TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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This has gotten a little out of date - decided to move the list to a google sheet - check it out here.
Mexican and hybrids
• P. agnata (scented flower) *
• P. agnata (true blue) *
• P. agnata 'El Lobo' *
• P. cyclosecta
• P. cyclosecta x emarginata
Typical muscipula Dionaea
Dionaea Bohemian Garden
Byblis liniflora
D. Adelae
D. affinis
D. Binata T-Form
D. Binata multifida (new changes)
D. burmannii
D. burmannii Hong Kong
D. burmannii red
D. capensis
D. capensis Alba
D. capensis "Giant" (changes)
D. Capillaris Long Arm
D. hartmeyerorum...
Due to overpopulation I am trading some duplicates to make room for new plants.
.Nepenthes coccinea (mature plant)
.Nepenthes Miranda (rooted cutting)
.Drosera binata marstons dragon
.Drosera filiformis tracyii
.Drosera spathulata
.Drosera nitidula x pulchella
.Vft "spider"
.Green sphagnum moss...
Filiformis var. Tracyii
spathulata "Frasier Island"
Capillaris Giant
Binata "Marstons Dragon"
Nitidula x Pulchella
Flava 'Burlesque' x copper top
Leucophylla red
Psitticinia x Minor
Kilimanjaro x Alata 'Black'...
Seed trade list:
Carnivorous plant seeds:
D. Capensis 'alba'
D. Paradoxa
D. Sessilifolia
D. Pygmaea
D. Affnis
D. Derbyensis
D. Peltata
D. Burmanii
D. Nitidula
N. Reinwardtiana
N. ligulata (not alot)
Succulent seeds:
Aloe Cameronii (red aloe)
Aloe vanbalenii (cinnamon...
Seed trade list:
Carnivorous plant seeds:
D. Capensis 'alba'
D. Paradoxa
D. Sessilifolia
D. Pygmaea
D. Affnis
D. Derbyensis
D. Peltata
D. Burmanii
D. Nitidula
N. Reinwardtiana
N. ligulata (not alot)
Succulent seeds:
Aloe Cameronii (red aloe)
Aloe vanbalenii (cinnamon...
What is your experience with the gemmae production times?
D. allantostigma
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba
What is your experience with the flowering times?
D. allantostigma (April & May)
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba...
I've had a couple "shots in the arm" with pygmy sundew gemmae and other assorted things, but what was once a thriving collection of butterworts is down to just a few. I am also missing a few basic sundews, like D. adelae, anglica, and aliciae. Here's my current grow list. Those with asterisks I...
It's that time of year again.
I'm looking for any Pygmy Drosera I don't grow. I lost my Drosera gibsonii colony this year and would love to get a replacement.
My current grow list.
Drosera allantostigma
Drosera callistos
Drosera callistos -Brookton form
Drosera citrina
Drosera closterostigma...
1. Robcantleyi QOH X KOS
2. Spathulata X Robcantleyi KOS
3. Robcantleyi QOH X Maxima
4. Maxima X Robcantleyi KOS
5. Densiflora X Robcantleyi KOC
6. Bellii X Robcantleyi KOS
7. Ventricosa X Robcantleyi KOS
8. Maxima X Platychila
9. Petiolata X Burkeii
10. Truncata 'E' (Prodigy of two...
Several months ago I noticed what appears to be a D. spatulata growing next to the pot wall in the D. nitidula x pulchella pot. Didn't give it much thought until I noticed how well it is producing goo. I transplanted it into a container of bright green sphagnum and it looks excellent. I added a...
I don't think I did this already but if I'm wrong please update me! I am participating in a discussion string about species threatened with extinction and eBay sellers poaching so consider me spanked:-( and no need to bring that up here . Everything I have or are in transit were acquired prior...
I'm looking for any gemmae not on this list. Please email me at jeremiah@leilaninepenthes.com
My Grow List...
Drosera allantostigma
Drosera androsacea
Drosera callistos
Drosera citrina
Drosera closterostigma
Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form)
Drosera dichrosepala
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