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  1. thez_yo

    Maybe I should make a plant post

    Everything looks terrible because it's winter and I don't believe in artificial lighting, but here goes: D.graomo N.macrophylla N.spectabilis x talangensis N.sibuyanensis x xtrusmadiensis N.densiflora x robcantleyii (King of Spades) P.gigantea (afaik) some other Ping flower...
  2. S

    Seige Grow List

    Venus Flytraps Alien(FTS) D. muscipula “G 35” A2 B52 Big Mouth Bohemian Garnet Bristletooth young. BZ Razorback (ironjaws) DCXL Dutch Delight (FTR) Fine Tooth x Red (9)Flaming lips(FTS) FTS Maroon Monster (FTR) possible dying FTS Purple Ambush(FTS) G16 Green Dragon Ginormous Jaws(FTR)...
  3. BrassLeaves

    Lots of types of Sarracenia divisions for temperate succulants...or CPs :)

    Hey everybody! I'm looking to start a succulent bed at my house and I'm in need of plants to fill it with. They need to be zone 8 hardy. I'm looking for Agave americana in particular, but all agave will be considered. Yuccas, Odd-ball hen and chicks, Delosperma, Moranense, Orostachy, Pallidum...
  4. B

    Boggrower12's Want List

    See something on my growlist that you want? Anything with a star on my growlist means I have a division available. Have something that you think I may be interested in and are willing to spare? Then just hit me up. US trades only please. I'm interested in... Sarracenia alata Double Flower...
  5. B

    Boggrower12's Growlist

    Dionaea Typical Sarracenia alata Black Tube (Bednar) alata light vein (MK A54) alata Maroon Throat (Cooks) alata nigrapurpurea (Cooks) alata 'Red Hood' (Bednar) alata Typical (CPN) alata var. viridescens Washington Co. Alabama (Wang) alata white flower (MK A8) flava atropurpurea...
  6. B

    OP Sarracenia seeds for SASE

    Mother Nature fooled me this year and I was surprised to find more Sarracenia seeds then I was expecting. So I am sharing the wealth! These are open pollination seeds and therefore I only know 1 of the parents. I make no claim of viability or traits of the seeds. If you are interested in up to...
  7. mcmcnair

    My "Other" Calendar Entries

    Since this year's TF calendar contest only allows one entry I had a tough time choosing. Just so you all don't miss out on the other photos I was considering on entering here are my other entries. All these photos were taken in situ VFT Long Red Cilia, red banded outer by mcmcnair, on Flickr...
  8. adnedarn

    FOUND!! 55 packs of Sarr seeds in my fridge. Want some?

    Hello all!! I was looking in the fridge for "something to do" and found that I still have lots of Sarr seeds already packed up... I did a giveaway back in 2009 but these were nicely dried and have been in the fridge since then. Some people have even posted pictures of their Sarrs from these...
  9. Nikki630

    Am I vein for asking about this one

    Likely some Leucoplylla in this one .. Sand Mountain ? Ornata ? Thanks for your thoughts Front top
  10. C

    Sarracenia ID

    First up is some kind of flava I guess: I generally do not trade for no-name hybrids so I know it should be a cultivar. What do you think? A young flava ornata maybe? and this one a purp ssp purp?
  11. Rookie grower

    Rookie Growers list

    Sarracenia S rubra ssp alabamensis S. Danas delight S. Hummers hammerhead S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog S alata red lid S oreophylla sand MT al. S alata "maroon throat" S flava var cupurea S leuco x flava var ornata S flava var ornata S minor S minor "Okie giant" S catesbaei x...
  12. J

    Grow List

    Grow List (Plants With T Available For Trade) CEPHALOTUS Czech Giant - T Emu Point Giant German Giant Hummers Giant - T Phill Mann Clone Robust - T Typical - T Vigorous DARLINGTONIA Coastal Variety Mountain Variety - T Othello (All Green) DIONAEA A2 B-52 - T Big Mouth Bohemian...
  13. CorneliusSchrute

    cbennett4041's Growlist

    *THIS IS WOEFULLY OUTDATED* I'm working on it, alright?! Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea 'Giant' Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa var. montana Sarracenia rosea Sarracenia psittacina Sarracenia psittacina Sarracenia minor var...
  14. Brie

    More photos from Jerry Addington's nursery

    I think this is his "Wintermute?" Reptilian Rose Oreophila var Ornata "Sand Mnt Clone B" A "Don's Red Tube" cross I think? 99% sure this was "Don's Red Tube".. Gorgeous plant. 'Black Widow' flava ornata "Black Vein" from Bulloch Co. Atropurp A gorgeous...
  15. bucky78

    Lots of Sarracenia Available

    Here is a list of plants available. I am interested in Sarracenia and rare Flytraps but who knows. Just let me know what you have and we will work something out. Here's the list: Wilkerson's White Knight x Purp Venosa Columbus Co., NC - sm/med. x 2, med. Oreophila Heavy Veined x Catesbaei...
  16. GreenBeast

    GreenBeast's Growlist

    More to come soon... Stuff in BOLD are newly acquired specimens. Sarracenia: S. alata S. alata 'Maroon Throat' S. alata "Texas Form" S. x alata Black x flava v. rubricorpora S. x areolata x 'Leah Wilkerson' S. x catesbaei (S. flava v. cuprea x purpurea ssp. venosa 'Red Ruffles') S. x catesbaei...
  17. Bonnie

    Bonnie's Grow List

    Carnivorous Heliamphora chimantensis (Chimanta) Heliamphora ciliata Heliamphora elongata (Ilu Tepui) Heliamphora ionasii Heliamphora minor "Burgundy Black" Heliamphora minor x heterodoxa Heliamphora nutans (Yuruani Tepui) Heliamphora pulchella (Chimanta Tepui, Venezuela) Heliamphora tatei var...
  18. davidgreen

    Davidgreen's growing growlist

    here's my growlist!: SARRACENIA Cultivars S. x Royal Ruby S. x Scarlete Belle S. x Godzuki Flavas S. Flava var. Ornata Bulloch Co, Ga 'Black veins' clone A -Mike Wang(MW) S. Flava var. Ornata Bulloch Co, Ga S. Flava var. Ornata Bulloch Co, Ga S. Flava var. Ornata Bulloch Co, Ga...
  19. hcarlton

    Finlly Waking Up in Northern CO!

    Hello all! Unlike most people around the US, with warm, humid conditions from February onward, here in CO the wild fluctuations and dry air have finally allowed some of my plants to start looking presentable. here's some I thought looked alright: A recent addition, S. flava rugelii x oreophila...
  20. Brie

    New photos from Jerry Addington's Sarracenia Wonderland...

    Jerry had a bit of a get together the other day, and I did my usual taking of a million photos... Seedling tables for the 1-3 year old plants. The newly sprouting seeds are kept covered in a different area and along the sides of this greenhouse. An amazing seedling I found and tried...