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  1. kulamauiman

    4 inch pot of Drosera binata "Dichotoma Giant" - jab91 $22

    You are bidding on a 4 inch pot of Drosera binata "Dichotoma Giant". This plant has come out of dormancy and probably has a huge root system running under all of the other plants in the flat. And yes this plant does go dormant, on the average it looks like an empty pot 3 months out of the year...
  2. P

    Phake's Grow List!

    My Grow List Sundews Drosera adelae (small plant, not flowering yet) Drosera burmannii (month or 2 away from flowering) Drosera capensis (red) (seedlings) Drosera capensis (albino) (seeds/seedlings) Drosera intermedia 'Carolina giant' (awaiting germination) Drosera madagascariensis (seedlings)...
  3. pretty

    Natalensis vs Dielsiana vs Other

    I've got 2 pots, one tagged natalensis one tagged dielsiana. Yep, those two. I took pictures of the seeds and plants, the natalensis is not flowering but the dielsiana does have a flower stalk in the photo. I'm confused. I think both tags are wrong and I have a suspicion they are entirely...
  4. T

    Tanukimo's Growlist

    List: (photographs below) Drosera adelae Drosera binata var. dichotoma Drosera collinsiae x burkeana Drosera aff. lanata 'Flying Fox Creek' Drosera madagascariensis Drosera natalensis Drosera paradoxa white, 'Type form', Lady Dreaming, Arnhemland, NT., Australia Drosera roraimae Drosera...
  5. monkey_Cup

    Drosera viability?

    I have the following drosera and was wondering if they will remain viable: d. natalensis, d. filiformis FL Giant, d. intermedia, d. capillaris long arm. I would like to get big pots and grow them outside next spring. But if the seeds won't remain viable, i need to know that and will get them...
  6. theplantman

    Looking for trades to expand a teaching CP collection

    Hi everyone! I would love to begin doing some plant trades in order to benefit my workplace and obtain a more complete and interesting collection of CPs. Because my teaching greenhouses aren't specifically specialized in CPs, there are significant holes in our collection and many genera are...
  7. Gigantea

    I have a cluster of unknown rosette drosera

    I picked with up from someone who thought it was a spatulata. I guess It might be a frasier island since I have a real spatulata and it has bigger leaves than this one. But it could also a natalensis, tokaiensis or some other one of those similarly looking dews. Maybe a hybrid? I'm curious to...
  8. Oregoncp

    Oregoncp's Growlist

    Nepenthes ventrata ventricosa 'Lady Pauline' Drosera rotundifolia filiformis "red" tokaiensis spatulata binata multifida 'extrema' adelae nidiformis admirabilis dielsiana / natalensis (not sure yet, still seedlings) vensuta...
  9. GemStateC

    Lots of Sundews for Trade

    FOR TRADE: Plants I have for trade (most are full sized or almost flowering size): D. ascendens ( Approximately nickel size) D. adele typ D. adele giant D. affinis D. aliciae D. binata coromandel, NZ D. capensis (red/albino/typ) D. capensis albino x aliciea D. dichotoma giant D. roseana D...
  10. ace209

    D. Natalensis and Spatulata seed HELP

    Hello everyone i recently received some free natalensis and spatulata seeds. Does anybody have any tips on sowing and getting them to sprout like humidity temperature etc. Any advice would be helpfull also can i use pure spaghnum moss as a medium. Thank you. Abel A.
  11. SDCPs

    Goodies for YOUR TYPICAL Flytraps! My for trade list posted

    Please do not PM me. I will not respond. Instead, send an email to the address in the above photo with the subject as "Trade with __your name here__": What I want: Mature Typical Flytraps. I do NOT want multiple clones of the same plant. I want genetically different plants. Priority is given...
  12. kwende

    Good starter butterwort?

    Come spring I'd like to start collecting a couple butterworts. I have a really nice, sprawling collection of Sundews, Nepenthes, VFTs, Sarrs and even bladderworts. Pings are my last unexplored territory (completely unexplored). I was wondering if anybody could recommend some good, starter...
  13. mcmcnair


    Following my -stravaganza theme of thread titles, I am starting a thread for my sundews. Up next are my pings and heliamphora. I wouldn't say I have a lot of sundews but my collection is steadily growing. I grow all my sundews in my homemade grow rack which I'll show a picture of in this thread...
  14. Keith

    Shortbus' growlist (I'm new at this...can you tell?)

    Keiths' growlist Growlist Key "[]"numbers in brackets indicate quantity of plants available for trade, "+"indicates more plantlets started and/or sprouts "*"indicates seed pack/s available for SASE, limit 1 per request while supply lasts, PM for details No brackets = No trade Byblis-Rainbow...
  15. rellenburg

    rellenburg's Grow List

    My modest growlist. Thanks for looking! If I have multiples of something you're interested in pm me. --Dionaea-- 1- 'B52' 2- 'Crimson Sawtooth' (FTS) 1- 'Cross Teeth' (FTS) 3- 'Dente' (Efrain90) 1- 'Fuzzy tooth' (jhtunion) 1- 'Fused Tooth' (FTS) 1- 'Green Wizard' 1- 'Jaws' (FTS) 2- 'Mirror'...
  16. T

    Tatorger's growlist

    No plants at the moment but i hope to quickly expand this list Nepenthes Drosera Utricularia Sarracenia Heliamphora
  17. AshG2385

    AshG's CP photos

    Today might as well have been Christmas for me! Just about everything showed up all at once! Packaging: First, my original VFT (death cube style) My new one, so much bigger and healthier! Good sized traps Next, my new Sarracenias, left to right (S. Judith Hindle, S. Rubra, and S...
  18. dyzio

    dyzio's growlist

    NEPENTHES: Nepenthes Albomarginata 'Penang, red striped' Nepenthes Ampullaria Nepenthes Ampullaria 'Green' Nepenthes Ampullaria 'Harlequin' Nepenthes Bicalcarata Nepenthes Mirabilis var. Globosa Nepenthes Rafflesiana 'giant 88' Nepenthes x Trichocarpa Nepenthes x Ventrata SARRS: Sarracenia...
  19. Sundrew

    Sundrew's Grow/Want Lists

    GROW LIST Drosera aliciae Drosera adelae Drosera binata ‘T-Form’ Drosera binata var. multifida f. extrema Drosera brevifolia Drosera burmannii (Coffee) Drosera burmannii 'Giant Red' Drosera burmannii 'Humpty-Doo' Drosera burmannii 'Typical' Drosera capensis ‘Narrow Leaf’ Drosera capensis ‘Red’...
  20. C

    cpbobby's growlist

    Nepenthes: Bicalcarata Mirabilis Var Echinostoma Baramensis Winged Grabilis Nigro Grabilis Nigro Gracilis Anamensis Coccinae Ampullaria "Crimson" as I call it. Miranda King Tiger Northiana Sarracenia: Aerolata Alata Catsbae Bog witch Pur x Minor Scarlet Belle Maroon Throat Alata Leucophelia...