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  1. Ras

    some young drosera for trade

    I have mature and young spatulata, along with seeds natalensis just starting to flower, small xsnyderi (fertile hybrid , nidiformis x natalensis) around the size of a dime grown from seed a few albino and typical capes just starting to flower, maybe one or two of each intermedia cuba , (plants...
  2. Ras

    showing off my first hybrids seedlings, and I have 1question

    only made 2 so far and some seed pods that i have cross pollinated and im waiting for the seeds i pollinate them by completely removing the anthers with tweezers from both flowers, then washout both flowers with distilled water and dab them with a tiny twisted up napkin to soak up the water...
  3. SgtSarracenia

    Growlist SO Far......

    This is what I have so far. Just because I have it, does not mean I would not be interested in more. So if you have something available that is on my list don't count me out. UPDATED 3/22/15 Drosera ‘Snyderi’ adelae admirabilis ‘Ceres’ admirabilis 'Floating' aff. Petiolaris ‘Pin...
  4. Crissytal

    Beginner Drosera Group - (Afrodisa - $6)

    Up for auction is a group of well established, easy to grow Drosera. This group includes what is pictured: small group of D. adelae, D. capensis red, and two D. natalensis. All plants were taken from root cuttings. Winner will receive the plants in the photo. Shipping will be $6.00. USA...
  5. hcarlton

    hcarlton's Growlist

    Nepenthes 'Miranda' (male) ventricosa "red" (male) x ventrata (female) Black Dragon-izumiae x truncata ampullaria "red speckled" Sajingan x hookeriana Sajingan ventricosa x gymnamphora 'Rokko' Exotica (female) x mixta (male) truncata Lowland SG rafflesiana var. alata Sajingan (spathulata x...
  6. monkey_Cup

    monkey_Cup grow list

    This grow list is great due in part to the many generous people on this forum, helping out individuals who are interested in awesome plants, but with limited resources. N. thorelli X something (gill_za) N. bicalcarata Brunei orange (purchase) N. Ventrata (xQuinn) N. Truncata Pasian(gill_za) N...
  7. Doomsday

    Doomsday's GrowList

    I can propagate anything for trade so pm me on here, or shoot me an email at wickedcarnivores(at)aol(dot)com. Haves: Dionaea Muscipula (Venus Flytraps): "Coquillage" "Wacky Traps" Drosera (Sundews): -burmannii "Humpty Doo" -capensis -spatulata -sp. "Floating" -sp. "Lantau Island" -natalensis...
  8. C

    Suitable droseras to grow in the tropics.

    Hello there! I'm trying to look for sundews that can be grown in tropical environment. The place I'm living in is quite hot and humid. The temperature range is between 20C to 35C/68F to 95F or maybe slightly higher. Humidity ranges from 40% in the afternoon and 90% at night. I cannot grow D...
  9. Devon


    Sorry for bad quality on some. Most of these are updates or repeats.. whatever you want to call 'em. Enjoyyyyyyyyyy.................................................... D. spatulata var. Bakoensis seedlingz. I wish i could get them more healthy and red looking. D. sp. "South Africa" Can't...
  10. klasac

    winter pics

    Hi,,CP lovers! I did some pictures of some plants, only a few I would like to share with you: drosera neocaledonica colony sets flowers drosera natalensis drosera sp. "Pretty Rosette" drosera capillaris 'Colombia' nepenthes benstonei deflasked 2 months ago drosera hilaris colony...
  11. Devon

    bunch o' Drosera pics (DUW)

    I feel like I'm spamming the web with this thread, but what the heck... may as well post it on three different forums. Pics of my healthier 'dews at the moment. I edited some of the pics to make the colour look like it does in real life, because my new camera doesn't always capture the right...
  12. GemStateC

    GemStateCarnivore's GrowList

    My Plant List: Nepenthes: ampularia "melvino" sanguinea sanguina Ulu Kali x gentle x ventrata ventricosa maxima x trusmadiensis ventricosa x ephipiata Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid Caesar NN1250251 Aeonium truncata Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana Predator HCEP112 robcantleyi...
  13. Dexenthes

    SASE Sundew seed giveaway

    I just collected a couple hundred seeds from my sundew that finished flowering. After some deliberation with more experienced growers on the forums it would appear that this Drosera is in fact D. natalensis. Guess correctly what species of lizard I kept as my first pet and then send me a...
  14. David F

    David Flocken's grow list

    Drosera admirabilis sp. "floating" admirabilis (probably from Ceres, South Africa) neocaledonica rubripetalata adelae regia regia "Big Easy" Sp. "Lantua Island" burmanii (California Carnivores) burmanii "Humpty Doo Australia" burmanii "Hann River" red burmanii "Hong Kong red" burmanii...
  15. Lin

    Want/Trade List

    Hey everybody, Below are some Drosera seeds I want (each pack of seeds must have at least 20 in their): D. burmannii "Red" Humpty-Doo D. falconeri (Falcon Sundew) D. prolifera D. ordensis D. lanata D. glanduligera If you are not willing to giveaway, then I will trade one pack (30-50) of a...
  16. Devon

    D. Venusta Problem; Help quick please!

    There is a white-ish mold kind of thing forming on my D. Venusta "alba". I'm pretty sure this is basically what killed my other venusta, and natalensis plants. I tried preventing it this time by keeping the plants out of super high humidity with no air flow and not feeding it large amounts of...
  17. jimscott

    D. natalensis?

    This plant goes with this flower: ...and these go together:
  18. Not a Number

    Drosera venusta "coccicaulis" afrodisa $14

    Drosera venusta "coccicaulis" This South African sundew is among my favorites. Easy to grow and eye pleasing in form and color. In good sunlight the leaves take on a copper-gold hue with rich red tentacles and glands. The plants dubbed "coccicaulis" have leaves the are partially upright rather...
  19. eou812

    Ean's trade and want list

    Ean's want list LFS moss/Live Spahgnum moss any kind Drosophyllum any kind Heliamhpora any kind except Heliamphora heteradoxa x minor Cephalotus any kind except typical Sarracenia Sarracenia alabamensis Sarracenia alata Sarracenia jonesii Sarracenia minor Sarracenia oreophila Sarracenia...
  20. limeslide

    Drosera SASE!

    With help from our friendly fellow forum member, kulamauiman, I have been able to organize this SASE for the kind members out TerraForums! This SASE includes subtropical sundews including D. natalensis, nidiformis, aliciae, and anglica "CA x HI". These are all amazing sundews whom are fit for...