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a few plants i have got over the years
alata small red
Alata - Red x 6
alata Red (from ebay )
alata ( ebay)
alata giant x stenophylla
alata giant x spectabilis
alata red
alata x kampotiana x ventricosa
alata-gaint x truncata
alata-giant x veitchii H/L
albo-marginata -green x (rokko x veitchii...
by snapperhead51 » Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:41 am
Grow list update 11 Aug 2011 still incomplete heaps to still put on ??
alata small red
Alata - Red x 6
alata Red (from ebay )
alata ( ebay)
alata giant x stenophylla
alata giant x spectabilis
alata red
alata x kampotiana x ventricosa
alata-gaint x...
alata (Q) x truncata
alata boschiana mimic
alata Pink
alata variegata
alata x khashiana
alata x truncata
albomarginata - Penang Red
albomarginata - Red
albomarginata Green
albomarginata Red Gunung Jerai
albomarginata Red Speckled...
I finally had a chance to go through most of my nepenthes and have several I would like to put up for trade if anyone is interested. I have the following (and probably more in a day or two):
N alata, rooted cutting 6-8”
N kampotiana (female), rooted cuttings 6-8” Note: may be kampotiana...
* updated 11/17/2012 *
Warning: I am not the best at following scientific nomenclature/annotation. If this is of an annoyance to you, please do not read on... :)
I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone who has contributed to the below growlist. Whether it be through generous...
Here's my list, it has grown very fast recently and will take it's last fast growth in the next months as I receive a shippment from Wistuba.
At the moment there are 71 species, plus 27 comming. Would love to post photos, but can't find a way to do so.
N. alata
N. albomarginata
N. ampullaria
N. aristolochioides
N. bellii
N. benstonei
N. bicalcarata
N. bongso
N. burbidgeae
N. carunculata
N. clipeata
N. copelandii
N. densiflora
N. diatas
N. distillatoria
N. eustachya
N. faizaliana
N. fusca
N. gracilis
N. hamata
N. hirsuta
Hi all,
Hope your holidays are pleasant ones. I have been very busy re-organizing my greenhouses and have come up with some nice plants for trade. Unfortunately I do not have any photos so you will have to use your cp knowledge to help you out. I am looking for anything not on my grow list...
I have a 1 maybe 3 N. rajah's. For trade I'm looking for other Nepenthes not on my grow list. I will send you a photo if very interested.
My grow list
N. alata "boschiana mimic"
N. alata lowland mo
N. albomarginata (Penang) Red, clone E
N. albomarginata "spotted”
I already had some problems with mite last year which I got rid of with an Akarizid (don't know the correct english translation). During this summer this problem reappeared, maybe also due to the extreme hot temperatures during the last months. Only four or five of my plants are affected...
Im looking into the purchase of a N. Xiphioides, but can't find any info on it. Does anybody know where i could? Or someone who has one, that could tell me how to grow it? Thank alot,
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