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My Current Growlist
Updated 2/11/2006
Cephalotus follicularis (typical)
Dionaea muscipula (typical)
D. binata "T-Form"
D. burmannii
D. capensis
D. dielsiana
D. intermedia (Cuba)
D. scorpioides
D. spatulata
D. tokaiensis...
Well I see a lot of these photo threads in the other forums but not this one, therefore I have created this thread for posting pics of all utrics/aldrovanda/genlisea, aquatic or terrestrial, it doesn't matter. So let me start out with some (somewhat crappy) pictures of my terrestrial utrics...
I have the following Utrics available:
U. tricolor
U. praelonga
U. bisquamata
U. livida
U. longifolia
U. sandersonii
U. lateriflora
G. violacea (giant)
I have 4 of each available for postage, $3.85 for a package (any number of plants).
The Genlisea are small plants, under 1 cm across...
These are all my terrestrial Utrics:
U. bisquamata (small flowered form)
U. calycifida 'Mrs. Marsh'
U. calycifida 'Yog-Sothoth'
U. lateriflora
U. livida
U. longifolia
U. microcalyx
U. odorata
U. paulinae
U. praelonga
U. prehensilis
U. sandersonii
U. sandersonii (blue)
U. sp. 2
U. subulata
For the past 16 months I have sent out may SASES, cultivated friendships, and have done a lot of trading, accumulating various packets of seeds, gemmae, cuttings, and plants. This growing season has rewarded me with a plethora of flowering plants. So far, either having just flowered, or...
Pygmy Sundews
D. citrina
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala
D. echinoblasta
D. enneaba {white flower}
D. enodes
D. ericksonae {pink flower}
D. helodes
D. lasiantha
D. leucoblasta
D. mannii
D. nitidula ssp. allantostigma
D. nitidula ssp. leucostigma
D. nitidula ssp. omissa
D. oreopodion
if i "rub" seeds out of a dried up flower is there a good chance that it is fertile?
i dont allow my U. lateriflora and bisquamata and other potential weed species to develop seed pods but with species im not sure of and that i really like their flowers i allow them to form some pods to see if...
Last night, I sterilized some 50/50 peat/sand mix by microwaving it wet for 15 minutes. After it cooled, I filled a 72-cell plug tray (1.5" square cells) with this sterilised mix.
I prepared 9 plugs each of:
U. tricolor
U. praelonga
U. bisquamata
U. livida
U. longifolia
U. sandersonii
Here's a variety pack of Utricularia that I'm offering. Winner pays the $3.85 shipping cost. I'll only ship within the USA. Utricularia will be sent out in 1" plugs.
humboldtii? - looks like a praelonga
longifolia - non flowering kind... at...
all are terrestrial unless otherwise noted. no particular difficulties have been observed and growing them though i have not flowered all of them. all plugs should be suffecient to get it established for you if you do your part. do to various growth habits some species will have larger plugs or...
its spring and im curious as to who has what Utrics and Gens flowering?
ive had and continue to have blooming:
U. sandersonii
U. sandersonii "blue"
U. livida
U. bisquamata
U. lateriflora
G. violacea (both typical and giant?)
this week i have, will have:
U. calycifida "Yog Sothoth"
GrowList 2020
Jeremiah Harris Carnivorous Plant Growlist
Colorado Springs CO
A. vesiculosa
B. reducta
B. filifolia “Flowers mauve with pale lemon back”-Boulk area South Peninsular Kimberley W.A.
B. liniflora
Jeremiah's Cephalotus...
This is what I am offering
U. tricolor -(2)
U. calycifida 'Gran Sabana' - (0 -all gone)
U. sp-1 - (2)
U. unknown (subulata or laterifloria probably) - (5)
U. sandersonii 'Blue' - (6)
U. sandersonii - (5)
U. praelonga - (4)
U. flaccida - (3)
U. sp-2 - (1) (a livida type)
U. Tricolor w/ a little...
D. muscipula typical (lowes)
D. adelae (lowes)
D. spatulata
D. nidiformis
D. Aliciae
D. capensis typical
D. capensis 'albino'
D. amiriblis
D. amiriblis Palmiet River, RSA
D. binata "extrema" (young- hasn't shown the extrema part)
D. intermedia bahia brazil
D. desliana...
MY GROWLIST----2-16-05
A. vesiculosa
B. reducta
B. liniflora
C. follicularis
D. californica
D. californica (Florence, OR)
D. muscipula
D. muscipula ‘Big Mouth’
D. muscipula ‘Big Vigorous’
Trades will come first in importance and will be sent out ASAP.
After trades I will take SASE ($2 for bubblelope or $3 small box and shipping). If SASE -
first - PM me,
second - send the money, making sure to have a return addresss and a note stating which plants and what your forum name...
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