TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Here are some mediocre photos of my Drosera finlaysoniana. They're annuals grown from seed from the ICPS Seedbank. Seed was planted on March 9th in a water filled test tube. It germinated in 11 days and was potted up on March 22nd. In 3 months, they've grown to a height of almost 6 inches, still...
The San Diego Carnivorous Plant Society invite you all to come join us at the beautiful Balboa Park in San Diego on June 18. We have just recently finished our overhaul of the CP bog in the Botanical Building and invite you to visit it while you are out here. There will be both local and...
D. Anglica Hawaii (sundewman)
D. Madagascarensis
D. Prolifera
D. Regia
D. Paradoxa
D. Capensis "Albino"
D. Capensis "Red" (from bunboy)
D. Capensis "Typical"
D. Capensis "Broad leaf" (from SDCPs)
D. Ultramafica x Spatulata
D. Tokaiensis
D. Binita Dichtoma (from bunboy)
D. Binita(from...
Hey guys, I've been done with this hobby for a while, but I have a large stockpile of drosera indica seeds. I believe it is the "pale pink flower" variety.
Though I know there has been some confusion in the Drosera indica "complex" the name I know them by is "pale pink".
The plant's parents...
*Feel Free to PM me about Trades, Questions, anything really!*
I've had my collection for about 7 years....
typical (Ebay)
Cephalotus 'Eden Black' x Self
Cephalotus 'Vigorous Clumping'
Darlingtonia "Mountain variety"...
Offer reopened
OK, it's time to pay it forward a bit. I have four packs of Drosera indica seed (approx. 50+/pack) to giveaway for SASE. The source of seed is from plants grown from seed courtesy of SDCP's giveaway last year. All packs are harvest dated today 8/15/13. The seed should be...
Ultricularia bisquamata
Utricularia dichotoma (Thanks for the SASE, kulamauiman!)
Utricularia gramnifolia (Thanks for the SASE, flytraplady5!)
Utricularia graminifolia (Thanks for donating to the NASC auction 2011, RL7836!)
Utricularia livida (Thanks for the SASE...
Hey friends,
I've heard that you can pollinate sarracenia with pollen that has been stored.
Right now I've got:
S. flava var. maxima (REALLY GOOD SPECIMIEN)
S. purpurea venosa
S. flava var. rubricopora
S. flava var. flava (very nice)*
S. flava var. rugelli
S. flava var. ornata
S. alata...
Hey all - thought I might share a few pics!
A few shots of some of my pings that seem to be doing very well:
P. esseriana (thanks SDCPs!)
P. 'Sethos' (thanks SDCPs!!)
P. moctezumae (made quite a nice recovery after a near-death experience)
And the rest:
N. ventricosa. Sorry for the...
i want to do a giveaway as long as shipping gets taken care of by you, i got 4-5 ventricosas all except for two of them have at least one other growth point. 1 ventxspec and 1 belliixtruncata. all of them would be classified under the Small category. less than 4 inches tall and only 2-2.5 inch...
So what do you make of these things? Thrips? Mealybugs? Aphids? Springtails? These things have also shown up on my D. adelae but aren't invading any of my other pots... yet.
Sorry to make yet another thread about this. I read through other threads, and there were descriptions, but I could find...
I got a nice clump of U. sandersonii in a very generous trade with SDCPs. But what do you know, it seems to be a gift that keeps on giving!
I repotted the Utric into some better media today and in the process found a neat little sundew seedling I had never seen before. So, I snatched it out and...
Hey all - check this out! I took a peek into my grow rack this morning to find that some D. nitidula x pulchella I ordered about two months ago were actually growing in Utricularia! I figured the leafy green stuff was a grass or moss since all of the pygmies I got from this place came growing in...
i got tired of my old 18in flourescents and made this thing instead. i just cut holes in some plexiglass and fitted some reptile light fixtures in it with 6500K CFLs. i still had room for a long tube fixture so i kept it there. im wondering if i should just get rid of it and add a third CFL in...
Hey Y'all -
I have a P. Esseriana that I got a week or two ago. I got it bare root, and a few days after I potted it up, a fuzzy moldy-looking thing developed on the surface of the media. Mr. SDCPs tells me it's damping off fungus.
I took his advice and let the media dry up a little - I...
In the spirit of October, Holloween, and 10/10/10.. I've decided on how I will be announcing the winners. :-O
There are 4 weeksends left until Holloween, including this one. So I will announce one winner each weekend, plus the first prize winner on Holloween. Thus creating the first ever...
* Means I have more than one to trade.
( ) Words in parenthesis means what nursery/grower it's from.
*Feel Free to PM me about Trades, Questions, anything really!*
I've had my collection for about three years....
typical (Ebay)...
Super 5-Variety Unlimited SASE+ (USA Only)
Thank you very much for participating! This offer is now closed (1/25/2011), only posters replying before this edit will get seed. No, we did't make it till spring, but came awefully close and helped a bunch of people in the process. If you want to...
Well, I thought it was about time to share the wealth of capensis 'Alba's' I grew from SDCP's seeds. I have more than enough scattered throughout my bogs, pots, and tanks. I have 3 untouched pots of gorgeous, dewy D. capensis 'Alba's left to spare. One will be split into 10 plants that I will...
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