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  1. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  2. mksmith

    Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia | Christian Dietz and Claus-Juergen Lenz

    Carnivorous Plants of Western Australia Talk by Christian Dietz and Claus-Juergen Lenz Join Meadowview Biological Research Station for a talk by Christian Dietz and Claus-Juergen Lenz about their trip to Western Australia in 2011. They will lecture about the carnivorous plants they observed...
  3. S

    Seans growlist-

    Here is my latest growlist- South African Drosera Drosera admirabilis Drosera admirabilis 'Ceres, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'Palmiet River, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'seed from holotype' Drosera affinis 'Namibia' Drosera aliciae Drosera burkeana Drosera capensis 'Mini Red' Drosera capensis...
  4. T

    I germinated genlisea aurea seed

    Yes!!!  Wooo Hooo and nice guyle-doodle-doo!! (Oh man, this editor thing is a pain in the rear!)  Anyways, back to the topic: You could knock me over with a feather!!  All this time I was excited about getting to see U. tenella in flower and it turns out the plant is Genlisea aurea.  I sowed...
  5. T

    Australian Utricularia Wanted

    I thought you all might be interested in seeing a list of what is possible to see down under. Does anyone know if any of the species on the first list are in cultivation, and if so which ones and how do I get you to send me some of them >;-I)> Species on the second part of the list I have seen...
  6. S

    Fieldtrip Photos 2

    Hi again everyone, Following on from my previous post in the Utricularia section, this is the second and final post from my trip to the Grampians National Park. On the previous post I covered the Utricularia dichotoma forms that I saw. On this thread I'll deal with the rest of what I saw. I...
  7. S

    Australian Utricularia Photos

    G'Day everyone, I went on a fieldtrip today in the hope of finding some native Australian Utricularias in flower. Ended up finding huge colonies of U. dichotoma and U. tenella both in full flower. It was quite a windy day but the flowers managed to stay still long enough to get a few good...
  8. T

    Utricularia tenella

    Pinch me! Get the smelling salts! I am on a run of luck with Utricularia seed. Either I am getting remarkably fresh seed which is doubtful, or the spray method is working far better than it ever has. It could be the phase of the moon, who knows! First U. multifida and now this. If this keeps up...
  9. R


    Does anyone grow Polypompholyx multifida?(sorry 'Utricularia' multifida'!) I have seeds of it and the white form of P. Tenella but am unsure of there requirements.