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Bird problems

Hi folks,

Theres some wretched bird that keeps attacking only my klom viking. It seems to think the pitchers are fruit. How do you all get rid of your bird problems? It pains me to see unopen pitchers get attacked before they even open. And open pitchers too.

hang some CDs around them. that should ward of the birds. good luck!
Man, I love those pitchers... Sorry about the birds... i'm dealing with an arboreal rodent pest problem... they just love to dig up my VFTs...

BTW, I've never seen an reference to an N. viking... is there another name used for it?
Alex -- there's actually a few CDs hanging already. I might have to put a spindle of 10 up at this rate. :(

wmgorum -- the scientific name for viking is globosa. But... viking just sounds cooler :p
cool...thanks for the clarification... I googled it earlier today and figured it out... just didn't know if it was the same plant or not...