TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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What is your experience with the gemmae production times?
D. allantostigma
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba
What is your experience with the flowering times?
D. allantostigma (April & May)
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba...
I've had a couple "shots in the arm" with pygmy sundew gemmae and other assorted things, but what was once a thriving collection of butterworts is down to just a few. I am also missing a few basic sundews, like D. adelae, anglica, and aliciae. Here's my current grow list. Those with asterisks I...
I have around 6 packets worth of at least 10 gemmae of Drosera lasiantha available for postage. I will only send these in padded (bubble) envelopes which the USPS classifies as parcels. Too many standard envelopes even with padding I've sent out in the last two have been crushed which I...
It's that time of year again.
I'm looking for any Pygmy Drosera I don't grow. I lost my Drosera gibsonii colony this year and would love to get a replacement.
My current grow list.
Drosera allantostigma
Drosera callistos
Drosera callistos -Brookton form
Drosera citrina
Drosera closterostigma...
I have been hunting around various seed selling web sites in the hope of expanding my meagre Drosera collection into something more exotic. Then it occurred to me that I ought to ask you guys first...yes?!
Does anyone please have any of the following Droserae (or similar) and is willing...
D. muscipula
Mixed Red seedlings
Shogun Star
Fused Tooth seedlings
Bohemian Garnet
B52 x Big Mouth
Ventricosa (Red Male)
sibuyanensis x burkeii
maxima tentata
sibuyanensis x burkeii
rafflesiana 'Dark Brown' (100+ seedlings)
longifolia 'Very Dark Brown'...
I'm looking for any gemmae not on this list. Please email me at jeremiah@leilaninepenthes.com
My Grow List...
Drosera allantostigma
Drosera androsacea
Drosera callistos
Drosera citrina
Drosera closterostigma
Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form)
Drosera dichrosepala
I recently aquired some plants from another grower here in NC and before taking the plants today I informed him that I did not have the space to grow all these plants at the size they are now and he told me it would be fine for me to share these plants with anybody I wanted. So basically I'm...
I'm starting a terrarium for pygmy sundews and I'm looking for the following species,
D. barbigera ssp. barbigera
D. callistos Brookton
D. citrina ssp. citrina
D. closterostigma Mogumber
D. eneabba Red
D. helodes Bulls Brook
D. scorpioides Gidgegannup
D. gibsonii
D. silvicola
D. lasiantha
Dionaea "A2", eating two of its own traps
Dionaea "Big Vigorous"
Dionaea "Czech Giant"
Dionaea "Vigorous"
Dionaea 'Pink Venus'
Dionaea "Dutch Delight"
Pot of Typicals
Dionaea 'B52'
Dionaea "FTS Maroon Monster" with sand all over it ;)
Dionaea "FTS Etna"...
This is what I have so far. Just because I have it, does not mean I would not be interested in more. So if you have something available that is on my list don't count me out. UPDATED 3/22/15
admirabilis ‘Ceres’
admirabilis 'Floating'
aff. Petiolaris ‘Pin...
About a month ago I found aphids on my pygmys (neem oil handled it), please bear with their ugliness.
On 3/21, one of the two lasianthas started a wooly flower stalk:
Ten days later, around 9AM:
The flower closed less than 12 hours after it opened.
D. lasiantha, slowly but surely...
Cephalotus Follicularis
Nepenthes Species
N. alata Lantern ....11/2011
N. albomarginata ~Triffid Park~ ......1/2015
N. boschiana - seed grown ....17/12/2012
N. boschiana (b) ~EP~ ....10/2014...
Sarracenia - Some photos not mine, but used with permission from the person whom the plants originated
S. 'Adrian Slack'
S. 'Leah Wilkerson'
S. "Blood Moon"
S. 'Judith Hindle'
S. 'Scarlet Belle'
S. 'Dana's Delight'
S. 'June Bug'
S. 'Dixie Lace'
S. 'Tripe Rarity'
S. 'Hank'
S. "Appalachian...
UPDATED 29/04/10
Catopsis berteroniana (3/2/10)
Brocchinia reducta (3/2/10)
f. Red
f. Typical
Note : * Denotes official Dionaea cultivar
Akai Ryu - The Red Dragon* (Triffid Park)
All Green (21/11/09)
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