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Got this from a mixed bag of 90% white/10% pink Calopogons, and was hoping for pink, so this makes the flower even more exciting!

I have it growing in an outdoor bog pot with S. leucophylla 'Tarnok', S. 'Carolina Yellow Jacket', S. 'Daina's Delight', D. m. 'Akai Ryu', D. m. 'Red Sawtooth', Dros. intermedia, Dros. 'Southern Cross', and Dros. tokaiensis x rotundifolia

It was grown in Vermont, so should be quite hardy when winter rolls around :)


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:0o: Gorgeous! I love the subtle pink with white on that one. Would look very nice growing together with the dark pink variety.

Mine recently opened its first flower. The color is darker than what the camera shot shows.

[/url]Calopogon 2 by Djoni C, on Flickr[/IMG]
Oh nice!

Did it open that dark?

I was curious if maybe mine just needed another day or two of sun to darken up, but it's 100% possible this is a pink/white cross
Those are some nice flowers!
The darker pink is the norm, you are very very lucky Dan

Oh nice!

Did it open that dark?

I was curious if maybe mine just needed another day or two of sun to darken up, but it's 100% possible this is a pink/white cross

Yes, they are opening that dark. This is my first experience growing Calopogon, I did not know there were color variations. They were given to me last fall when dormant, extras in with some sarrs, and I was very surprised/pleased to see what the flowers look like. I may put some in the bog next year after all. I love the color of yours, perhaps you would be interested in trading for some of the dark pink ones at some point?
Oh wow, thanks Fred!

And DJ57, would definitely be up for that! Unfortunately I've got the one tuber so far, but I'll keep you in mind if/when I divide it in the future!

How do they tend to go about reproducing in cultivation? I'm assuming division?
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