TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I have the following species available for trade (fairly recent pictures can be found in my growlist). I'm mostly looking for Utricularia and highland Drosera but feel free to offer other plants too.
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia amethystina (purple and white flower forms)
Work in progress...
Tropical/Mexican Pinguicula Species and Specific Localities
P. agnata red leaf November 2016, Feb. 2017, March 2017
P. cyclosecta November 2016, March 2017
P. ehlersiae - Victoria November 2016, March 2017
P. 'El Mirador' November 2016, March 2017
I have the following plants available for trade:
Drosera communis
Drosera flexicaulis
Drosera riparia
Drosera roraimae
Drosera spiralis
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia amethystina
Utricularia appendiculata
Utricularia bifida
Utricularia biloba
Utricularia chrysantha
Utricularia cornuta...
After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
Last update: 3/7/18
If you have any suggestions for ways to improve the organization of my growlist, please let me know!
Byblis gigantea
Byblis guehoi, West Kimberley
Byblis lamellata, Eneabba, WA, BCP S064
Cephalotus follicularis
Darlingtonia californica...
I have various Utricularia species for trade. I am looking for subtropical Drosera and Utricularia species I don't have.
These are the species available:
Utricularia appendiculata
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia warburgii
Utricularia tridentata
Utricularia rostrata
Utricularia biloba...
This will be a thread mostly consisting of my carnivorous plants, but also some other random plant photos from time to time.
To start, these are some pictures of the plants that I grow indoors in my basement. I don't have any current photos of plants that I have outside on the deck. Since I...
I have been asked for my growlist many times and I am really bad about keeping one so here goes (As of this posting this list is incomplete and only includes my Aldrovanda, Genliseas and Utricularias).
My Interests in the Carnivorous plant world
Primary Interests
- Utricularias
- Genliseas
Hey Everyone:
Repotted about half my collection yesterday and weeded out a few things. Gonna do this WYSIWYG style:
The pot of 5 or so immature D. capensis 'typical' in the center of the photo. (It was a bit hard to get the photo). I'd like to trade off all of them.
N. albomarginata
N. burbidgeae x veitchii
N. chaniana x veitchii
N. glandulifera x burbidgeae
N. vogelii
P. gigantea
Non-carnivorous plants
Brassavola cucullata
Eulophia petersii
Eulophia spectabilis
Maxillaria tenuifolia
Maxillaria variabilis
You are bidding on a 1X1in plug of what I believe to be U. warburgii (I would love if somebody could confirm this ID for me). The plug will be taken from the pot pictured which is currently flowering. Opening bid $2. Winner pays $6 for shipping. USA only (my apologies to international growers)...
Hey everyone. I finally got around to typing up a list for you all. I'm pretty sure I got everything but not 100% sure. Also keep in mind I work in a greenhouse where we've got over 300 species of plants ranging from orchids, ferns, tropical fruits, cactus, ethnobotanicals and more. So if you're...
Hi, I wanted to post pictures of the plants I won in the latest NASC auction. They are all growing fabulously. I won a Drosera esmeraldae which has gotten much bigger.http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk231/mattbyers/recent/esmereldae.jpg
I got a group of bladderworts, includeing warburgii and...
I need some help/tips to grow these.
First off, the G. margaretae. I'm growing it in milled sphagnum with the water level pretty much topped off. Moss keeps growing around it and I trim it back as needed. It really hasn't grown for me since I received it back in November.
U. paulineae: I'm...
Up for auction are plugs of four utrics. Although they are in the utric group often called 'weedy', these specific clones do not self-seed but grow very strongly/easily. Included in the pack are:
- U. livida - very nice clone that flowers constantly for me
- U. sandersonii "white" - this is...
Up for auction are plugs of four of the small utrics. Although they are in the utric group often called 'weedy', these specific clones do not self-seed but grow very strongly/easily. Included in the pack are:
- U. livida - very nice clone that flowers constantly for me
- U. sandersonii "white"...
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