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  1. W

    Drosera Regia Stressed?

    Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum! I recently got myself a drosera regia after wanting one for a long time now, along with a drosera aff. lanata "Flying Fox Creek". It's been about a week and a half since I got them and I noticed that, especially with the regia, the leaves are starting to...
  2. bluemax

    Drosera lanata to trade for other petiolaris species.

    I currently have several mature Drosera lanata (AG3 clone) plants to trade. I am looking for D. fulva, D. banksii, D. darwinensis, D. kenneallyi, D. ordensis or any of the aff. species/forms. This photo shows the same clone I am offering. If you are interested send me a pm (personal message) or...
  3. Deltatango301

    Deltatango301 Growlist

    Deltatango 301 Growlist 138 plants in Greenhouse 10' X 6' WANTED Drosera Derbyensis D. Adelae D. Ultramafica X Spatulata D. Purpurascens My Plants Orchids x phalaenopsis X 2 (Dobbies) bromeliad (Dobbies) Sun Pitcher Heliamphora nutans x heterodoxa (HV011Hants) Cobra Lily Darlingtonia...
  4. DragonsEye

    DragonsEye's humble grow list

    Byblis liniflora Drosera adelae binata capensis capensis ("Giant" form) hartmeyerorum madagascarensis Drosophyllum ------ Nepenthes maxima ventricosa 2 NoID hybrids (or "poi dogs" if you prefer) Pinguicula Aphrodite gigantea moctezumae X gypsicola moranensis Sarracenia Blood Moon x Adrian...
  5. WolframOmega

    WolframOmega's Photo Thread

    WolframOmega's Highland Terrarium Hi all, I suppose it's probably time I started a photo thread. Here are some of the more presentable plants in my collection. Enjoy! Drosera graomogolensis <a data-flickr-embed="true"...
  6. WolframOmega

    WolframOmega's Growlist

    Hi all, Here is my puny growlist. Enjoy! Dionaea muscipula Dionaea muscipula 'Ginormous' S. flava var. cuprea (Lois x botanique) Sarracenia rubra subsp. gulfensis Sarracenia leucophylla (Drummond's giant imposter) S. minor var. okefenokeensis Charlton Co, GA Sarracenia purpurea subsp. venosa...
  7. DroseraLover

    DroseraLover's Growlist

    Cephalotus Cephalotus Follicularis Dionaea Dionaea Muscipula *It has ceased to be! (Dead)* Dionaea Muscipula "Akai Ryu" *It has also ceased to be! (Dead)* Drosera Drosera Adelae Drosera Adelae "Red Giant" Drosera Admirabilis Drosera Aliciae Drosera Binata var. Multifida Drosera Burmannii...
  8. theplantman

    Top 10 Favorite Drosera!

    That's right. Your top 10 favorites. Period. Species, hybrids, cultivars, varieties, regardless if you possess them or not. Info on why (or not). I'm not much of a rule creator or follower. and.....GO! 1) Drosera gigantea 2) Drosera lanata 3) Drosera regia 4) Drosera...
  9. orlenz

    Acclimated finaly

    Here are a couple of the Petiolaris I got a couple months back, I am lucky to have a climate that allows me to grow them outside, I got these from a guy that uses a terrarium, so had a fun time acclimating them the last several weeks, the lanata went Dormant but looks to be coming out of it and...
  10. bluemax

    3 species of sundews for rcl27 SOLD - SOLD

    3 species of sundews for rcl27 SOLD One each of 3 different species of Drosera: D. slackii, D. lanata and D. hamiltonii. List Date: 5/14/2014 For more info, click here to view the original listing: 3 species of sundews for rcl27 SOLD -------------------------------------- SOLD...
  11. orlenz

    Orlenz Growlist

    5-1-14 Dionaea Muscipula Typical ( large Vigorous ) Maroon Monster Cross Teeth Big Mouth Dentate DC XL Crested Petioles B 52 King Henry Ginormous Wacky Traps Coquillage Flaming Lips Jaws Lunatic Fringe Korrigans Drosera D. Lanata D. Paradoxa D. Spatulata ( Kanto ) D. Capensis Alba D...
  12. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  13. R

    Robster_24's NOOB grow list

    Dionaea muscipula: Typical Drosera: D. Adelae D. Capensis "alba" pygmys: D. Paleacea ssp. Paleacea Petiolaris complex: D. Paradoxa (currently being shiped!) Want list: D. Lanata D. Falconeri D. Ordensis-ooooooh I NEED this plant! D. Dilatato-Petiolaris D. Petiolaris ...and pretty much...
  14. bluemax

    Drosera lanata - orlenz $20

    This is one of the petiolaris complex of sundews. This group of plants requires special conditions to grow successfully. The photo is of the exact plant for bid. It is about 4 inches across and will be shipped bare-root. Winning bidder will pay $6.50 for USPS Priority shipping. Sorry - I will...
  15. rcl27

    Cody Lawson's (rcl27) Grow List

    Cephalotus: Cephalotus (typical) - Flytrapcare Cephalotus (typical) - carnivorousplantsshop.eu Cephalotus "Double Ribbed" - JCal Cephalotus "Emu Point" - JCal Cephalotus "Hummer's Giant" - JCal Cephalotus "Phil Mann" - JCal Cephalotus "Squat" - JCal Dionaea Muscipula: Dionaea "Typical" - Lowes...
  16. bluemax

    petiolaris dews for petiolaris dews

    I have: Drosera lanata, D. dilatato-petiolaris, D. paradoxa and D. falconeri. It's worth noting that the dilatato-petiolaris is a clone from a plant I grew from seed so the genetics should be different from anything out there. I am looking to trade for: D. fulva, D. derbyensis, D. petiolaris...
  17. J

    sundews, sundews, sundews, sundews !!!!

    intrested in getting a variety of sundews. have sundews and sarracenia, that i can offer for trade. including some uncommon cultivars for equal trade. im looking for the following: nidiformis capensis ( all varieties) petiolaris ordensis lanata falconeri byblis indica red intermedia x filiformis...
  18. bluemax

    Drosera lanata - petiolaris complex - SOLD

    Drosera lanata - petiolaris complex Drosera lanata is a member of the petiolaris complex of sundews. If you are unfamiliar with these plants I suggest you research them before you consider buying. They require higher temperatures than most species and some may find them difficult, though if...
  19. bluemax

    All Things Petiolaris

    It seems to me that there is a lot of interest in sundews of the petiolaris complex but not a lot of information out there. I consider these plants to be some of the most beautiful and interesting of all Drosera, if not all plants. They continue to be rare in cultivation and expensive to buy...
  20. R

    Looking to buy Woolys - Plants and / or seeds

    As the title states I am wanting to buy wooly sundews. I prefer plants but seeds will do if plants are not available. Any of the following: D. brevicornis D. broomensis D. caduca D. darwinensis D. derbyensis D. dilatato-petiolaris D. falconeri D. fulva D. kenneallyi D. lanata D. ordensis D...