TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Work in progress...
Tropical/Mexican Pinguicula Species and Specific Localities
P. agnata red leaf November 2016, Feb. 2017, March 2017
P. cyclosecta November 2016, March 2017
P. ehlersiae - Victoria November 2016, March 2017
P. 'El Mirador' November 2016, March 2017
I have had a lot of time one my hands :-))
Genus Brocchinia
- Brocchinia reducta
- B. guehoi
- B. liniflora
- B. filifolia x guehoi
- C. follicularis (a beautiful plant from Nauz)
- D. californica
- D. californica seed grown...
Hello everyone, I decided to post my grow list. As you can see I am mostly into Nepenthes and tropical Pinguicula. I will add some pictures soon!
Cephalotus follicularis
Typical (seed grown)
Hummer's Giant
Vigorous Clumping
adelea 'Giant'
burmannii 'Green'
burmannii 'Humpty Doo'...
I really gotta stop coming up with weird titles lol.
Anyway I just performed a mass leaf pulling on all of my pings this Friday (06/27/14) and thought I would start a development thread incase anyone was interested.
I am too lazy to retype all the pings so I am just copying the description...
Grow list (6/29/2016 updated)
D. filiformis (temperate) - seed grown (ICPS seed bank)*
D. filiformis 'Florida all red' - seed grown*
D. binata [Coromandel, NZ] (warm temperate) - seed grown (ICPS seed bank)
D. binata f. multifida f. extrema*
D. binata ‘Marston Dragon'*
D. intermedia...
Hi everyone. I'm looking to expand my collection a bit. Here is a list of plants that I am looking for:
D. villosa
D. x corinthiaca
D. regia 'Big Easy'
D. hilaris
D. schwackei
D. longiscapa
D. kaieteurensis
I'm also interested in any other hybrids and species that I do not have. No D...
Trades closed- Thanks !
OK, I've repotted and here's my extras in no particular order: USA only. I ship USPS with tracking confirmation number, you do the same.
Jauvamensis, Moranensis alba- A true alba, Kondoi, John Rizzi, Huahuapan, Potosiensis, Hamlen, Gigantea, cyclosecta...
My Plant List:
sanguina Ulu Kali
x gentle
x ventrata
maxima x trusmadiensis
ventricosa x ephipiata
Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid
Caesar NN1250251
Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana
Predator HCEP112
I received this Pinguicula species from CZ Plants, back in June, 2008 labeled as P. kondoi.
But it seems that the real P. kondoi, according to some experts, is not really in cultivation, and what is labeled as such is actually P. reticulata.
Either way, this is still a very nice mexi-ping...
Sarracenia - Some photos not mine, but used with permission from the person whom the plants originated
S. 'Adrian Slack'
S. 'Leah Wilkerson'
S. "Blood Moon"
S. 'Judith Hindle'
S. 'Scarlet Belle'
S. 'Dana's Delight'
S. 'June Bug'
S. 'Dixie Lace'
S. 'Tripe Rarity'
S. 'Hank'
S. "Appalachian...
I have seed from a N. gracilis green type x a dusky pitchered one. I have several pods of seed that I can trade. I am looking for any of the following below:
moranensis - white flower
aganta - scented...
I have some D. scorpoides pink & D. omissa gemmae,D. burmanni, D. Dichotoma 'Giant', P. pumila 'purple flower, 1 P. colimensis, P. gigantea, P. 'Aphrodite', Aldrovanda green subtropical, and some N. 'Viking' seedlings(really small) available to trade. As you can read this is a variety of...
I am on the lookout for any of the following pinguicula:
PM me
Pinguicula 'Crystal'
Pinguicula agnata {scented flower} *
Pinguicula agnata var. tamaulipes {Eastern of Vinder Victors, Mexico}
Pinguicula colimensis
Pinguicula crassifolia
Pinguicula debbertiana {white flower}
Pinguicula ehlersiae...
Last spring I had a bunch oif casualties, particularly when I put my butterworts outside and they got drowned in a rainstorm. Most have been replaced already. Some died within a week and some died throughout the year. So..... if anybody happens to have extra plants or leaves they can spare, I'm...
When I received this species it was mislabelled as Pinguicula kondoi. These are unique in several ways, one is that once they are uprooted their leaves are destined to "drop off" if the utmost care is not taken to prevent this happening (the petiole that attaches the leaf to the stem is...
want list: looking for different petiolaris group including hybrids!
still want
laueana hybrids
other Mexican species
Here's a partial list of some of my more interesting plants:
Tropical (Australian) Drosera:
aff. brevicornus...
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