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N. ventrata propagation cuttings or division?

I just got a ventrata. It has two large vining stems and 7-9 basals.
I wanted to take stem cuttings, but I was wondering if I should divide some of the basals because they are really crambed together.
will basal division slow it down?
does crowding even matter?
Some people say that basals are a drain on the mother plant, but that's never been my experience. The only time I've had plants with basals die are when the mother was already extremely stressed, I.E. already on the verge of death. I don't think crowding is much of a factor unless you're using small pots. I have some Neps in three- or four-inch diameter pots, but all of my big ones are in 10" square net pots, and they throw up basals and branching stems like crazy. I think the biggest thing to worry about with crowding is light penetration - I did lose one basal on my N. sanguinea group planting when five vines sprang up within the same square inch. The poor thing's leaves could hardly unfurl, and it was shaded from all sides. I assume the mother plant figured it wasn't worth the trouble. But that's the only time I've lost a basal when the cause wasn't obvious and long-term stress.
I think that unpotting the plant to divide up the basals will slow it down more than taking cuttings, but I don't cut or repot my Neps often so that's just an educated guess.
I recently took a gangly (at least) 4 year old plant and made 3 cuttings from it. And then I took the mother plant and put it into a pot. I'm sure I set it back by all that surgery and displacement but there are two green shoot / leaves growing. So.... it certainly has the potential to with stand a bit of hacking.
I would let it grow out if you have the room. My ventrata had 7 growth points when I got it and as the grew I had a great looking nep bush with tons of pitchers. I cut the vines after they grow to 2-4 ft. It hasn't ever slowed in growth.
Very true, zero. Neps are much more resilient and fast-growing when they get into adult growth (vining.)
Thanks everyone! (nep bush w/ tons of pitchers idea gets me exited)