TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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In my ongoing effort to clean up as well as free up some space, I realized that I have two utric hybrids that have not been adequately shared.
- U. nephrophylla x U. nelumbifolia
- U. nephrophylla x U. reniformis f. courte
These are crosses I've made in the past 2 years. The flowers for both...
I'm looking for any mature divisions of Heliamphora that are not heterodoxa x minor, these are not for me but would prefer ones different from the ones on my grow list in case I do want to get a division back from them later (they would be going to a botanical garden)
my grow list:
small Utricularia nelumbifolia in a bromeliad
Not to long ago I recieved a generous portion of this amazing species, so I took a small division without any growth, and tucked it into my neo kautskyi. Im amazed at how it has decided to grow bladders inside the axil. I didnt want to disturb the...
Thought I'd show my method for growing U. nelumbifolia, since I've had a few requests for info.
Nothing special really, just a couple 5 gallon buckets. The orange one has some holes drilled in the bottom. The black one is for holding RO water.
The media is pure live LFS. The plant grows in the...
hey everyone! im just looking to get a small plug of Utricularia nelumbifolia (preferably water growing but not required) currently for trade i have a small division of heliamphora minor, if ur interested please PM me! thanks!
Alata (unknown variety)
Bicalcarata sri aman
Mirabilis Thai
Mirabilis Au Cape York
Mirabilis Viking
Gracilis red
Gracilis nigropurpurea (male)
Albomarginata green
Sanguinea red
Veitchii pink
Veitchii Bau
Veitchii Mt Murudu sarawak
Ampullaria Green...
Want list
Clones I don't have!
Dudley Watts
Eden Black (eb x eb)
Big boy
Brewer giant green
Brewer red
Czech giant
Double Ribbed
Emu point
German giant
Hummers giant
Phill Mann
Triffid Albany black
D. adelae
D. prolifera
D. schizandra
Hey guys!
After much too long of a hiatus, several moves, etc., I am in the process of rebuilding my collection. I am looking to trade something or anything for U. nelumbifolia if anyone is interested in working something out!
- D. intermedia "Mt. Roraima" (seedlings)
- D. spatulata 'Tamlin' (seedlings)
- H. minor
- H. pulchella (Churi tepui)
- S. flava var. rugelii
- U. alpina x endressii
- U. blanchetii
- U. livida
- U. pubescens
- U. tridentata...
I believe technically the taxonomic 'lumpers' won a short-term battle and succeeded in having section Iperua absorbed by section Orchidioides. However, I think that many (most?) people who grow plants from both groups agree that there are significant differences. Here is an opportunity to...
Up for auction is:
- (medium sized) rhizome division of U. nelumbifolia
- I will divide up a generous portion of the rhizome (with growth)
- Bidding starts @ $2.
- Buyer pays shipping - which is estimated to be ~$7 for a small-flat rate w/ tracking. If you win more than one of my auctions...
Decided to upgrade this utric to larger quarters for spring time.
And.. just had to share some pics of what I found once unpotted.
media is just pure LFS..
all repotted with larger pot and water basin.
Echeveria 'Lipstick'
Drosera roseana gemmae, thanks for the pack of gemmae, Wireman:D
Pinguicula moctezumae x gigantea from Crissytal/Crystal
Pinguicula 'weser'??? from Crissytal (Is it a P. 'Weser?)
Pinguicula agnata 'True Blue' from Crissytal (My first Mexican ping:) )...
How do you water a nelumbifolia? Do you leave the pot with the plant completely in water, or do you water it like a nep and let it dry a little?
Can anyone tell me if the pictures below shows a healthy root system? Also if not any suggestions to correct the problem would be great. The reniformis seems to be growing great. Nelumbifolia....not so much. Both are growing in orchid pots with a equal mix of peat,sand,bark,lfs using the tray...
Merry Christmas everyone, I am looking for the following plants because I am having trouble finding any:
Stylidium Debile
Utricularia Nelumbifolia
Drosera Capensis 'Albino'
Any easy pygmy drosera sp.(I want to try, but sorta intimidated)
Drosera Madagascariensis
Sarracenia Rubra 'common,typical'...
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