TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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This has gotten a little out of date - decided to move the list to a google sheet - check it out here.
Mexican and hybrids
• P. agnata (scented flower) *
• P. agnata (true blue) *
• P. agnata 'El Lobo' *
• P. cyclosecta
• P. cyclosecta x emarginata
Typical muscipula Dionaea
Dionaea Bohemian Garden
Byblis liniflora
D. Adelae
D. affinis
D. Binata T-Form
D. Binata multifida (new changes)
D. burmannii
D. burmannii Hong Kong
D. burmannii red
D. capensis
D. capensis Alba
D. capensis "Giant" (changes)
D. Capillaris Long Arm
D. hartmeyerorum...
Things I've got
affinis “Namibia”
alicea "silvermine (?)", strap-leaf form
anglica “Alakai Swamp”
x "Andromeda (BCP cross of D. prolifera x schizandra)
binata "Waihohonu Desert"
burmannii: Humpty-Doo, Hann River, Hong Kong Red
capensis "big pink", red...
I have had a lot of time one my hands :-))
Genus Brocchinia
- Brocchinia reducta
- B. guehoi
- B. liniflora
- B. filifolia x guehoi
- C. follicularis (a beautiful plant from Nauz)
- D. californica
- D. californica seed grown...
Just registering my little collection
N. Graciliflora
D. Spatulata *
D. Intermedia *
D. Madagascariensis *
D. Capensis 'alba' *
D. Burmannii
D. Burmannii 'Hong Kong'
Seeds wish list:
D. Burmannii (of any variation I dont have)
D. Binata...
Deltatango 301 Growlist 138 plants in Greenhouse 10' X 6'
WANTED Drosera Derbyensis D. Adelae D. Ultramafica X Spatulata D. Purpurascens
My Plants
x phalaenopsis X 2 (Dobbies)
bromeliad (Dobbies)
Sun Pitcher
nutans x heterodoxa (HV011Hants)
Cobra Lily
I lied... :jester:
If there is anything that I don't have for trade, but you are dying to have, send me a pm and I'll see if I see what I can start propagating for ya. I'm always looking for different clones than what I have, so if you have something I already have on my growlist, send me a...
Overview of the indoor setup, light is a 6 bulb t5ho with two 3500k bulbs and 4 6500k bulbs.
Sorry for the focus issues in some photos, still learning with the new DSLR. I would love some tips...
D. Aliciae
D. Venusta (shipper folded the plant :rant:)
D. Spatulata, I don't think I've...
Hi, I'm looking to trade a few nepenthes and other tropical plants. I can provide photos upon request.
You can PM me anytime for a response.
What I Have For Trade (ROOTED):
N. Ventricosa x Alata "Ventrata"- (fully rooted w/ small pitcher) *TRADED*
Anthurium Faustomirandae...
One of my clients has this massive N. Sanguinea (what I presume it to be) and he offered for me to take some cuttings if I wanted. I just wanted to double check my assumption and if the growth point in the second picture would be a good place to cut? And lastly what kind of U. is in the pot...
Hey, guys. Rather than post for each individual plant, or every time I have/want something new, I figured doing all of my trading in one the place would make things easier to keep track of, for everybody.
Dionaea Muscipula (Venus Flytraps):
"FTS Crimson Sawtooth"
Drosera (Sundews):
So, I've decided to try propagating my D. Aliciae and my D. Venusta via a couple of different methods (to see which work best, if any). I've taken cuttings of a flower stalk from each, leaf cuttings from each, and root cuttings from the Aliciae, as it needed a pot upgrade anyway, its roots were...
After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
WTB: WTB - D. Venusta
Title says it all!
List Date: 1/11/2016
For more info, click here to view the original listing: WTB: WTB - D. Venusta
Want to Buy (WTB) Please Contact Buyer with offers.
Hello everyone, this is what I currently have growing at Riverside Carnivores! I have included the links where I purchased from.
1. Minor
(damonnorman999 on eBay)
2. Red Bug (carnivorousplantshop on eBay)
3. Love Bug (damonnorman999 on eBay)
I have several handfuls of U. gibba for trade. This is a easy to grow aquatic species. Mine is cultivated in RO water and very clean and free of algae.
I'm looking to trade for:
Mexican ping leaf pulls or small plantlets.
Sarracenia seedlings or plants, species or hybrids.
I guess I use to much fertilizer, but I always get negative results when I fertilize my Drosera. I was using a 150ppm urea-free orchid fertilizer sprayed on the leaves, but it resulted in deformed leaves. I recently tried some beta pellets, but that appears to have been a bit much as well. Is...
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