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  1. Ozzy

    Carnivorous Plants of North Carolina Video (1st Copy) winner Est $20

    I am planning on a making a HD video this summer on CP's of NC. It's still in the planning stages but I hope to have it finished this winter. Just to give you an idea what may see, here's a list of cp's that I am going to try to get on the video. Dionea muscipula. Sarracenia flava (4 or 5...
  2. kulamauiman

    kulamauiman's grow list

    Byblis Byblis liniflora Cephalotus Cephalotus follicularis (typical) Dionaea Dionaea muscipula (‘Petite Dragon’) Dionaea muscipula ('B-52') Dionaea muscipula ('Big Mouth') Dionaea muscipula ('Red Dragon') Dionaea muscipula ('Royal Red') Drosera Drosera adelae Drosera...
  3. Adam

    Great Day!

    Well, today, we (parents and i) went to the person where we buy lots of cps. Anyways, my dad bought: 2 VFTS 2 Purpureas, and 2 Spathulatas. I bought(lots): Sarrs: Catesbaei Mardi Gras Rubra Rubra Flava Dana's delight moorei 2 minors, and a swaniana (purpurea x minor) I got a free Utricularia...
  4. z5guy

    where do you find?

    Hey, guys, im looking for online sotes to buy Cps off of and im looking for certain ones and ive already been to all the ones i know of and still cant find them, its incrediabley important i find them. Pinguicula macroceras, P. villosa, P. vulgaris, Drosera anglica, Drosera longifolia, Drosera...
  5. C

    Grow list

    The list below does not include any seeds waiting for germination. Cephalotus follicularis Dionaea muscipula “Akai Red” “Big Mouth” “Freak” “Sawtooth” “South West Giant” Drosera adelae admirabilis aliciae aliciae...
  6. C

    Yet another growlist

    Here my growlist Cephalotus follicularis Dionaea muscipula “Akai Red” “Big Mouth” “Freak” “Sawtooth” “South West Giant” Drosera adelae admirabilis aliciae aliciae ‘veined flower’ binata var. dichotoma...
  7. P

    ping seeds

    Yep I just received some seeds I ordered from rarexoticseeds.com and was wondering what would be the best way to get them to germinate being there are three different catagories I will make three seperate posts, the seeds are as follows, D. spatulata P. lusitanica G. aurea U. alpina U. dichotoma...
  8. P

    Utrics and Genlisea seeds

    Yep I just received some seeds I ordered from rarexoticseeds.com and was wondering what would be the best way to get them to germinate being there are three different catagories I will make three seperate posts, the seeds are as follows, D. spatulata P. lusitanica G. aurea U. alpina U. dichotoma...
  9. P

    New D. spatulata seeds

    Yep I just received some seeds I ordered from rarexoticseeds.com and was wondering what would be the best way to get them to germinate being there are three different catagories I will make three seperate posts, the seeds are as follows, D. spatulata P. lusitanica G. aurea U. alpina U. dichotoma...
  10. F

    flytraps2000's growlist

    Hello everyone, here is my grow list.  Little old with some additions missing but pretty accurate. Current 2/05 additions coming soon, couple losses to. Aldrovanda ald1 Japanese form ald2 Australian red form NSW near Mertens Creek above Big Mertens Falls near Mitchel Falls, Kimberley...
  11. G

    Glenn's grow list

    Plants Currently Growing Or In Dormancy       Plant Family Species/Cultivar   Cephalotus Cephalotus flocularis   Dionea typical   Drosera adelae   Drosera binata var. multifida f. extrema   Drosera nitidula spp. allantostigma   Drosera spatulata   Drosera nidiformis   Drosera binata   Drosera...
  12. elgecko

    Utricularia in the pine barrens

    I guess I could have PMed everyone this that went to the Pine Barrens. You know how we were all wondering what kind of Utricularia was in the lake. Well I picked up a publication at the Batsto park office before I left on Sunday, that's the area were I found the D. filiformis. The Utricularia...
  13. S

    Seans growlist-

    Here is my latest growlist- South African Drosera Drosera admirabilis Drosera admirabilis 'Ceres, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'Palmiet River, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'seed from holotype' Drosera affinis 'Namibia' Drosera aliciae Drosera burkeana Drosera capensis 'Mini Red' Drosera capensis...
  14. T

    Utricularia nephrophylla

    Yes, you read this right. I must have 7 scapes poking up out of my small pot of this species. I hear this is another that rarely flowers, so I am feeling good about it. I have never seen this one in flower! Plants were grown without an alternating wet/dry cycle, and have been kept wetter than...