TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hey TF. In November or December I picked up some Stapelia leendertziae rooted starts. They grow under 4 2' T5HO lights. Temps are moderately warm. My other stapeliads are growing. They have rooted into the media, and they have been accepting water for several months. They have not, however, put...
I have seen a few posts about Pygmy sundew gemmae lately, was wondering if anyone out there currently has any for trade or whatever. Mostly I have Aldrovanda and some other aquatics. Though I also have a bit of a sprawling noid orchid that I was told had orange flowers. Or Stapelia or...
I have numerous rooted cuttings of stapelia gigantea to give away. These cuttings were taken a couple months ago, and have been rooting for that time.
This giveaway is open to all U.S. members.
Winner(s) each pay $6.00 (PayPal) to cover a flat rate priority shipping box.
I can send up to 3...
Seed trade list:
Carnivorous plant seeds:
D. Capensis 'alba'
D. Paradoxa
D. Sessilifolia
D. Pygmaea
D. Affnis
D. Derbyensis
D. Peltata
D. Burmanii
D. Nitidula
N. Reinwardtiana
N. ligulata (not alot)
Succulent seeds:
Aloe Cameronii (red aloe)
Aloe vanbalenii (cinnamon...
Seed trade list:
Carnivorous plant seeds:
D. Capensis 'alba'
D. Paradoxa
D. Sessilifolia
D. Pygmaea
D. Affnis
D. Derbyensis
D. Peltata
D. Burmanii
D. Nitidula
N. Reinwardtiana
N. ligulata (not alot)
Succulent seeds:
Aloe Cameronii (red aloe)
Aloe vanbalenii (cinnamon...
I'd like to expand my currently almost non-existent Nepenthes collection. I have plenty to trade, many of them considered choice plants. They are just not CPs.
I'm interested in Nepenthes plants, seedlings or cuttings (rooted or unrooted). I have some experience rooting cuttings. I'm most...
Though I realize my timing is off as Halloween has passed … entrants to this giveaway must post a photo of a carved pumpkin to be eligible. Winners will be drawn at random. You may enter for more than one of lots of the plants. Should you win more than one, shipping will be combined. Photos...
Dear fellow plant addicts,
I happen to have some monstrously overgrown plants in need of a haircut. Looking to see if anybody would want the pieces.
I have:
N. maxima ()
N. x dyeriana ()
Stapeliads, such as S. gigantea ()
Ceropegia stapeliiformis ()
Amorphophallus konjac corms
One A. titanum...
Fish and turtles up for trade! Be sure to check out my extensive want/trade list at the bottom.
Feel free to make offers, ask questions. Thanks!
Two male Red Eared Sliders, they are yearlings at about 4". Take them separate or together.
Turtle 1:
Beautiful "sunset orange" markings.
D. filiformis
D. muscipula (normal)
N. bicalcarata (Brunei orange)
N. bicalcarata (Sarawak Giant)
N. ampullaria (Brunei spotted)
N. mirabilis (Red Globosa Viking)
N. ventricosa
N. rafflesiana (seedlings)
N. truncata
N. hookeriana
S. flava
S. leucophylla 'Tarnok'
A multi year seach for this plant finally paid off. I got a three stem rooted piece. Hope it is true to id. Stapleia flavopurpurea. https://www.google.com/search?q=stapelia+flavopurpurea&es_sm=122&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=5yBdU9_SJIaa8QHw-YHYCQ&ved=0CCgQsAQ
I have something different to trade and I am looking for something different in return. :D
Anyone interested in Fish or Reptiles? Here is what I have to offer:
Albino Bristlenose Plecos
Bristlenose plecos are wonderful aquarium fish. They stay small (about 4 to 5 inches) and love to eat...
N. albomarginata
N. burbidgeae x veitchii
N. chaniana x veitchii
N. glandulifera x burbidgeae
N. vogelii
P. gigantea
Non-carnivorous plants
Brassavola cucullata
Eulophia petersii
Eulophia spectabilis
Maxillaria tenuifolia
Maxillaria variabilis
Up for auction are my poor, abused S. gigantea cuttings. I've had them sitting in my basement for months, exposed to cold temperatures, not watered, not potted. I'm surprised the dang things are still alive and green! Some of them have started pushing out roots and new growth, so with some TLC...
- D. intermedia "Mt. Roraima" (seedlings)
- D. spatulata 'Tamlin' (seedlings)
- H. minor
- H. pulchella (Churi tepui)
- S. flava var. rugelii
- U. alpina x endressii
- U. blanchetii
- U. livida
- U. pubescens
- U. tridentata...
the epiphyllums need to be reduced in size again, but i don't want to have a ton of extras kicking around. just wondering how many i should start? everything should be ready to mail the first week of april. the list includes:
king midas
clarence wright
high society...
Well have some pups and divisions I would like to offload. Cp trades are good as is cash ... make an offer. Most of these are plants that will not get terribly large for those of you who are space challenged.
Not a medicinal aloe, this one is almost full size. Tends to form small clusters...
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