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  1. NatchGreyes

    ID This Utric

    Hey Everyone: Today, when I looked at my N. amp. I saw, in addition to my U. livida and U. tricolor, the flower stalk immediately in front of the N. amp pitcher: Sorry for the grainy images, but you should be able to make out that the white flowers have very prominent spurs. Anyone have...
  2. rcl27

    Cody Lawson's (rcl27) Grow List

    Cephalotus: Cephalotus (typical) - Flytrapcare Cephalotus (typical) - carnivorousplantsshop.eu Cephalotus "Double Ribbed" - JCal Cephalotus "Emu Point" - JCal Cephalotus "Hummer's Giant" - JCal Cephalotus "Phil Mann" - JCal Cephalotus "Squat" - JCal Dionaea Muscipula: Dionaea "Typical" - Lowes...
  3. P

    Seeking Genlisea metallica G. glangulosissima and Utricularia volubilis, minutissima

    Don't know if anyone out there has these, thought I would give it a try. Have Genlisea flexulosa plantlet or U. longifolia plantlet for trade. Another utric or two, and some other water plants... Thanks.
  4. A

    Aussie growlist

    Nepenthes Alata (unknown variety) Bicalcarata sri aman Mirabilis Thai Mirabilis Au Cape York Mirabilis Viking Gracilis red Gracilis nigropurpurea (male) Albomarginata green Truncata Vieilardii Sanguinea red Benstonei Veitchii pink Veitchii Bau Veitchii Mt Murudu sarawak Ampullaria Green...
  5. P

    Does anyone here have, or have you tried any of these plants?? Red Aldrovanda,

    Hi, I am curious about whether anyone here has attempted to grow red Aldrovanda, Australian or Hungarian, and were you successful? They seem to be for the most part, unobtanium. Other attempts to find out and or obtain some have been unsuccessful or are stalled. While on the subject, does...
  6. Tuuagso

    Tuuagso's growlist

    Cephalotus follicularis (3) . Hummer Giant . Hummer Giant x Hummer Giant . Typical Darlingtonia californica (2) . Dark . typical Dionaea muscipula (4) . all red . B52 . Fang x Big mouth . Bohemian Garnet Drosera (26) . adelae . binata (multifida extrema) . botswana . burmanii . capensis...
  7. E

    Cultivation tips for different Utricularia sp.

    Hi all and sorry for the long post! I just figured it would be better to ask 1 big question and introduce myself at the same time than flooding the forum with 23 identical questions :) I hope you can bare with me! See I've got a big problem. Until recently I was happily...
  8. kayaker78

    Kayaker78's grow list

    About to rebuild my collection, gave my plants away during move from Seattle to Utah My Plants Drosera Drosera Aliciae Drosera brevifolia (seed sown) Drosera capensis 'Albino' Drosera capensis - red leaf Drosera finlaysoniana - pink flower Drosera spathulata Ivan's 3-way Drosera 'Tamlin'...
  9. w03

    William's Very Small grow list

    William (complete reboot) Hm, the original title isn't so fitting anymore... UPDATE Lots of changes, lost lots of plants moving back between college... but lots survived too! Also some cool new species, including one that's been on my want list for a while. New stuff from BCP is here...
  10. P

    Piscesilim's growlist

    Nepenthes N. gracilis N. ampullaria N. rafflesiana N. rafflesiana var. alata N. mirabilis N. albomarginata N. benstonei N. northiana N. ventricosa N. sanguinea N. bicalcarata N. truncata N. reinwardtiana N. stenophylla N. macfarlanei N. veitchii N. maxima N. sibuyanensis N. beccariana N...
  11. P

    The species list of Utricularia in Malay Peninsula.

    In my several field trips in Peninsular Malaysia, I have found U. aurea, U. gibba, U. caerulea, U. bifida, U. minutissima, U. involvens and U. uliginosa. Anyone know still got what species in Peninsular Malaysia besides the species I have listed?
  12. R

    utric.need ID

    I only took the flowers but not the leaves as the water level was high. I will come back and take more photos of the leaves when the water level subsided. But meanwhile can someone help with the ID. There are minutissima around but flower not as large,
  13. throckmoron

    Throckmoron's Grow List

    Just Updated! 12/9/08-- Please contact me for trade interest. C. follicularis C. follicularis ‘Giant’ (Wistuba) D. muscipula ‘typical’ D. muscipula ‘Akai Ryu’ D. muscipula ‘Dentate’ Pygmy Drosera D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. chlosterostigma D. citrina D. echinoblastus D...
  14. S

    Utricularia minutissima "hk"

    I would like to tell you they are still living in Hong Kong       ,I had spent several years for searching this native utricularia in my country,nothing until yesterday when I was hiking on some hills. Cheers, rex
  15. K

    Kirks growlist

    Sarracenia (North American Pitcher Plants)- -2 S. leucophylla -1 S. x "Moorei" Wilkerson Bog, Fl Utricularia (Bladderworts)- U. minutissima Drosera (Sundews)- -1 D. peltata -1 D. "Lake Bagerup" -1 D. dilato-petiolaris -1 D. darwinensis -1 D. paradoxa "all red" -1 D. paradoxa "white flower" -1...
  16. S

    Seans growlist-

    Here is my latest growlist- South African Drosera Drosera admirabilis Drosera admirabilis 'Ceres, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'Palmiet River, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'seed from holotype' Drosera affinis 'Namibia' Drosera aliciae Drosera burkeana Drosera capensis 'Mini Red' Drosera capensis...
  17. T

    U. minutissima

    Here is few pictures of U. minutissima flowering again for me. Thanks again Tim for sharing this species!
  18. noah

    For trade

    I have spare plants/division of the following: (numbers indicate number of plants/division available) Utricularia: arenaria 1 laterifolia 2 monanthos 1 dichotoma 2 livida 3 graminifolia 6...
  19. T

    Australian Utricularia Wanted

    I thought you all might be interested in seeing a list of what is possible to see down under. Does anyone know if any of the species on the first list are in cultivation, and if so which ones and how do I get you to send me some of them >;-I)> Species on the second part of the list I have seen...
  20. E

    U minutissima vs. arenaria

    I don't have either one of these little guys yet...but I keep examing pics I see online. I'm wondering if these two species names are synonyms? Does anyone have both or one? The flower structure I see looks remarkably similar to bisquamata also...are they from S. Africa too? I'm curious as to...