Since this wasn't shared before by members who have previously had Lowrie's Magnum Opus (published Nov 2013) I thought I'd post a summary of some of the taxonomic changes and new species of Tuberous Drosera published in the work.
Please note the old names are still valid and it is up to you if you want to change your labels or not. Indeed the new names may not be "accepted" by some. An example is Sarracenia rosea which has not gained widespread acceptance. To avoid confusion most posters include to former name and don't assume everybody owns or has read the relevant publications.
New species rank (status novus) and/or new names (novum nomen):
D. bulbosa formerly formerly D. bulbosa ssp. bulbosa
D. major formerly formerly D. bulbosa ssp. major
D. collina formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. collina
D. erythrorhiza formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. erythrorhiza
D. magna formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. magna
D. squamosa formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. squamosa
D. genicatula formerly D. gigantea ssp. genicatula
D. gigantea formerly D. gigantea ssp. gigantea
D. eremaea formerly D. macrantha ssp. eremaea
D. macrantha formerly D. macrantha ssp. macrantha
D. planchonii formerly D. macrantha ssp. planchonii
D. macrophylla formerly D. macrophylla ssp. macrophylla
D. monantha formerly D. macrophylla ssp. monantha
D. basifolia formerly D. menziesii ssp. basifolia
D. menziesii formerly D. menziesii ssp. menziesii
D. drummondii formerly D. menziesii ssp. penicillaris
D. thysanosepala formerly D. menziesii ssp. thysanosepala
New species (species novus)
D. calycina (microphylla complex)
D. esperensis (microphylla complex)
D. gracilis (peltata complex)
D. hirsuta (macrantha complex)
D. indumenta (macrantha complex)
Species considered synonymous
D. neesii ssp. borealis synonymous to D. neesii ssp. neesii, so now D. neesii
Please note the old names are still valid and it is up to you if you want to change your labels or not. Indeed the new names may not be "accepted" by some. An example is Sarracenia rosea which has not gained widespread acceptance. To avoid confusion most posters include to former name and don't assume everybody owns or has read the relevant publications.
New species rank (status novus) and/or new names (novum nomen):
D. bulbosa formerly formerly D. bulbosa ssp. bulbosa
D. major formerly formerly D. bulbosa ssp. major
D. collina formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. collina
D. erythrorhiza formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. erythrorhiza
D. magna formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. magna
D. squamosa formerly D. erythrorhiza ssp. squamosa
D. genicatula formerly D. gigantea ssp. genicatula
D. gigantea formerly D. gigantea ssp. gigantea
D. eremaea formerly D. macrantha ssp. eremaea
D. macrantha formerly D. macrantha ssp. macrantha
D. planchonii formerly D. macrantha ssp. planchonii
D. macrophylla formerly D. macrophylla ssp. macrophylla
D. monantha formerly D. macrophylla ssp. monantha
D. basifolia formerly D. menziesii ssp. basifolia
D. menziesii formerly D. menziesii ssp. menziesii
D. drummondii formerly D. menziesii ssp. penicillaris
D. thysanosepala formerly D. menziesii ssp. thysanosepala
New species (species novus)
D. calycina (microphylla complex)
D. esperensis (microphylla complex)
D. gracilis (peltata complex)
D. hirsuta (macrantha complex)
D. indumenta (macrantha complex)
Species considered synonymous
D. neesii ssp. borealis synonymous to D. neesii ssp. neesii, so now D. neesii