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  1. Nepfreak

    This year's gemmae crop

    I kind of went gemmae crazy back in october... here are the results! They're all about 5 weeks old, and loving life under t8s. D. roseana D. androsacea: D. palaceae ssp. trichocaulis D. barbigera 'Carbarup' occidentalis x pulchella
  2. thez_yo

    orchid and carnivore pictures!

    I really don't know where to post my pics any more because I'm growing all sorts of things, so I guess it'll be here! Most of the neps: Paph that has been working on a bloom for...months! 4 days ago- this morning- Ceph root regrowth with new leaves and teeeny pitcher :banana2...
  3. aaddaam

    lots of gemmae for trade

    i have lots of gemmae for trade. i have: Drosera scorpioides"white flower" Drosera paleacea ssp. trichocaulis Drosera paleacea ssp. stelliflora Drosera pulchella "Salmon flower" Drosera pulchella "Orange flower" Drosera occidentalis ssp. australis "Warriup form" Drosera pygmaea-Tasmania form...
  4. aaddaam

    pygmy drosera gemmae

    iam looking to trade my pygmy drosera gemmae for almost anything . pm me if you are interested i have the following gemmae Drosera palacea ssp. trichocaulis gemmae Drosera pulchella "Salmon flower" gemmae Drosera pulchella "Orange flower" gemmae Drosera microscapa gemmae and remember this is...
  5. Not a Number

    Not a Number's Growlist

    Growing: Byblis liniflora Darlingtoniacalifornica seedling ICPS californica ****** 'Othello' x 'Othello' Nevada Co, CA 'Othello' x ? Nevada Co, CA Dionea muscipula(typical) 'Akai ryu' 'B52' 'Crested Petiole' 'Cupped Trap' "Fang" 'Fused Tooth' 'Jaws' 'Justina Davis' 'Red Pirhana'...
  6. glider14

    Pygmy Drosera

    ok i have one little(literally) D. pulchella. how would it and others do in a community pot? im thinking Pulchella, Scorpiodes, and palacea trichocaulis. and maby som others. Alex
  7. throckmoron

    Let's swap some pygmies!

    Hello, I have fresh gemmae to swap for any pygmy species/forms not on my growlist. Will also trade for babies/clonable leaf from Mexican Ping.'s. Current gemmae list: palacea trichocaulis sargentii (potted youngsters or gemmae) leucoblasta leucoblasta (Brookton form) roseana nitidula ssp...
  8. F

    flytraps2000's growlist

    Hello everyone, here is my grow list.  Little old with some additions missing but pretty accurate. Current 2/05 additions coming soon, couple losses to. Aldrovanda ald1 Japanese form ald2 Australian red form NSW near Mertens Creek above Big Mertens Falls near Mitchel Falls, Kimberley...
  9. G

    Glenn's grow list

    Plants Currently Growing Or In Dormancy       Plant Family Species/Cultivar   Cephalotus Cephalotus flocularis   Dionea typical   Drosera adelae   Drosera binata var. multifida f. extrema   Drosera nitidula spp. allantostigma   Drosera spatulata   Drosera nidiformis   Drosera binata   Drosera...
  10. Jeremiah Harris

    Jeremiah's growlist

    GrowList 2020 Jeremiah Harris Carnivorous Plant Growlist Colorado Springs CO Jeremiahsplants@comcast.net Aldrovanda A. vesiculosa Brocchinia B. reducta Bybilis B. filifolia “Flowers mauve with pale lemon back”-Boulk area South Peninsular Kimberley W.A. B. liniflora Jeremiah's Cephalotus...
  11. S

    Seans growlist-

    Here is my latest growlist- South African Drosera Drosera admirabilis Drosera admirabilis 'Ceres, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'Palmiet River, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'seed from holotype' Drosera affinis 'Namibia' Drosera aliciae Drosera burkeana Drosera capensis 'Mini Red' Drosera capensis...
  12. Copper

    D. nidiformis red, venusta and peltata

    Trades will come first in importance and will be sent out ASAP.   After trades I will take SASE ($2 for bubblelope or $3 small box and shipping).  If SASE - first - PM me, second - send the money, making sure to have a return addresss and a note stating which plants and what your forum name...
  13. J

    Pygmy gemmae give away, singapore only

    Have 3 portions of D. paleacea subspecies (probably ssp. trichocaulis) gemmae to give away. Post here. JK
  14. Copper

    N. Tobaica cuttings

    Hello again, I am rooting some N. Tobaica cuttings.  I checked today and they are starting to root.  The best is already going out, but I have two small ones left.  The cuttings are small, but already have pitchers.  I would like to trade for Neps, but will listen to offers of anything not on...
  15. L

    Fragrant flowers?

    Hey, Does palacea trichocaulis have fragrant flowers?
  16. T

    Drosera paleacea identification

    My continuing discussion with Phill Mann regarding how to tell the difference between these subspecies has nailed down at least one certainty. If your plants have glabarous (non-hairy) sepals that look like stacks of little smooth balls before the flowers open, you have Drosera paleacea ssp...
  17. C

    pygmy drosera webpages?

    Hey everyone, Does anyone here know of a good website with information about the dormancy requirements of various species of pygmy droserae? I am looking for info on the dormancy for Drosera: closterostigma, microscapa, palacea ssp. trichocaulis, roseana, miniata and eneabba. Also has anyone...