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Cephalotus problem

I have had some seedling Cephalotus in a tiny grow egg for about 2 years now, and they have always done really well and have been very easy to propagate by pullings. I was considering thinning out the group via giveaways on here, but I recently changed my grow lights from T12 to T8. The leaves have turned very bright red and some of the pitchers died, as I expected. However, there doesn't really seem to be any new growth happening, and I am wondering if I should move them back to the lower light conditions. Have you guys had any experience with changing cephalotus growing conditions and how long they took to recover? I can post some pictures later.
I got my first Ceph, a small rooted plant this season from member RSS who advised me that it was grown under less than intense artificial lighting. I put it outside immediately in a bright but mostly shady area, and it promptly did what yours seems to have done. A week or two later I moved it out into full sun, where it sulked for over a month before it started growing. It has since increased greatly in size, going from 3 leaves to over a dozen and started producing large pitchers. Most of that growth has been in the last month or so, and I'm reluctant to move it inside for the winter. As long as daytime temps are above freezing, it will be outside, even if I have to bring it in every night.
If you went from old T12 bulbs to new T8 bulbs that could cause some pretty good leaf burn. Here are some photos of one of Cephs that had leaf burn, it was just starting to recover when I took the photo. A photo is always helpful with figuring out problems.

The entire Ceph was Green before moving over to much higher light but otherwise similar conditions. The old leaves actually dried up before the new leaves started growing. The pitchers handled the transition much better than the leaves. I now step them up in stages from the low light leaf pull area to the main area.

DSC_0889 by randallsimpson, on Flickr

DSC_0890 by randallsimpson, on Flickr
Just got my first ceph and I'm having similar issues, thanks for the info rss