TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hi. I'm looking to trade some nepenthes plants for some lowland or intermediate/lowland nepenthes plants.
What I have to offer:
N. Ampullaria x Ventricosa "Lady Luck" 17 inch leaf span
N. Spathulata x Campanulata 7 inch leaf span with 2 pitchers
N. Spathulata x Diatas 8 inch leaf span with...
I was using the DSLR on the Byblis so took some pics of the Nep pitchers as well. Disclaimer: The cool-growing plants are quite new so some of the pitchers came with the shipment...not that I can grow intermediate/highland Neps so well here in HOT Singapore. :cool:
N. spectabilis x hamata...
Natural light levels
March 2014
Bright light all day without direct sunlight on plants.
All of my Neps are in natural light so I took readings using a light meter. The first reading was taken at 10am and by 4pm, the light level has gone up by at least 2000 lux at the shadiest spot and at the...
Last Updated: 4/13/14
A speacial thanks to everyone that contributed to my grow list. You guys are awesome! :D
B. liniflora
D. binata 'multifida extrema'
D. capensis 'alba'
D. indica
N. alata 'Speckled' (female)
N. albomarginata
N. albomarginata 'Penang'
I recently aquired some plants from another grower here in NC and before taking the plants today I informed him that I did not have the space to grow all these plants at the size they are now and he told me it would be fine for me to share these plants with anybody I wanted. So basically I'm...
So here is my current grow list
Had to give up on Sarracenia for now because I don't have enough sun anymore because my condo complex put in a huge Ulmus parviflora right in front of my porch.
1 N. ampullaria Red BE
1 N. ampullaria Tricolor SG
1 N. ampullaria...
Cephalotus Follicularis
Nepenthes Species
N. alata Lantern ....11/2011
N. albomarginata ~Triffid Park~ ......1/2015
N. boschiana - seed grown ....17/12/2012
N. boschiana (b) ~EP~ ....10/2014...
Looking for...
Drosera burmannii
Drosera falconeri
Drosera paradoxa
Drosera prolifera
Drosera adelae
Drosera schizandra
Utricularia dichotoma
Utricularia australis
Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Nepenthes rowanae
If anyone has any leads on these species please pm or just leave a message. I don't have...
alata (Q) x truncata
alata boschiana mimic
alata Pink
alata variegata
alata x khashiana
alata x truncata
albomarginata - Penang Red
albomarginata - Red
albomarginata Green
albomarginata Red Gunung Jerai
albomarginata Red Speckled...
I set up a simple table with most all Nepenthes species broken into the five common categories; ultra-lowland, lowland, intermediate, highland, and ultra-highland. I have based the placement on altitudinal distribution mostly. I also have temperature range at the top of each category.
Hello all,
I finally have the room and environment to try and grow just about every species of Nepenthes.
If you have any extra of any of the following please let me know. Please email me at jeremiahsplants@comcast.net
N. alba
N. andamana
N. angasanensis
N. beccariana
N. chang
N. danseri
N. alata x truncata (St. Conrad)
N. bicalcarata Sarawak Giant
N. bicalcarata red x merrilliana - 2
N. x Dyeriana (mixta x dicksoniana)
N. echinostoma purple
N. xHookeriana (e) x merrilliana giant
N. lowii x merrilliana giant - 2
N. lowii x truncata Wide Peristome - 2
N. maxima dark x...
I just can't stop posting pics!!!
N. truncata x veitchii 'tristans'
N. [(thorelii x rafflesiana) x thorelii] x veitchii H/L
N. hirsuta x spathulata
N. (thorelii x mixta 'superba') x albomarginata
N. mirabilis (m), EP
N. viking
N. rowanae (a), EP
N. 'tiger' x mirabilis
N. viking...
N. hirsuta - never a popular species in collections
N.rafflesiana, N. ampullaria, N. kuchingensis, N. khasiana x viking, N. mirabilis var echinostoma
New additions - N. lowii x campanulata, N. treubiana
Youngsters - N. bentonei, N. adnata, N. longifolia
N. rowanae (assorted forms)
N. Ventricosa-(Red) x Lowii x Ventricosa Un rooted cutting's...
This Is to Inform some of you that I will be taking some cutting's from one of my N. Ventricosa-(Red) x Lowii x Ventricosa This weekend an will Have a few up for trade. So if You Have any interest feel free to PM me with your...
This info came across the VCPS listserver & even though it comes across as blatant spam, anyone who has seen some of his other books & enjoys Nepenthes will cough up the bucks ... The email also had 21 beautiful color pics of Neps - however, I don't know how to share those pics w/o hosting each...
My Grow List
Ultra Highlander's
N. Rajah
N. Burbidgeae
N. Densiflora
N. Diatas
N. Izumae
N. Lowii
N. Macfarlanei
N. Mikeii
N. Mira (Medium)
updated: 9/24/10
Plants in bold have had their sex identified
Nepenthes Species:
alata (t)
2 x ampullaria, BE seed
ampullaria cherry
ampullaria 53209 'dark w/brown speckles, green peristome
ampullaria 53302 'pink w/cherry speckles, green peristome
ampullaria 'green pitcher, hotlip'...
Hi all!
I have been hunting some of the more obscure (and big) lowland nepenthes for a while. I am mainly looking for (but not limited to :D):
N. sumatrana
N. merriliana
N. rowanae
N. globosa
N. pervillei
N. rafflesiana
N. truncata
Please contact me if you have one and wish to trade.
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