I have a large Enfant Terrible in an eight inch pot. It's completely colonized the pot since spring '14 and I was hoping it would flower but it hasn't yet. The potting media is a blend of long fiber sphagnum, perlite, and orchid bark. The pot is normally in my grow chamber 6" away from two t5 bulbs. The plant is kept wet by filling up the pot every five days or so. While in the grow chamber the leaves get almost two inches across on four inch petioles. This summer I kept the plant outside in a screen tent hoping either the increased light or temperature differentials would trigger the plant to bloom for me. When I put it outside all the leaves burnt off and it sent up a ton of new ones which developed smaller, tougher, and on shorter petioles. No flowers
Any ideas?
U.reniFull by BizarreBotanicals, on Flickr
Any ideas?
U.reniFull by BizarreBotanicals, on Flickr