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Nepenthes wilting

A few days ago, I noticed that one of my nepenthes spectabilis x singalana was wilting. To be more exact, the lid of the pitcher was wilting. In addition, it kinda stopped growing. A month ago, it just did just fine because it grew a new pitcher but this month, it just stopped. However, my other nepenthes, N.aristolochioides x spectabilis, in the terrarium was just fine. Has anyone has this problem before ? Any solutions ?
I think it's due the direct sunlight it get in the afternoon that might cause it to be in stressed. It only get 3 hours worth. The rest of the day are spent in partial shade.


On the left:
N. spectabilis x singalana

On right:
N.aristolochioides x spectabilis
Just normal pitcher senescence. The plant looks good.

Whenever pitchers age, the lid is almost always the first thing that desiccates. It's normal and happens regardless of health. However, lid desiccation is also the first sign of stress induced by lack of moisture, so you can use it as a sort of canary in the coal mine if you think it's happening too quickly or simultaneously on multiple pitchers.
Ah, I see. Well, it occurring on all 3 pitcher which is rather uncanny since I never seen it happen before. I suppose, I need to increase humidity then, huh ?
could it not have gotten too hot in there? if the terra is closed then any direct sun would make it very hot inside.
lids will almost certainly wilt in heat and then perk up once it cools again

as Mato said, the plants look fine. maybe a bit on the 'burnt' side. bronze leaves....
As Morbus points out, a sealed glass box placed on a windowsill in direct sunlight can build up heat to excessive levels quickly and these Nepenthes will hate that. If you allow this to happen repeatedly, you can easily end up with dead plants.
something taken very lightly (wrongfully so) is black pots in the sun
It took me a while to figure out that that was the cause of many a sad plant. the soil heats up and the roots hate it.so, the plants seem healthy and may pitcher but they dont grow and some decline over time.
So, you may think all is well because your air temp its sitting at 25C but the soil may be 40+C...
keep it in mind where sun falls on the pots :)