TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I am looking for all fresh seeds to these subtropicals US ping
primuliflora - lutea - ionantha - planifolia - caerulea - pumila
I can swap with temperate ping ( seeds - hibernaculae - bulbilles )
if you are interested PM me
Typical muscipula Dionaea
Dionaea Bohemian Garden
Byblis liniflora
D. Adelae
D. affinis
D. Binata T-Form
D. Binata multifida (new changes)
D. burmannii
D. burmannii Hong Kong
D. burmannii red
D. capensis
D. capensis Alba
D. capensis "Giant" (changes)
D. Capillaris Long Arm
D. hartmeyerorum...
I have had a lot of time one my hands :-))
Genus Brocchinia
- Brocchinia reducta
- B. guehoi
- B. liniflora
- B. filifolia x guehoi
- C. follicularis (a beautiful plant from Nauz)
- D. californica
- D. californica seed grown...
I lied... :jester:
If there is anything that I don't have for trade, but you are dying to have, send me a pm and I'll see if I see what I can start propagating for ya. I'm always looking for different clones than what I have, so if you have something I already have on my growlist, send me a...
After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
Marcus's Growlist
C. follicularis
D. muscipula typical
D. anglica Kanaele Bog, Kauai, HI
D. anglica near Lake Constance, Germany
D. "burkeana" (most likely not!)
D. capensis albino
D. capensis broad leaf [pictures]
D. capensis typical
D. capillaris
D. filiformis
I have a Pinguicula Planifolia that has suddenly developed an issue where the tips of its leaves are drying out. It still produces mucous elsewhere and has growth from the center of the plant. I grow this plant in a bowl with S. Psittacina and P. Lutea, those plants are healthy and have no such...
Jpappy's porch growing photo thread
Got a bunch of new plants in today and ready to start my outdoor collection. All US natives and hybrids at the moment. Apologies if Sarracenia names are a bit incorrect, my taxonomic knowledge of the genus is a bit rough so this is how they were labeled from...
flava var. maxima
flava var. ornata
flava var. rubricorpora
alata 'Heavy Veins'
alabamensis wherryi
minor var. okefenokeensis 'Ware Co. Clone C'
rubra gulfensis 'Anthocyanin-Free'
purpurea venosa
purpurea venosa var. montana
leucophylla 'AJ01'
leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek...
Hi everyone, first time poster here on terraforums. I thought a seed giveaway might be a good way to kick off my membership here!
I have a copious amount of seed from drosera I've been cultivating for a few years now. I have a large bog and they produced a lot for me this year. I want to add...
Hi everyone!
My name is Zach, in case you couldn't tell from my cryptic username, and I am rather new to this whole carnivorous plant thing. What started as a fascination for the unusual has, in five short months, become a full-fledged addiction.
As of right now, my grow list is as follows...
I won a giveaway of U. Gibba offered by NatchGreye couple months ago and keep thinking of pay-it-forward. Now it is the time.
I harvested some seeds from my P. lutea last month and decide to give it away.
This giveaway is for a packet of P. lutea seeds (~30+).
Shipping on me, via standard...
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