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  1. philiptdotcom

    Looking For (trade) Looking for Nepenthes pollen (19AUG2022)

    Looking for (any) Nepenthes pollen. First female flower opened yesterday. Below are pix of female parent. If you have any kind of Nep pollen you'd be willing to send (I'll send 1/2 of any seeds produced back to you!), please get in touch with me ASAP via e-mail. Thanks!! Aloha, PT@PhilipT.com
  2. T

    For Trade Drosera Nivea gemmae

    I just got a few D. Nivea, and apparently the previous owner was feeling quite generous because I now have about 50 extra gemmae! I’d very much like to trade them for other Pygmy drosera gemmae but if no one ends up messaging me I’ll probably end up giving them away at some point :D
  3. sangrocks101

    For Trade N. sanguinea basals for utrics/maybe some drosera/sarracenia

    Okay so my Nepenthes sanguinea decided to put out some more basal shoots(5 basal shoots produced in 2 months :p wow) and I was wondering if anyone would trade some utrics for some basals. I may trade for drosera or sarracenia but it depends on what species. I will definitely trade for a S...
  4. D

    For Trade Dendrobium Aphyllum semi adult orchid for trade

    These are near flowering size and I have a ton. All offers will be taken into consideration
  5. NewspaperFort

    For Trade Looking for your easy growers

    Hello! My primary limiting factor is windowsill property, I just dont get a ton of light here. Looking for some plants that have done well in my 'sills before, like utrics (sandersonii to longifolia), sundews (mostly rosetted), stylidium, and outdoor bog plant types. I have SO MANY Sarracenia...
  6. MadAboutCPs

    For Trade Nepenthes edwardsiana (10 fresh seeds) for trade

    THIS TRADE HAS ENDED. For trade are 10 fresh Nepenthes edwardsiana seeds which I just received today. Reason I am getting rid of, is I don't have any more room in my setup to grow any more of this species. The seeds are not wild collected. I bought them. They were harvested 2nd July 2017, so...
  7. jeff 2

    subtropicals US ping

    Bonjour I am looking for all fresh seeds to these subtropicals US ping primuliflora - lutea - ionantha - planifolia - caerulea - pumila I can swap with temperate ping ( seeds - hibernaculae - bulbilles ) if you are interested PM me jeff
  8. J

    dendrobium oligophyllum Small division

    I have one small back psudobulb division with a new growth on it, I would like to trade it for a Utricularia humboldtii division and nepenthes species or interesting cutting or seedlings but I'm open to offers. I'll also throw in some epidendrum kikis to sweeten the deal. Pm me as soon as...
  9. kayaker78

    Bryant's Pinguicula Grow List

    Pinguicula Cultivars Pinguicula "ANPA A" Pinguicula "ANPA D" Pinguicula 'Aphrodite' Pinguicula "El Mirador" Pinguicula 'Florian' Pinguicula 'George Sargent' Pinguicula 'John Rizzi' Pinguicula 'Pirouette' Pinguicula 'Sethos' Pinguicula 'Tina' Pinguicula 'Titan' Pinguicula 'Weser' (available for...
  10. kayaker78

    Bryant's Pinguicula Grow List

    Cultivars Pinguicula Alfred Lau 13 Pinguicula "ANPA A" Pinguicula "ANPA C" Pinguicula "ANPA D" Pinguicula 'Aphrodite' Pinguicula "El Mirador" Pinguicula 'Florian' Pinguicula 'Fraser Beauty' Pinguicula 'George Sargent' Pinguicula 'Gina' Pinguicula 'John Rizzi' Pinguicula 'Pirouette' Pinguicula...
  11. T

    various plants

    I have the following species available for trade (fairly recent pictures can be found in my growlist). I'm mostly looking for Utricularia and highland Drosera but feel free to offer other plants too. Utricularia alpina Utricularia amethystina (purple and white flower forms) Utricularia...
  12. adnedarn

    Lets talk about selling on TerraForums (classifieds system)

    So it's been a while now since I decided to try allow selling here on the forums, forever it was a trade only atmosphere... I'm surprised that not much gets listed when it seemed to me to come up all the time that it was the one thing that needed to change around here. So I'm curious, are you...
  13. FloridaCP

    Dischidia major

    Hi everyone! I've been trying to locate some Dischidia major for some time and never find anyone selling this species. Also interested in other Dischidias as well. Thanks! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. -Leif
  14. S

    ScatterPants Grow List

    Work in progress... Indoors Pinguicula Tropical/Mexican Pinguicula Species and Specific Localities P. agnata red leaf November 2016, Feb. 2017, March 2017 P. cyclosecta November 2016, March 2017 P. ehlersiae - Victoria November 2016, March 2017 P. 'El Mirador' November 2016, March 2017 P...
  15. P

    N. Inermis and vogelii

    Hello! If anyone has one of these species and is interested in trading, pm me. Plants I have are: Pinguicula 'florian' (small pullings) Orchids: Phalaenopsis bellina var. alba Amesiella monticola (in bloom) Jumellea comorensis (in spike and bloom) Masdevallia ayabacana Paphiopedilum delenatii...
  16. Jcal

    U. campbelliana

    Looking for this plant. If you have it let me know and we can work out a trade.
  17. Cactusdan

    WTB: Pygmy Drosera Gemmae

    WTB: Pygmy Drosera Gemmae I'm looking to grow my collection of pygmy Drosera, and am looking for gemmae of select species! Looking for: - Drosera barbigera subsp. barbigera - Drosera citrina subsp. citrina - Drosera citrina subsp. citrina - Drosera eneabba - Drosera miniata - Drosera...
  18. tmurphy44870

    My little shop of horrors.

    Nepenthes. N. miranda N. ventrata N. maxima "wavy leaf" N. maxima "lake poso dwarf" N. robcantleyi (QoH x KoS) N. "Lady luck" Sarracenia. S. leucophylla "Tarnok" S. "Bug bat" S. Dana's delight S. Purpurea Drosera. D. capensis D. capensis "wide leaf" D. binata D. regia D...
  19. goldtrap2690

    N. rafflesiana

    Hey there, have been looking for N. rafflesiana for some time now and would love to trade for a rooted cutting or established plant. See my growlist to see what I've got extra of.
  20. Cactusdan

    D. occidentalis x pulchella. Gemmae for Gemmae?

    Hey all! Since only starting CP growing earlier this year, I've only gotten one batch of pygmy Drosera gemmae so far, which is D. occidentalis x pulchella. I'd really like to expand my collection of these cool little guys, while hopefully doing the same for other folks. D. occidentalis x...