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  1. P

    Drosera burmannii seeds

    Hi there, At a recent plant swap a local fellow showed up and brought a few cp's. Dews and vft's mostly. We spoke prior and traded a few things. One thing I got was some D. burmannii seeds. A recent giveaway had about twenty entrants including myself.:) I was wondering if any of those who...
  2. T

    Aquatic Utricularia Discussion Thread

    If there is any interest, I thought it would be nice to start a thread for discussing aquatic Utricularia, where we can share our setups, pictures of our plants, etc. I will freely admit that this idea came from RL7836's Orchidioides thread, but there shouldn't be much overlap with that thread...
  3. P

    Seeking Utricularia volubilis

    Hi, Is anyone out there growing this utric? Would like to obtain a plant or plantlet/starter portion. Trade for other aquatic utrics or dew seeds or, ??? Thanks!
  4. T

    Looking for affixed Utricularia

    Hello everyone, I'm interested in affixed aquatic Utricularia, particularly biloba, volubilis, or resupinata. If you have any Utricularia that grow in a substrate underwater besides graminifolia, gibba or intermedia, I would be interested in trading. I have Aldrovanda vesiculosa and Utricularia...
  5. T

    Hello from California

    Hi everyone, I'm Howard. I've been getting back into carnivorous plants after a 3 year gap. I have a Nepenthes (not sure about the species) that I've had for almost 10 years. Here's a list of plants I have acquired in the last few months: Aldrovanda vesiculosa Utricularia gibba Utricularia...
  6. P

    Seeking Genlisea metallica G. glangulosissima and Utricularia volubilis, minutissima

    Don't know if anyone out there has these, thought I would give it a try. Have Genlisea flexulosa plantlet or U. longifolia plantlet for trade. Another utric or two, and some other water plants... Thanks.
  7. P

    Does anyone here have, or have you tried any of these plants?? Red Aldrovanda,

    Hi, I am curious about whether anyone here has attempted to grow red Aldrovanda, Australian or Hungarian, and were you successful? They seem to be for the most part, unobtanium. Other attempts to find out and or obtain some have been unsuccessful or are stalled. While on the subject, does...
  8. Paladin69

    Utric (Polypompholyx) multifida

    Northcliffe West Australia Interesting form Albany West Australia Utric simplex Utric volubilis
  9. Dexenthes

    Dexenthes' Grow List.

    *Actively available for trade ~ Negotiable for trade If there is no symbol following the name then the plant is not for trading and cannot be negotiated for. (Except with offers of N. argentii or N. edwardsiana, Triphyophyllum, etc.) Begonia bogneri Cephalotus follicularis Darlingtonia...
  10. Clint

    What terrestrial Utrics can grow submersed under water, permanently?

    Hey guys, I was wondering what terrestrial Utricularia (or even Genlisea) can grow under water, permanently? I know that U. graminifolia can grow submersed permanently and it is now a popular aquarium plant! Can anyone give me any info on utrics that grow well under water? I am not looking for...
  11. Lil Stinkpot

    Wanted: tropical Utrics

    I would like some U. humboldtii, and if you happen to have some U. nelumbifolia, I'll add N. thorellii x witteii. Will trade rooted cuttings of N. ventricosa red and N. ventrata, as well as a cutting of N. alata green and a cutting of N. spectabilis. Here are more Utrics of interest, but...
  12. Lil Stinkpot

    Katie's List:

    Aldrovanda vesiculosa A. vesiculosa green tropical * Darlingtonia D. californica coastal* D. californica mountain Dionaea D. muscipula 'Dentate' D. muscipula SECC Green Swamp form Drosera D. admirabilis D. binata* D. burmanii green D. burmanii...
  13. Pyro

    U. volubilis germination

    Just a couple shots, probably only of interest to serious Utricophiles. I took them because I recalled Taylor had mentioned that nothing was known about the seed to adult plant process. Figured I'd try to fill the void a little. 2 different germinants
  14. Jefforever

    Jeff's Updated 2-12-07

    Jeff's Updated Growlist Utricularia: Orchidioides: Alpina "Pitter Moon Form" - Pyro Alpina - Pyro Alpina - Crystal --> Colieo Asplundii - Ice Dragon Quelchii "Mount Wei" - Jeff Quelchii x Humboldtii - Jeff Quelchii x Praetermissa - Jeff Iperua: Humboldtii - Rattler_mt Nelumbifolia - Jeff...
  15. R

    Rob-rah - uk - growlist

    (Updated April 2005) Some (as marked) is seed awaiting germination... <span style='color:green'>Aldrovanda</span> Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Lake Dlugie, Eastern Poland - Bestcarnivorousplants) <span style='color:green'>Byblis</span> Byblis gigantea (Bibbulman Track, robust - Allen Lowrie) (seed)...
  16. Finch

    Whats the most annoying think you can do

    I will go first (question is the topic and description) The most anoying thing iv done [here] probably would be spinning toppics off in bazare directions (leading to their ineveieble death) wich is quite  uswful for me at times- not that iv ever done it on purpouse The other would be listing...
  17. T

    Australian Utricularia Wanted

    I thought you all might be interested in seeing a list of what is possible to see down under. Does anyone know if any of the species on the first list are in cultivation, and if so which ones and how do I get you to send me some of them >;-I)> Species on the second part of the list I have seen...
  18. G

    Utricularia Volubilis

    I was recently sent a young U.volubilis plant from a foreign friend but am unsure about its requirements. I know that unlike most aquatics, this one needs to be planted. Does anyone have any experience with this plant? All help appreciated!Thanks.