TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Allen Lowrie's Carnivorous Plants of Australia: Magnum Opus (2013) lists some 241 species of carnivorous plants at the time of publication. 163 of those are Drosera. Of these 29 are newly named. Some are new species formally described for the first time. Some were renamed as the "true" species...
I currently have gemmae available for trade from D.omissa "Pink Flower" and D.rosea. I'm looking for gemmae from Pygmy Drosera that I don't currently grow. No hybrids please.
D.omissa "Pink Flower"
Here's my current list of Pygmy Drosera:
x'Lake Badgerup' (patens X...
What is your experience with the gemmae production times?
D. allantostigma
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba
What is your experience with the flowering times?
D. allantostigma (April & May)
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba...
I've had a couple "shots in the arm" with pygmy sundew gemmae and other assorted things, but what was once a thriving collection of butterworts is down to just a few. I am also missing a few basic sundews, like D. adelae, anglica, and aliciae. Here's my current grow list. Those with asterisks I...
It's that time of year again.
I'm looking for any Pygmy Drosera I don't grow. I lost my Drosera gibsonii colony this year and would love to get a replacement.
My current grow list.
Drosera allantostigma
Drosera callistos
Drosera callistos -Brookton form
Drosera citrina
Drosera closterostigma...
Taken, post closed
Since I was harvesting/planting anyway, I figured i'd put together a batch of gemmae to give away. :) And since they're already packaged up and ready to go, I need to do this fast. All I ask is that you pay $5 shipping(will be sent priority flat rate) via paypal. First person...
I've got a bunch of these. I'd like to trade them for other gemmae NOT on this short list :
palacaea leioblastus
palacaea roseana
palacaea trichocaulis
I'm looking for any gemmae not on this list. Please email me at jeremiah@leilaninepenthes.com
My Grow List...
Drosera allantostigma
Drosera androsacea
Drosera callistos
Drosera citrina
Drosera closterostigma
Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form)
Drosera dichrosepala
EDIT: Alright so I think im gunna have to shut down the gemmae for SASE due to the amount of people now sending them.. But I'll keep some gemmae back just in case anyone DOES have any gemmae to trade. :)
Just wondering if anyone else has any gemmae being produced still.. Right now I have a ton...
Note: scale is only accurate at the plane of focus
Drosera trichocaulis
D. helodes
D. allantostigma
D. pulchella Salmon Flower
D. scorpioides
D. dichrosepela
D. roseana
My roseanna gemmae are ready to go.. Would love to maybe trade for some other pygmy gemmae if anyone has any ready? Any offers really would be great, but I will also be more then happy to give some away to those who want some. Have more then enough to go around.
I already have these, so...
Sarracenia - Some photos not mine, but used with permission from the person whom the plants originated
S. 'Adrian Slack'
S. 'Leah Wilkerson'
S. "Blood Moon"
S. 'Judith Hindle'
S. 'Scarlet Belle'
S. 'Dana's Delight'
S. 'June Bug'
S. 'Dixie Lace'
S. 'Tripe Rarity'
S. 'Hank'
S. "Appalachian...
I have:
1) D. capensis (typical) seeds
2) D. capensis 'Albino' seeds
3) Devil Claws (P. parvilflora, possibly I. lutea) seeds
4) D. paleacea subsp. trichocaulis gemmae
5) D. paleacea "Cranbrook" gemmae
Please send a padded envelope / bubble mailer, with postage to cover the return trip to you.
D. roseana gemmae sprouts
D. trichocaulis gemmae sprouts
D. scorpiodes sprouts and D. capensis sprouts
D. pulchella x nitidula gemmae sprout
D. venusta feeding curl..
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