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  1. F

    The D.villosa complex, now with 6 species! (get ready to change your name tags)

    Hello everyone, It is with great pleasure (and relief) that I would like to announce the publication of a 40-page paper that summarizes 23 years of field work with the Drosera villosa complex in Brazil. I think I wrote the first draft of this article back in 1997, but the writing only truly...
  2. East_to_west


    Hey all (for the second time in 24 hours..), The first CP I've ever bought was a VFT from a supermarket, but besides one thats growing on the other side of the country at my Mom's pad, I don't have a single fly trap. I'd love to try my hand at growing one and pay homage to the plant that got me...
  3. amphirion

    for those who have received Drosera dilatatopetiolaris from me...

    time to update your labels. conversing with a petiolaris buff, my plant has been identified Drosera petiolaris... apparently, D. dilatatopetiolaris has wider petioles, probably somewhere along the lines of fulva.
  4. J

    Grow List

    Grow List (Plants With T Available For Trade) CEPHALOTUS Czech Giant - T Emu Point Giant German Giant Hummers Giant - T Phill Mann Clone Robust - T Typical - T Vigorous DARLINGTONIA Coastal Variety Mountain Variety - T Othello (All Green) DIONAEA A2 B-52 - T Big Mouth Bohemian...
  5. Firerock

    Looking for: A few vfts

    Hi I am looking for a few vfts. A yellow that is banana yellow not green, Crested Petioles, Jaws and maybe a low giant. Let me know if anyone is interested. Regards :usa2:
  6. Keith

    NoID sundew

    Picked this up recently and thought it was something else entirely. It is now starting to take an upward growth habit to the leaves which kind of resemble the long arm form of capilaris. It also has the narrow petioles of something like nidiformis. There are hairy stipules along the margin of...
  7. Tony Paroubek

    Drosera orbiculata seed (DonH - $15)

    Tuberous sundew D. orbiculata. Not a very large species but quite dramatic and very hard to find. I started mine from seed years ago and while they flower and make seed they never seem to propagate themselves with extra tubers. This species is also difficult to germinate requiring a hot...
  8. FloridaCP

    differences between D. intermedia and D. capillaris

    I was wondering if anyone could provide a sure fire way of distinguishing whether or not it is a D. intermedia and D. capillaris. Please keep in mind I live in Florida where we supposedly have some weird varieties of D. capillaris that resemble D. intermedia, long skinny petioles, size, etc...
  9. GemStateC

    Possible South American Sundew?

    I've got a mystery sundew here. It was grown from what was supposed to be D. roramiae seed but obviously this is something else. It appears d. capensis like but the stipules, somewhat tapered end of leaf shape, long white trichomes on the margins of the petioles, and rate of growth make me think...
  10. lil hokie

    lil hokie's growlist!

    Roughly here it is: Dionaea - Dente - Typical (Deathcube from Lowes) - Another set of typicals...I think. - Jaws x 1955 - Red Piranha - B52 - Big Mouth - Big Snap - Czech Giant - BZ 1955 - Dutch Delight - Akai Ryu - Green Dragon - FTS Purple Ambush - Coquillage - FTS Flaming Lips - FTS Lunatic...
  11. C

    cpbobby's growlist

    Nepenthes: Bicalcarata Mirabilis Var Echinostoma Baramensis Winged Grabilis Nigro Grabilis Nigro Gracilis Anamensis Coccinae Ampullaria "Crimson" as I call it. Miranda King Tiger Northiana Sarracenia: Aerolata Alata Catsbae Bog witch Pur x Minor Scarlet Belle Maroon Throat Alata Leucophelia...
  12. bluemax

    Drosera slackii (Millipede $15)

    Actual plant for auction Drosera slackii is a beautiful rosette-forming species from South Africa that is not often available. It is distinguished by having wide petioles and thick red hairs on the bottom of leaves and in the growing center. The plant for bidding is ~ 1" across and will be sent...
  13. RL7836

    U. geminiloba(boxofrain $25)

    Over six months ago, some U. geminiloba escaped into the live LFS in one of my tanks. I've allowed it to grow & establish itself - it currently has 2 leafs on ~2" petioles and some smaller ones in the moss. When the auction ends, I will takes this clump of LFS (which also includes at least one...
  14. droseraboy

    Droseraboy's growing list

    Dionaeas: D.M Crested Petioles D.M Cup Trap D.M Dente D.M Dutch D.M Pink Venus D.M Typical D.binata var. multifida f. extrema (Stradbroke Island) D.capensis D.capensis alba D.carbarup D.filiformis Nepenthes: N. Ventrata Sarracenias: S. x Bronze Serpant S. Flava x Willisii S. x...
  15. SirKristoff

    Final tally of plants lost over this dormancy

    And I'm pretty sure the major ice storm we had was a big cause of it... However, nothing I can do but really try and recover from this point... Was not a small loss by any means at least in my eyes... So here is the final tally 28 Dionaea muscipula Typical plants 5 Dionaea muscipula 'B52' 1...
  16. joshua12

    joshua12 growlist

    droseras: prolifera venusta capensis capensis alba binata adelae burmanii filiformis spatulata carbarup aliciae capillaris binata marston dragon dielsiana anglica rotundifolia filiformis all red | Washington binata var. multifida f. extrema (Stradbroke Island) sp. Jacobyi...
  17. joshua12

    hi im joshua from california

    Hi i'm joshua from california, i have been growing carnivorous plants since june 2011, i'm new in this i start when i was playing plant vs zombies and i see the purple venus fly trap that eats all the zombies jaja and said i want one of those plants then i investigate and i buy my first plant...
  18. Doomsday

    Dionaea Trading Thread

    Hey guys, Note: all of my dionaea are indormancy so i amnot sure if they all made it since some were small, but I will update this as needed. they should have all made it through well. IF YOU WANT TO GET A REGIA TYPICAL OR BIG EASY FROM ME A GOOD WAY IS TO GET ME A BUNCH OF THESE DIONAEA...
  19. G

    Looking for these VFT cultivars...

    Hi all- I'm searching for the following Venus Fly Trap cultivars. Lots to trade on this end, so let me know what you have. Crested Petioles Czech Giant Triffid Traps Dutch Delight Dingley Giant Paradisia Thanks! Oz
  20. C

    Spring update D:

    Hello everyone, figured I'd pop in and post a small update from the Mediterranean now that we're finally having some nice spring weather. I'm happy to say that nearly all my CPs made it through their first winter and are slowly waking up :banana2: I did lose one Sarracenia, but considering it...