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  1. S

    ScatterPants Grow List

    Work in progress... Indoors Pinguicula Tropical/Mexican Pinguicula Species and Specific Localities P. agnata red leaf November 2016, Feb. 2017, March 2017 P. cyclosecta November 2016, March 2017 P. ehlersiae - Victoria November 2016, March 2017 P. 'El Mirador' November 2016, March 2017 P...
  2. Cactusdan

    Cactusdan's Growlist

    -- Carnivores -- -Cephalotus (Australian Pitcher)- Cephalotus follicularis var. Typical -Dionaea (Venus Fly Trap)- Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu' Dionaea muscipula 'Red Sawtooth' -Drosera (Sundew)- Drosera anglica x tracyi 'Southern Cross' Drosera binata var. dichotoma 'T-form' Drosera bindoon...
  3. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  4. T

    Tanukimo's Growlist

    List: (photographs below) Drosera adelae Drosera binata var. dichotoma Drosera collinsiae x burkeana Drosera aff. lanata 'Flying Fox Creek' Drosera madagascariensis Drosera natalensis Drosera paradoxa white, 'Type form', Lady Dreaming, Arnhemland, NT., Australia Drosera roraimae Drosera...
  5. Werdna

    Genlisea aurea and margaretae for Research

    I am working with a researcher at the University of Arizona who is studying carnivorous plant genomes. He is particularly interested in plants with the smallest genomes and Genlisea aurea and margaretae are at the top of his list. It is difficult to obtain much test material because these plants...
  6. erick

    erick gronwlist nov 2011

    - Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Dionaea muscipula (Venus Atrapamoscas) - Droseras: * Aliciae * Anglica * Binata * Capensis (red) * Capensis alba * Rotundifolia * Scorpioides * Filiformis * Neo-caledonica * Adelae * Prolifera * Dielsiana * Burmanni(red) * Burmanni(alba) * intermedia * Pygmea *...
  7. kayaker78

    Kayaker78's grow list

    About to rebuild my collection, gave my plants away during move from Seattle to Utah My Plants Drosera Drosera Aliciae Drosera brevifolia (seed sown) Drosera capensis 'Albino' Drosera capensis - red leaf Drosera finlaysoniana - pink flower Drosera spathulata Ivan's 3-way Drosera 'Tamlin'...
  8. Jefforever

    Utricularia Starter Pack Nepfreak $25

    Up for bid is: 1 plug of U. dichotoma 1 plug of U. heterosepala An established tofu container of U. livida 1 seed pod of U. arenaria and a stolon as a back up, incase the seeds don't germinate. Ok, maybe a couple stolons, but I don't have that much. These are all prolific terrestrials, so if...
  9. Jefforever

    Early Giveaway...

    I'm giving these away because I'm moving soon AND I'm tired of them. If you have some spare utrics not on my growlist - I'll give you first priority. And of course I'll always check out anything you're offering that's not on my growlist. First up, more D. binatas: I really want more...
  10. jrod

    Weeding Utrics

    Here's an easy method to separate mixed terrestrial Utricularia. It's especially helpful when weedy plants like subulata and bisquamata have infested a pot of other Utrics. I started using this to separate Utricularia colonies which come in from nurseries, where subulata and bisquamata are...
  11. jrod

    My Growlist

    Drosera D. adelae D. admirabilis Palmiet River D. aliciae D. ascendens D. biflora Amajari, Roraima D. binata T Form D. capensis D. capensis Baines Kloof D. felix Tuku Muruku, Gran Sabana D. graomogolensis D. graomogolensis Itacambira D. hamiltonii D. hilaris D. hirticalyx D. meristocaulis D...
  12. R

    Utricularia graminifolia trimming for trade

    I need to trimming the graminifolia in my paludarium, its trying to get a foot hold in the water and I can't allow that :nono:. It will be atleast 1" X 1" of a portion size (well probably more, I won't really know for sure until I cut it out). Added a picture of the paludarium area the...
  13. R

    Utricularia graminifolia for trade

    Utricularia graminifolia up for trade, it is currently growing in a 3 oz solo cup emersed. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/38338419@N00/3142390140/" title="DSC_0352 by Smeag, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3077/3142390140_168db97a00.jpg" width="500" height="334"...
  14. Jefforever

    Autumn Spares...

    They just keep producing - I have: G. Hispidula N. splendiana x (Stenophylla x Lowii) x (Rokko x Veitchii) seedlings N. rafflesiana seedlings from Pyro P. Sierra Mazatecas P. x Titan U. microcalyx U. Livida And all the sundews in the world... lol. Just kidding. Feel free to ask about...
  15. Jefforever

    Jeff's Updated 2-12-07

    Jeff's Updated Growlist Utricularia: Orchidioides: Alpina "Pitter Moon Form" - Pyro Alpina - Pyro Alpina - Crystal --> Colieo Asplundii - Ice Dragon Quelchii "Mount Wei" - Jeff Quelchii x Humboldtii - Jeff Quelchii x Praetermissa - Jeff Iperua: Humboldtii - Rattler_mt Nelumbifolia - Jeff...
  16. G

    Any chance of finding any of the following?

    A few Utricularia I would reallly like to own.. U. arenarea/arenaria see it spelled both ways.. U. firmula U. livida var. Mexico giant U. menziesii U. microcalyx U. pentadactyla U. simplex U. simulans
  17. S

    Utricularia blanchettii x microcalyx

    I have a U.blanchettii x microcalyx that i recived from www.nepenti.com. It has flowered for me, but there isnt any pictures on the net of it I cant take a picture because my digital camera is not good enough to take things that small Has anyone else got this and have they flowered it? Dino...
  18. T

    My growlist :p

    Nepenthes Lowland N. alata N. albomarginata N. ampullaria "Speckled" # N. ampullaria "Green" N. anamensis N. gracilis ''black'' N. hirsuta N. merrilliana N. mirabilis N. mirabilis (squat) N. northiana N. rafflesiana (creme) N. reinwardtiana N. truncata Highland N. sanguinea N...
  19. S

    Utric growing medium

    These are all my terrestrial Utrics: U. bisquamata (small flowered form) U. calycifida 'Mrs. Marsh' U. calycifida 'Yog-Sothoth' U. lateriflora U. livida U. longifolia U. microcalyx U. odorata U. paulinae U. praelonga U. prehensilis U. sandersonii U. sandersonii (blue) U. sp. 2 U. subulata U...
  20. T

    Luis' growlist

    Dionaea D. muscipula typical (lowes) Drosera D. adelae (lowes) D. spatulata D. nidiformis D. Aliciae D. capensis typical D. capensis 'albino' D. amiriblis D. amiriblis Palmiet River, RSA D. binata "extrema" (young- hasn't shown the extrema part) D. intermedia bahia brazil D. desliana...