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Can I take a cutting? From the climbing stem or basal?

Plant A - This plant has 2 good size basal

Plant B - This plant has been climbing like crazy
You can do either/both.

For my personal collection, I usually let the plant vine until it flowers so I know the sex. During that time I'm pretty aggressive about pulling basals so the plant continues to grow its main vine. Once basals get to the size in the first pic, I just dig down into the soil with my fingers to find where it connects to the stem, snap it off, and put it directly into a new pot. I've never lost a plant doing this.

Once the plant flowers, I wait for a new strong basal to form, and then chop the vine to make 3 or 4-internode clones. These root at a lower rate than basals, but you wills still get some plants out of it.
thank you so much!!! I will do exactly what you wrote here. Sounds easy and letting the vine flower makes total sense.