start propagating for ya. I'm always looking for different clones than what I have, so if you have something I already have on my growlist, send me a...
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