TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Ok so I thought this was kinda weird. I grew some sarracenia outside for the summer and they did wonderful but didn't flower. So be it, figured they might be to young still. I brought them inside for dormancy and such and to my surprise it shot out two flowers at once. Didn't set the plant back...
This has gotten a little out of date - decided to move the list to a google sheet - check it out here.
Mexican and hybrids
• P. agnata (scented flower) *
• P. agnata (true blue) *
• P. agnata 'El Lobo' *
• P. cyclosecta
• P. cyclosecta x emarginata
N. miranda
N. ventrata
N. maxima "wavy leaf"
N. maxima "lake poso dwarf"
N. robcantleyi (QoH x KoS)
N. "Lady luck"
S. leucophylla "Tarnok"
S. "Bug bat"
S. Dana's delight
S. Purpurea
D. capensis
D. capensis "wide leaf"
D. binata
D. regia
I have had a lot of time one my hands :-))
Genus Brocchinia
- Brocchinia reducta
- B. guehoi
- B. liniflora
- B. filifolia x guehoi
- C. follicularis (a beautiful plant from Nauz)
- D. californica
- D. californica seed grown...
Got this from a mixed bag of 90% white/10% pink Calopogons, and was hoping for pink, so this makes the flower even more exciting!
I have it growing in an outdoor bog pot with S. leucophylla 'Tarnok', S. 'Carolina Yellow Jacket', S. 'Daina's Delight', D. m. 'Akai Ryu', D. m. 'Red Sawtooth'...
Hi i was wondering if anyone had any guesses as to what varieties these are, I don't plan on labeling them, I'm just curious. The first one obviously has some Leucophylla influence, possibly Tarnok, although I won't know until it flowers. The second one I'm thinking is some sort of Rubra...
I lied... :jester:
If there is anything that I don't have for trade, but you are dying to have, send me a pm and I'll see if I see what I can start propagating for ya. I'm always looking for different clones than what I have, so if you have something I already have on my growlist, send me a...
Hey all,
I noticed there's a few of you in here from around the Portland, OR area, so I'll be one more to the party!
Scatterpants and I are good friends and have been feeding each others plant addictions the last few months, particularly in the CP/orchid area.
While he tends to focus more on...
I decided to finally start a photo thread, now that I know how to post photos. I don't know how many updates this will be getting, but as of right now, enjoy.
Here's what I won at the NASC auction.
S. [(purpurea x rubra) x self] x judith hindle
S. leucophylla "tarnok"
A typical VFT...
Will keep this list updated
For Trade
2 packs of Admiribilis "floating" seeds 25s ea
1 pack Anglica hawaii kanaele bog 25s ea
unlimited drosera intermedia "Roraima" seeds
Drosera Madagascarensis plants 2+ inches tall
intermedia roraima plants fully mature
2 S. "tarnok" fully mature
1 S. "leuco...
Up for auction is a package containing one Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’, one venus flytrap, and one Drosera filiformis x Tracyi. The S. leucophylla ‘Tarnok’ is a division from a mature flowering plant. All plants are just coming out of dormancy. Tarnok photo is the plant divisions were taken...
3 typicals
1 dente
1 Coquillage
N. x ventrata
N. ventricosa
N. Maxima x ventricosa
S. Purpura
S. Leucyphylla "tarnok"
S. ([Purpurea x rubra] x self) x judith kindle
Capensis "giant"
Filiformis x tracyi
Mystery weed dew
Want list:
Any cultivar I...
...a bit early if you ask me. I suppose that's what happens when you have a string of 60 degree days at the beginning of February. This is the first flower bud of the year on a Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora, near Sumatra, Liberty Co, FL clone H. There is also a bud visible on my...
Hello, My name is Chris Duncan and I have been growing carnivorous plants for 5 years now. After a few deaths with the recent horrible winters I have actually gotten good at this. So far I have tried my hand at Flytraps, Nepenthes (lowland, highland, and hybrids), sarracenia, drosera(only...
Hi all,
Just reporting in from Georgia, where it appears that once again the plants in the teaching collection are breaking dormancy. Dare I say they might be the earliest pitchers and flowers yet in the northern hemisphere? Invariably, 2-3 weeks after the solstice all taxa in the collection...
Purperea(I dont know how to spell)
Sarracenia random hybrid
Sarracenia minor okee giant
Sarracenia "Best Clone L x rubricorpora"
Sarracenia random Hybrid
Sarracenia Alata
Sarracenia Leucophylla tarnok
Sarracenia rubra x leucophylla
Sarracenia Daina's Delight
Sarracenia judith...
From memory- additions will be common!
Purpurea Venosa
Rubra ssp. Gulfensis
"Scarlet Belle"
"Judith Hindle"
Coppertop-Thanks cpbobby
Hurricane creek white
"Mike Wang AxB"
Mixed seeds and seedlings
Lots of typical
Fuzed tooth
Flaming lips
Last update: 3/7/18
If you have any suggestions for ways to improve the organization of my growlist, please let me know!
Byblis gigantea
Byblis guehoi, West Kimberley
Byblis lamellata, Eneabba, WA, BCP S064
Cephalotus follicularis
Darlingtonia californica...
Hello everyone, this is what I currently have growing at Riverside Carnivores! I have included the links where I purchased from.
1. Minor
(damonnorman999 on eBay)
2. Red Bug (carnivorousplantshop on eBay)
3. Love Bug (damonnorman999 on eBay)
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